So you might have seen in the last couple of months that you are receiving invites from something called the ITLT committee. Because your GroupWise is always full, you decline the meeting with the hopes that you can send a that important email. Therefore, we decided to introduce ourselves through this infographic to encourage you to attend the Faculty of Humanities (FHUM) ITLT activities.
Who is the Faculty of Humanities ITLT committee?
Innovative Teaching and Learning with Technology (ITLT) is a faculty-led innovative teaching and learning with technology initiative that the North-West University Centre facilitates teaching and learning.
This committee aims to create Communities of Practice (CoP) relating to technology in the humanities; empower lecturers to use innovative teaching and learning strategies, and deepen the institutional understanding of existing innovation and best practice within the Faculty of Humanities.
The Faculty of Humanities consists of three members responsible for planning and arranging sessions, workshops, and other initiatives to create a community that embraces innovation and technology within teaching and learning. Dr Jess Auerbach (Potchefstroom Campus) serve as the coordinator of this committee, while Ms Amantle Mothelesi (Mahikeng Campus) and Mr Koos de Villiers (Vanderbijlpark Campus) support Dr Jess Auerbach as campus innovators. Together as a dream team, we create opportunities for lecturers and staff in the FHUM to form a community that embraces technology integration.
What does the Faculty of Humanities ITLT committee do?
The FHUM ITLT committee creates opportunities for faculty members to meet and share ideas, experiences, and innovations linked to technology. These opportunities can take different formats, from face-to-face sessions, online workshops, show and tell videos, etc. Our dream is to create a space where members would take ownership of the committee and share their positive and negative experiences with technology. Linked to this dream is the hope that, as a community, we can work together to find new and innovative practices and solutions to address the issues pertaining to technology integration in teaching and learning.
When does the Faculty of Humanities ITLT activities take place?
ITLT meetings, workshops and initiatives will be communicated via various communication channels utilized in the Faculty of Humanities. GroupWise appointments, Newsletters and the ITLT portal on the NWU Faculty of Humanities Webpage will all be utilized to share our opportunities with you.
Where does the Faculty of Humanities ITLT activities take place?
The ITLT committee will follow different modes of delivery (online, face-to-face or hybrid) based on the format and outcome of each event, activity, meeting or workshop. Communication will be sent regarding the format of each activity, workshop and meeting through formal Faculty channels.
Why should I attend the Faculty of Humanities ITLT activities?
Within our Faculty, Schools, and even departments, we tend to work in silos. In this regard, innovation and technology that can benefit ourselves, students, and even communities are locked away. By joining the FHUM ITLT activities, we have the opportunity to break the silos and share knowledge between disciplines, departments, schools and even across facilities. In the process, we would also encourage everyone to attend sessions and become active participants who will be willing to share, test, and experiment with technology integration within your teaching and learning. There are various problems and opportunities linked to the integration of technology within teaching and learning. Together we can work to find solutions to problems and embrace the opportunities.
How do I join the Faculty of Humanities ITLT activities?
To join our activities are easy. Look out for GroupWise appointments, Faculty emails, and Faculty newsletters. Alternatively, you can contact your campus innovator to gain more information. We also know that attending synchronous ITLT initiatives or activities; therefore, some of these opportunities will be recorded or even shared in an asynchronous format. All we ask is that you join our community of practice to benefit our faculty.
We look forward to meeting, engaging, innovate and working with you!