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Buitengewone Aanstellings
Nov 18, 2020 - Dr Marié-Luce Kühn Dr Marié-Luce Kühn, Dr Marié-Luce Kühn, Focus Area: Competitive intelligence Designation: Extraordinary research scientist Extraordinary research scientist in the TRADE research focus area Marié-Luce Kühn is a founder and director of research company, IBIS Business and Information Services. She obtained her BA and BA (Hons) degrees from Stellenbosch University and completed her Master…, Ms Ali Parry, Focus Area: International Trade Designation: Director: Trade Matters Ali Parry is the director of Trade Matters (Pty) Ltd, a company providing research, consulting and writing/editing services, with a special focus on economic development and international trade. Previously, she was an executive director of the International Trade Institute of…, Prof Riaan Rossouw, Focus Area: Micro-economics Designation: Extraordinary associate professor: School of Economics Riaan Rossouw is a micro-economist with more than ten years' consulting, research and teaching experience. As an extraordinary associate professor in the School of Economics at the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus), he has wide-ranging…, Prof Peet Strydom, Focus Area: Strategic research Designation: Extraordinary professor: School of Economics Peet Strydom is an extraordinary professor at the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus). He studied at the North-West University in Potchefstroom, the Free University in Amsterdam and the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, with his main focus areas…, Prof Raymond Parsons, Focus Area: Special policy advice Designation: Professor: NWU School of Business and Governance Raymond Parsons is a professor at the North-West University School of Business and Governance and an extraordinary professor in the TRADE research focus area. He studied economics at the Universities of Cape Town, Oxford and Copenhagen, and holds an…, Prof Ludo Cuyvers, Focus Area: International trade, export promotion, Asian economic development, globalisation. Designation: Extraordinary professor Ludo Cuyvers is an extraordinary professor at the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus) and emeritus professor at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. He has published widely in international peer-reviewed…, Prof Zerihun Gudeta Alemu, Focus Area: Agricultural economics, econometrics, applied time series, economic policy analysis Designation: Extraordinary Associate , Dr Clive Coetzee, Focus Area: Economic Policy Analysis, Applied time-series econometrics, Spatial Economics, Free Market Economics Dr Clive Coetzee is an extraordinary research scientist in the TRADE research focus area at the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus) and the Chief Director Infrastructure Management and Economic Services at Provincial Treasury…
Toets MHM
Nov 18, 2020 - , Opskrif, Bullet Bullet Link
Oor Ons
Apr 06, 2017 - Die bladsy sal binnekort opgedateer word...
Feb 20, 2020 - [accordion] Oorsig Historiese studies van die Kerk, haar dogmatiek en Kerkorde. Toelatingsvereistes Kontak asseblief vir Plekke van aanbieding Potchefstroom, Mahikeng en Vanderbijlpark Loopbaanmoontlikhede GKSA-bediening AGS-bediening Charismatiese kerke…
Feb 20, 2020 - [accordion] Oorsig Historiese studies van die Kerk, haar dogmatiek en Kerkorde. Toelatingsvereistes Kontak asseblief vir Plekke van aanbieding Potchefstroom, Mahikeng en Vanderbijlpark Loopbaanmoontlikhede GKSA-bediening AGS-bediening Charismatiese kerke…
Feb 20, 2020 - [accordion] Oorsig Die studie van en uitreik na mense vanuit verskillende agtergronde en lewensuitkyke wat nie met God of sy Woord bekend is nie, en om hulle op 'n simpatieke, apologetiese en holistiese manier te benader en hulle vrae en sieninge oor die standpunt van die Gospel te beantwoord. Toelatingsvereistes…
Nuwe Testament
Feb 20, 2020 - .title-heading { display: none; } [accordion] Oorsig Die studie van eksegetiese, hermeneutiese en openbaring van historiese aspekte van die Nuwe Testament. Toelatingsvereistes Kontak asseblief vir Plekke van aanbieding Potchefstroom Sal…
Ou Testament
Feb 20, 2020 - .title-heading { display: none; } [accordion] Oorsig Die studie van eksegetiese, hermeneutiese en openbaring van historiese aspekte van die Ou Testament. Toelatingsvereistes Kontak asseblief vir Plekke van aanbieding Potchefstroom Sal binnekort in Mahikeng en Vanderbijlpark…
Praktiese Teologie
Feb 20, 2020 - .title-heading { display: none; } [accordion] Oorsig "Practical theology, as its name implies, is the study of theology in a way that is intended to make it useful or applicable. Another way of saying it is that it is the study of theology so that it can be used and is relevant to everyday concerns." www.…