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ICIL 2019 - Accomodation
Dec 12, 2023 - Hotels, Emerald Resort and Casino (8 min, 6.2 km from venue) Lord Signature Hotel (19 min, 18. 9 km via R59 from the venue) Riverside Sun (12 min, 7.6 km from venue) Riviera on Vaal Hotel (11 min, 12.2 km from venue), Guest Houses, 4B on Delius Str (9 min, 6.2 km) Aalwyns Guesthouse (8 min, 5.6 km) Aark Guest House (5 min, 4.2 km from venue) Asante Guest House (5 min, 4.1 km from venue) At Olive Guest House (6 min, 4.4 km from venue) Beethoven's Guest Lodge (9 min, 6.4 km) Dezo Guest House (4 min, 3.7 km from venue) Elephant Lodge Quest House (11 min, 8.1 km) Emfuleni…
ICIL 2019 - Excursions
Dec 12, 2023 - Excursions: 27 September 2019, Please note: The excursion is not included in your registration fee. Excursion fees include the entrance fee and the shuttle to the venue. Excursion fees do not include food and beverages. They will be available at all the venues for your pocket. If, for any reason, there are not enough participants, the trip will be cancelled, and you will…
ICIL 2019 - Registration
Dec 12, 2023 - Registration Fees, Early Bird Before July 16, 2019 Regular Between July 16 - September 16, 2019 Day Registration Between August 1 - September 16, 2019 Regular ZAR 5 000 ***CLOSED*** ZAR 5 500 ***CLOSED*** ZAR 1400 ***CLOSED*** Student ZAR 4 000 ***CLOSED*** ZAR 4 500 ***CLOSED*** ZAR 1125***CLOSED***, Invoice, In order for us to issue you with an invoice, your institution/company needs to have a customer code at North-West University. If you do not have a customer code please complete the application for a customer code form before you continue with the registration form. The registration form will request this code from you if you require an invoice.…, Registration form ***CLOSED***, Submit your ICIL-South Africa 2019 registration via the online registration form. The participation fee includes the conference program and materials, lunches, coffees, Cocktail function and Gala dinner. Please note that the excursion is not included in the conference registration fee., Day Registration form ***CLOSED***, Submit your ICIL-South Africa 2019 day registration via the online registration form. The participation fee includes the conference program and materials, lunches and coffees. The Cocktail function, Gala dinner and excursion are not included., Payment options, Bank deposit or transfer Bank name: ABSA Account Holder name: North West University Account name: NWU Diverse Bank Address: 94 Steve Biko Street, Potchefstroom, 2531, South Africa Bank Account number: 67 064 2313 Branch Code: 632005 Branch Name: Absa Tom Street Swift Code: ABSAZAJJ Reference: ICIL-Surname and Initials or ICIL-Customer code…, North-West University staff registrations, Register to attend the conference . A copy of your registration request will be sent to you in order to apply for the Skills Development Fund. Apply for Skills Development funds. Send proof of payment to Me Yvonne Engelbrecht at, Payment and Cancellation Policy, The registration of participation is binding. If you have to cancel the registration, you get 80% back until 30 days before the start of the event. In all other cases, the financial responsibilities of the participants remain fully effective. The participation fees are owed upon registration and are payable within 7 days following submission of…
ICIL 2019 - Submissions
Dec 12, 2023 - PDF of conference programme Guidelines for presenters and session chairs, ***CLOSED***,
ICIL 2019 - Cocktail Function & Gala Dinner
Dec 12, 2023 - 23 September 2019: Official Opening and Cocktail Function, The cocktail function is included in the registration fee for the registrant. A registrant may bring a companion to the Cocktail function at an additional price of R260. Time: 17:00 Venue: The Lapa Dress code: Casual Cash bar available., 24 September 2019: Gala Dinner, The gala dinner is included in the registration fee for the registrant. A registrant may bring a companion to the Gala dinner at an additional fee of R350. Time: 18:00 Venue: The Lapa Dress code: Traditional / Semi-formal Cash bar available.
