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Study into large-scale potential to store renewable hydrogen
Sep 22, 2021 - Power fluctuations sometimes associated with renewable energy resources could become a thing of the past through research under way at the North-West University (NWU) on new and better ways to store hydrogen. The HySA Centre of Competence (Coc) at the NWU explains the storage problem as follows: Electrical energy produced from renewable energy…
Studie oor grootskaalse potensiaal om hernubare waterstof te stoor
Sep 22, 2021 - Navorsing wat tans by die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) uitgevoer word oor nuwe en beter maniere om waterstof te stoor, kan daartoe lei dat kragfluktuasies wat soms met hernubare energiebronne geassosieer word iets van die verlede word. Die HySA-bevoegdheidsentrum by die NWU verduidelik die stoorprobleem soos volg: Elektriese energie wat…
Rekeningkundige Wetenskappe - Tuis
Nov 09, 2021 - Die Noordwes-Universiteit bied programme, ontwerp vir studente wat graag geoktrooieerde rekenmeesters, professionele rekenmeesters of bestuursrekenmeesters wil word, op drie kampusse, naamlik die Mahikengkampus geleë in Mahikeng, die Potchefstroomkampus en die Vanderbijlparkkampus, Forensiese Rekenmeesterskap word ook in Potchefstroom aangebied…, Studierigtings (Kwalifikasies), Hierdie is een van die Universiteit se vlagskipprogramme, wat geakkrediteerd is by die South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA). Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesterskap Hierdie professioneel-geakkrediteerde program is ontwerp om studente toe te rus met kennis en vaardighede om professionele rekenmeesters in openbare praktyk en besigheid te…
Sydwell’s ideas mushroom into commercial success
Nov 10, 2021 - Universities across the country are producing ground-breaking research with great economic potential, but often the question is how this can be translated into commercial enterprises. To address this issue, the North-West University (NWU) recently hosted a webinar titled “Mushrooming of ideas: Converting a postgraduate study into a commercial…
NWU’S Vanderbijlpark Campus hosts a crime summit
Nov 11, 2021 - The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Vanderbijlpark Campus recently hosted a crime summit to discuss the university’s safety initiatives. The summit, organised by Protection Services, took place in a blended format, and was aptly themed “Act against crime together”. The event came against the backdrop of the NWU being ranked the safest…
NWU honorary doctorate pledges to sponsor students
Nov 11, 2021 - Dr Keith Bothongo, the first black South African to be registered as a property valuer and a recent recipient of an honorary doctorate degree from the North-West University (NWU), pledged to sponsor 10 NWU students per year for 2020 and 2021. Dr Bothongo committed to sponsor students in the fields of agriculture, veterinary and zoology studies…
Atletiekklub vier prestasies
Nov 11, 2021 - “Dit is die eerste atletiekfunksie in twee jaar,” sê Terseus Liebenberg – eweneens verlig en opgewonde – in die atletiekklubhuis op die Fanie du Toit-sportterrein. Terseus, atletiekbestuurder van die atletiekklub op die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) se Potchefstroomkampus sê dit was ’n buitengewone jaar vir atletiek by die universiteit. “Vyf…
Athletics club celebrates achievements
Nov 11, 2021 - “This is the first athletics function in two years,” says Terseus Liebenberg – equally relieved and excited – in the athletics clubhouse on the Fanie du Toit Sports Grounds. Terseus, the athletics manager at the athletics club on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Potchefstroom Campus, says that this was an exceptional year for athletics at the…
Medelye met die afsterwe van FW de Klerk
Nov 11, 2021 - Dit is met hartseer dat die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) verneem van oud-President FW de Klerk se afsterwe. Wyle president De Klerk het as regstudent en later as kanselier van die voormalige Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys (PU vir CHO, nou NWU) diep spore by die universiteit gelaat. Sy nalatenskap as staatsman, Nobel…
Condolences on FW de Klerk passing away
Nov 11, 2021 - It is with sadness that the North-West University (NWU) has learned of the passing of former President FW de Klerk. As law student and later as chancellor of the former Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education (PU for CHE, now NWU), the late President de Klerk left a huge footprint at the university. His legacy as statesman, Nobel…
NWU honours medical pioneer
Nov 11, 2021 - The North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Mahikeng conferred an honorary doctorate to seasoned cardiologist, author and academic, Prof Kubedi Patrick Mokhobo, during its recent spring graduation ceremony. Prof Mokhobo is credited for being the first African cardiologist in African countries such as Swaziland, Lesotho and South Africa., as…
Resignation of the principal and vice-chancellor, Prof Dan Kgwadi
Nov 12, 2021 - It is with mixed feelings that the NWU announces the resignation of Prof Dan Kgwadi who has accepted the position of vice-chancellor of the Vaal University of Technology. Although we join him in the celebration of his new endeavor, we are sad to lose him. Prof Kgwadi has played a crucial role in the transformation journey and the success of…
Suid-Afrika se staatsfinansies bly in veilige hande
Nov 12, 2021 - “In ’n deurdagte beleidsevaluering in sy eerste mediumtermynbegrotingbeleidsverklaring (MTBBV) deur die Minister van Finansies, Enoch Godongwana, bevestig hy dat Suid-Afrika se staatsfinansies steeds in veilige hande is en dat daar breë kontinuïteit in die fiskale beleid sal wees.” Prof Raymond Parsons, ekonoom van die Besigheidskool van die…
South Africa’s public finances remain in safe hands
Nov 12, 2021 - “In a measured policy assessment by the Minister of Finance, Enoch Godongwana, in his first Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) he confirms that South Africa’s public finances remain in safe hands and that there will be broad continuity in fiscal policy.” Prof Raymond Parsons, economist from the Business School of the North-West…
NWU engineers shine bright
Nov 15, 2021 - The North-West University (NWU) is constantly striving towards academic excellence and producing graduates who are fit and ready to create groundbreaking moves within their respective industries. Two NWU industrial engineering graduates, Josua Olivier Wesch and Eduan Hugo, recently received recognition at the Southern African Institute for…
Reflections on the 2021 local government elections
Nov 15, 2021 - The 2021 local government elections are a story of a democracy in crisis, says Naledi Modise, lecturer at the North-West University’s (NWU’s) School of Government Studies. The elections that took place on 1 November were characterised by low voter turnout and high levels of voter apathy. When the votes were tallied, there were 64 hung…
NWU joins forces with Black Lawyers Association to deliver market-ready litigators
Nov 16, 2021 - The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Faculty of Law and the Black Lawyers Association Legal Education Centre (BLA-LEC) has committed to producing market-ready lawyers through a memorandum of agreement signed on 11 November 2021. The agreement, signed at the NWU’s Mahikeng Campus is for a period of three years. The primary aim is to assist…
Liezl is terug en sterker as ooit
Sep 29, 2021 - Sy is terug. Maar tog anders. Sy is nie meer dieselfde Liezl Gouws nie. Japan het haar verander. Dit het sowat 100 km weg van die skadu van Berg Fuji en sy sneeubedekte kroon gebeur. Elke druppel sweet wat van haar afgetap het is verruil vir wysheid en ervaring. Liezl (23) het onlangs by die Paralimpiese Spele in Tokio, Japan vyfde in die T37-…
Liezl is back and stronger than ever
Sep 29, 2021 - She is back. But different. She is no longer the same Liezl Gouws. Japan has changed her. It happened about 100 km away from the shadow of Mount Fuji and its snow-capped crown. Every drop of sweat was exchanged for wisdom and experience. Liezl (23) recently ended fifth in the T37 final of the 400 m at the Paralympics in Tokyo, Japan. It was the…