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Alumni vorm vennootskap met Loopbaansentrum om studente te bemagtig
Jul 19, 2017 - Vincent Kheswa, Charles Matubule, Keketso Mofokeng en Kagiso Mphachoe is nie net vier onverwante jong mans wat hulle stempel in die werksomgewing afdruk nie. As alumni van die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) se kampus in Vanderbijlpark deel hulle ’n diepgewortelde passie vir hulle alma mater en die opkomende geslag leiers en presteerders. Dié vier…
Alumni partnering up with Career Centre to empower students
May 04, 2017 - Vincent Kheswa, Charles Matubule, Keketso Mofokeng and Kagiso Mphachoe are not just four random young men making their mark in the world of work. As alumni of the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark, they share a deep-rooted passion for their alma mater and the up-and-coming generation of leaders and achievers. These four…
Danish expert sheds light on boredom in the classroom
May 04, 2017 - “The optimism that most children are born with – the joy of learning, playing and simply living when they are small – gradually diminishes for many learners. This happens if they sense that, no matter how much they try to do well in school, they can’t succeed.” These are the words of Prof Hans Henrik Knoop, extraordinary professor at the…
PMR-toekennings: ses in ’n ry vir NWU-Vanderbijlpark
Jul 19, 2017 - Die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) se kampus in Vanderbijlpark het onlangs nóg ’n Professional Management Review (PMR) Diamond Arrow-toekenning gewen. Dit is hierdie jaar die sesde agtereenvolgende toekenning wat die kampus ontvang. Die toekenning is by die PMR-sakeontbyt oorhandig en belangrike besluitnemers, sakelui, lede van die regering,…
PMR Awards: six in a row for NWU Vanderbijlpark
May 05, 2017 - The North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark recently bagged yet another Professional Management Review (PMR) Diamond Arrow Award. This year marks the 6th consecutive award for the campus. The award was handed over at a PMR business breakfast and the event saw top decision makers, businessmen, members of government,…
NWU-kundige: VN se Sekuriteitsraad deur interne magstryde lamgelê
Jul 19, 2017 - Is dit moontlik dat die Verenigde Nasies se Sekuriteitsraad (UNSC) ’n sinnelose forum geraak het vir die bespreking van ernstige menseregtevergrype wat op verskeie plekke in die wêreld plaasvind? Dit is die vraag wat dr Illyayambwa Mwanawina, ’n kundige in streeksintegrasie, internasionale reg, goeie regering en menseregte aan die Noordwes-…
NWU expert: UN Security Council crippled by internal power struggles
May 05, 2017 - Is it possible that the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has become a pointless forum for the discussion of grave human rights breaches occurring in various parts of the world? This is the question Dr Illyayambwa Mwanawina, an expert in regional integration, international law, good governance and human rights at the North-West University…
Teamwork makes the NWU dream work – Prof Linda du Plessis
May 05, 2017 - If teamwork is the ability to marry individual accomplishments to existing institutional goals, then the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark boasts with a dynamic ethos of collegiality and teamwork. This is the sentiment of Prof Linda du Plessis, acting campus rector, when reflecting upon the campus’s most recent…
NWU academic: listening to the sounds of the stars
May 05, 2017 - Prof Thebe Rodney Medupe, an academic from the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Mahikeng presented his inaugural lecture titled “Listening to the sounds of the stars: Molodi wa di naledi” on 4 May 2017 to the Mahikeng community and astronomers alike. Prof Medupe, a South African astrophysicist and astrophysics professor, recalled how…
Innovation in public administration is Prof Hofisi’s motto
May 17, 2018 - It was Albert Einstein who said: “If at first, an idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” Prof Costa Hofisi from the Faculty of Humanities of the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark fully agrees with this statement. During his recent inaugural lecture, he argued the value of such “absurd” ideas, namely innovation…
Double PhD pride for Leoni van der Vaart
May 17, 2018 - Leoni van der Vaart is a dynamic 33-year old researcher who is blazing a trail of excellence – nationally and internationally – in the field of industrial psychology. Leoni received her PhD in industrial psychology during the recent autumn graduation ceremony at the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark. Her PhD is part of a…
NWU host annual Career Fair
May 17, 2018 - The North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Mahikeng hosted an annual Career Fair on 16 May 2018 at the Multi-Purpose Hall. Career fairs provide students the opportunity to understand more about the range of careers in their field of study, to network with interested employers, and to motivate them to engage actively in the process of…
Faculty of Engineering is bridging the gender gap
May 17, 2018 - Innovation is blind to gender and special skills does not allow for prejudice. Nowhere was this more evident than at the third iteration of the Faculty of Engineering at the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Femmegineering workshop. Participants from North West, Gauteng and Free State was shown why a career in engineering might just suit them…
Findings of PhD study to empower Malawian policy-makers
May 18, 2018 - The choice of food security measures has a significant value in identifying the food security status of a household, especially with regard to female-headed households in the South Eastern region of Malawi. This is according to the research findings of Hannah Mayamiko Dunga, who recently obtained her doctoral degree during the Autumn…
Research contributes to the understanding of key sectors contributing to LED
May 18, 2018 - A doctoral research study which is hailed for contributing profoundly to the field of Local Economic Development (LED), has found that community service, trade, construction, finance and electricity sectors would contribute most to economic development and growth in the Limpopo province’s Capricorn region. In his study, Analysis of key…
Proposed financial decision-making model to guard against accounting shames
May 18, 2018 - With the recent accounting disgraces suffered by KPMG and Steinhoff still fresh in South Africans’ minds, Dr Matthys (Thys) Swanepoel from the North-West University’s (NWU’s) School of Accounting Sciences, proposes a new integrated financial decision-making model using the principle of lean accounting. Dr Swanepoel developed the new model as…
Entrepreneurship 101: Grow as you go!
May 18, 2018 - Ask any seasoned entrepreneur and they will tell you: there is no magic recipe for success. Yes, the potential rewards of business ownership are many, but so are the challenges. With this in mind the North-West University’s (NWU’s) bhive Enterprise Development Centre (EDC) – a dynamic entrepreneurial hub within the Faculty of Economic and…
NWU Alumni: Calling all Johannesburg-based alumni
May 21, 2018 - If you graduated from the North-West University (NWU) and live in and around Johannesburg, Gauteng, make sure to diarise 23 May 2018. The university, through its Stakeholder Relations Directorate, will be hosting a social gathering for alumni at the Capital Hotel in Sandhurst, Sandton. The aim of the event is to inform Johannesburg-based…
Short learning programme empowers unemployed youth
May 21, 2018 - The North-West University’s Unit for Continuing Education (UCE), and the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences recently joined forces with the Culture, Art, Tourism, Hospitality, and Sport Sector Education and Training Authority (CATHSSETA) to facilitate a skills training programme within the hospitality sector. The short learning…