Multisite Search
Jun 30, 2017 - Studente wat 'n loopbaan as prokureur oorweeg, kan gerus by een van van die volgende firmas aansoek doen om aan hul vakansieprogramme deel te neem: Adams & Adams - Bowman Gilfillan - Cliffe Dekker…
Regte - Studenteraad
Jun 30, 2017 - [tabs] Mahikengkampus Die Regstudenteraad is 'n statutêre struktuur onder die Mahikengkampus Verteenwoordigende Studenteraad (CSRC). Dit verteenwoordig alle regstudente in die Fakulteit oor sake rakende onderrig en leer en gehalteversekering. Die hoofdoel van hierdie groep is om studente te help om vakke te…
Post Doktorale Studies
Jul 07, 2020 - Dit is moontlik om nadoktorale navorsing in die fakulteit te doen. Die navorsing moet by die Navorsingseenheid vir Reg, Geregtigheid en Volhoubaarheid se navorsingsgebied inpas. Aansoek vir nadoktorale studie Daar word van suksesvolle aansoekers verwag om aan een van die navorsingsprojekte van die navorsingseenheid deel te neem en…
Volume 9
Jul 26, 2021 - SA-eDUC Reviewed Articles Special edition on Assessment Volume 9 Number 1 July 2012 Special issue on Assessment: Editorial introduction Charl Wolhuter (Editor) Assessment in Education in England Tina Isaacs Assessment of schools in Brazil: some reflections Ana Canen Assessment reform in…
Studente plaas NWU onder die allerbestes op ranglys
Sep 20, 2021 - Studente plaas die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) onder die room van die oes van Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite wat studente-ervaring en afkampusleer betref. Dit is volgens die pasvrygestelde StuDocu World University Ranking 2021. Die NWU het ’n indrukwekkende hoë afkampusleer-telling van 9 uit 10 ontvang en is in die algehele vierde plek in die land…
Students rank NWU among the best of the best
Sep 20, 2021 - Students rank the North-West University (NWU) among the cream of the crop of South African universities when it comes to student experience and remote learning. This is according to the newly released StuDocu World University Ranking 2021. The NWU received an impressively high remote-learning score of 9 out of 10 and ranked fourth overall in the…
NWU alumna helps young people to choose the right career paths
Sep 20, 2021 - North-West University’s Mafikeng Campus alumna, Sphiwe Kabini, found that high school students had no way to learn about the opportunities that fit their personality, so she decided to start a mentorship initiative. The 31-year-old, who holds a Bcom in Information Systems, started this initiative early this year after she was called by her mentor…
NWU hosts annual lecture on academic freedom
Sep 21, 2021 - The North-West University (NWU) hosted its annual lecture on academic freedom on 15 September 2021. The lecture was a hybrid event hosted at the NWU’s Council Chambers in Potchefstroom and via the online platform Zoom. The guest speaker for this year’s lecture was Prof. Kwadwo Appiagyei-Atua, an associate professor from the School of Law at the…
Dit is tyd om omgewingsregulasies te laat werk
Sep 22, 2021 - Met oproepe om veiliger, skoner omgewings, stel ’n navorser van die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) voor dat plaaslike regerings bestaande omgewingsregulasies afdwing om ’n beter lewensgehalte vir almal te verseker. Maricélle Botes, wat deel is van die navorsingspan by die Fakulteit Regte se Suid-Afrikaanse navorsingsleerstoel in stede, die reg en…
It’s time to put environmental regulations to work
Sep 22, 2021 - With calls for safer, cleaner environments, a North-West University (NWU) researcher suggests that local governments use and enforce existing environmental regulations to ensure a better quality of life for all. Maricélle Botes, part of the research team at the Faculty of Law's South African Research Chair in Cities, Law and Environmental…
Plante bied inheemse oplossings vir gesondheidsorg
Sep 22, 2021 - Ongeveer 80% van Suid-Afrika se bevolking is vir hulle gesondheidsorgbehoeftes van mediese plante afhanklik, en dit lei tot ’n toenemende belangstelling in die kommersialisering van plantgebaseerde geneesmiddels. Navorsing deur Tshepiso Ndhlovu, ’n PhD-kandidaat aan die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU), gee ons ’n kykie na die potensiaal van…
Plants offer home-grown solutions to healthcare
Sep 22, 2021 - Approximately 80% of South Africa’s population depend on medicinal plants for their healthcare needs, leading to an increased interest in the commercialisation of plant-based remedies. Research by Tshepiso Ndhlovu, a PhD candidate at the North-West University (NWU), is shedding light on the potential of medicinal plants in the skincare market and…
Wespe help om metaalkontaminasie te bepaal
Sep 22, 2021 - Wespe (perdebye) word dikwels as plae beskou, maar hulle kan ’n groot rol in die ekostelsel speel, van bestuiwing totdat hulle ’n skakel in die voedselketting is. ’n Meestersgraadstudent van die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU), Yasfir Tarif Nadat, onderneem ’n studie om te toon hoe wespe besoedeling kan aandui. Sy studie is geïnspireer deur ’n…
Wasps zoom in on metal contamination
Sep 22, 2021 - Wasps are often viewed as pests but they can play a huge role in the ecosystem, from pollination to being a link in the food chain. North-West University (NWU) master’s student Yasfir Tarif Nadat is now undertaking a study to show how wasps can be indicators of pollution. His study is inspired by a paper he and a team of researchers from the NWU…
Hoe gesinne geestesgesondheidsorgkwessies hanteer
Sep 22, 2021 - ’n Hele gesin kan geraak word as ’n gesinslid ’n geestesiekte, gestremdheid of ontwikkelingsagterstand het. Meganismes om die gevolglike stres te hanteer, sluit in om te ontsnap, die situasie te vermy, dit te ontken, of om hulle na godsdiens te wend. Só sê Tshepang Modise, wat ’n meestersgraad in verpleegkunde aan die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU)…
How families cope with mental health care issues
Sep 22, 2021 - The whole family can be affected when living with a family member with a mental disorder, disability or developmental delay. Mechanisms to cope with the resulting stress include escape, avoidance, denial or looking to religion. This is according to Tshepang Modise, nursing science master’s graduate at North-West University (NWU). Tshepang…
Oestersampioene kan bruin seegras ’n voedingsryke opsie vir inheemse hoenders maak
Sep 22, 2021 - Bruin seegras is bekend daarvoor dat dit ’n ryk bron van minerale soos kalsium, mangaan, kalium, natrium, fosfor, swael en yster is. Voeg oestersampioene by hierdie mengsel en die resultaat kan ’n baie voedingryke bron van voer vir inheemse hoenders wees. So redeneer Godfrey Mhlongo ’n PhD-student in dieregesondheid by die Noordwes-Universiteit (…