Innovative Teaching and Learning

Innovative T&L committee

As we have entered the Fourth Industrial Revolution technology integration in various aspects of our society is becoming an important aspect of our lives. As the Faculty of Humanities we need to not only explore the integration of technology within the humanities, but also investigate the impact of technology integration within our disciplines, communities, and society. Despite the various challenges and opportunities linked to technology integration, one truth we cannot ignore is that it is becoming more important to equip students with the skills and knowledge to navigate the changes brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Welcome to the NWU Faculty of Humanities Innovative Teaching and Learning with Technology (ITLT) committee page. This page will serve as a space where we archive and share various electronic artefacts that will support the Faculty of Humanities staff with technology integration. Although this committee supports the integration of technology to enhance teaching and learning, we also believe that technology integration always needs to be guided by policy, pedagogy, scholarship of teaching and learning, student needs, and student access.

The Faculty of Humanities ITLT committee would like to invite you to become part of our community. As members of this committee, we want you to attend our sessions in which we discuss technology integration within teaching and learning. Our committee would like to celebrate opportunities regarding technology integration, identify challenges, and find solutions to benefit both staff and students. Join us in the journey to excel in innovative learning and teaching and cutting-edge research, thereby benefiting society through knowledge.


About the commitee  Show and Tell


Current committee members 
Mr Koos de Villiers

Prof Jess Auerbach

Me Amantle Mothelesi