Registration Procedure
The registration form follows after the outline of the registration procedure. The registration procedure entails the following three simple steps: (1) the completion and submission of the registration form, (2) the payment of the course fee, and (3) the delivery of the proof of payment at Building F2 Office G05, or alternatively, the electronic sending thereof to
Option 1: Payment on campus
The course fee(s) can be paid at the cashiers in Building F1 (Joon van Rooy Building) in the following cost centre: PC.3C00223.5604. Please provide your initials and surname followed by the relevant course code(s) as your reference.
Option 2: Payment at the bank or via electronic banking services
Bank Name: ABSA
Branch Code: 632005
Account Number: 670642313
Creditor: NWU Potchefstroom (PUK Nr. 3)
Reference: Please provide your initials and surname followed by the relevant course code(s) as a reference.
DO NOT use your university number as reference for then your payment will not be read as such.
(Only if you use ABSA's electronic banking services, should the above reference be provided in the column for "Account Number at NWU Sundry Receipts" as well as in the column for "Account Holder's Name at NWU Sundry Receipts".)
Terms of Registration
Please note that dates are subject to change, and some of the courses have a limit on the amount of participants they can accommodate. The NWU Creativity Centre also reserves the right to cancel a class, in which case registered participants will be reimbursed any monies paid.
Should participants wish to cancel, paid fees will only be reimbursed if cancellation notice is given up to two weeks before a particular offering commences.
Different requirements are set regarding the minimum and maximum number of enrolments for the different offerings by the Creativity Centre. A set number of students must enrol before a short course or workshop can be presented. If all the available places have been filled, no further registrations will be accepted.