ICIL 2019 - Presentations
Dec 12, 2023 - Alice Olije Odu & Dr Madely du Preez - Library users information seeking behaviour using mobile technologies: a literature review Ditibane LT, Chanza MM & Motjolopane I - Factors influencing Information Literacy Development and Community Engagement in Rural Schools of North West Province, Mahikeng Felix Chisoni - Cascading Informaiton…, , Undergraduate academic information literacy skills – exploring optimal training for the Internet and social media Prof. Irina Zhilavskaya - Future of Media and Information Literacy: Russian perspective Prof. Jako Olivier - Information ethics literacy for self-directed multimodal learning through open educational resources Prof. Karin de Jager -…, Conference Photos, Available on our Facebook page in the Photos>ICIL2019 folder., Sister Conference, European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL) ICIL-Sponsors
International Conference on Information Literacy (ICIL) 2022
Dec 12, 2023 - Prof Jeffrey Mphahlele Prof Jeffrey Mphahlele, Welcome, On behalf of the University Management, it is with immense pleasure and privilege to extend my collegial and warmest welcome to all delegates of the 2nd ICIL-Africa 2022, attending this meeting either in-person or virtually. The North-West University (NWU) is a public higher education institution in South Africa boasting three campuses - two in…, Welcome, Welcome to our second International Conference on Information Literacy better known as ICIL-AFRICA, which will be hosted by the North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa. We are very excited that we will be able to host this conference again following a period of uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic. ICIL is a sister conference to the…, Conference Theme, Information Literacy in the Fourth Industrial Revolution., Conference Aim, The ICIL-SA 2022 conference aims to bring together researchers, library and information services professionals, employers, media specialists, educators, policymakers and all other related parties from around the world to exchange knowledge and experience and to discuss recent developments and current challenges in both theory and practice., Submission Types, Individual papers and posters Proposals for both papers and posters are welcome. Abstracts of no more than 300 words including references for papers or posters should be submitted on the conference website. Papers will be 20 minutes with 10 minutes for discussion and questions. PechaKucha These sessions will cover work-in-progress reports, new…, General Conference Topics, Information literacy (IL) in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) sphere Information literacy: Blended learning multi-literacies Information literacy: Sustainable blended multi-literacies From information literacy to multi-literacies Wikipedia and information literacy Data, information and knowledge literacy Information literacy and digital…, Conference Series, ICIL 2019 ICIL 2022 ICIL 2024 ICIL 2024, Sister Conference, European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL), Conference Photos, Available on our Facebook page in the Photos>Albums>ICIL2022 folder. , Important Dates, Conference date: 11 - 14 October 2022 ICIL 2022 First call for papers First call for papers: 11 March 2022 Submissions open: 25 March 2022 Second Call for Papers - ICIL 2022 Second call for papers: 11 April 2022 Submissions close: Extended to 25 July 2022 Reviews: 16 May - 5 August 2022 Feedback on abstracts: From 15 July - 10 August 2022…, Important Documents, ICIL Programme 2022 PDF of conference programme Book of abstracts Book of abstracts ICIL 2022 Guidelines for presenters and chairs Guidelines for presenters and session chairs ICIL 2022 Sponsors
ICIL 2022 - Contact
Dec 12, 2023 - Louise Vos (Library and Information Service: Senior Manager Outreach, Projects and Quality) Organising Committee Hendra Pretorius (Library and Information Service: Director Client Services) Organising Committee Carine Basson (Library and Information Service: Shared Services) Logistics Committee…
ICIL 2022 - Registration
Dec 12, 2023 - Registration Fees, Early Bird Before August 31, 2022 Regular Between September 1 - September 23, 2022 Day Registration Between September 1 - September 23, 2022 Regular In-person ZAR 4500 ***CLOSED*** ZAR 5000 ***CLOSED*** ZAR 1400 ***CLOSED*** Regular Online ZAR 1500 ***CLOSED*** ZAR 2000 ***CLOSED*** ZAR 800 ***CLOSED*** Student In-person ZAR 3500 ***CLOSED***…, Invoice, In order for us to issue you with an invoice, your institution/company needs to have a customer code at North-West University. If you do not have a customer code please complete the application for a customer code form before you continue with the registration form. The registration form will request this code from you if you require an invoice.…, Registration form , Submit your ICIL-South Africa 2022 registration via the online Registration form. The participation fee includes the conference program and materials, lunches, coffees, Cocktail function and Gala dinner. Please note that the excursion is not included in the conference registration fee., Day Registration form, Submit your ICIL-South Africa 2022 day registration via the online Day Registration form. The participation fee includes the conference program and materials, lunches and coffees. Please note that the Cocktail function, Gala dinner and excursion are not included., Payment options, Bank deposit or transfer Bank name: ABSA Account Holder name: North-West University Account name: NWU Diverse Bank Address: 94 Steve Biko Street, Potchefstroom, 2531, South Africa Bank Account number: 67 064 2313 Branch Code: 632005 Branch Name: Absa Tom Street Swift Code: ABSAZAJJ Reference: ICIL-Surname and Initials or ICIL-Customer code…, North-West University staff registrations, Register to attend the conference. A copy of your registration request will be sent to you in order to apply for the Skills Development Fund. Apply for Skills Development funds. Send proof of payment to Carine Basson at ., Payment and Cancellation Policy, The registration of participation is binding. If you have to cancel the registration, you get 80% back until 30 days before the start of the event. In all other cases, the financial responsibilities of the participants remain fully effective. The participation fees are owed upon registration and are payable within 7 days following submission of…
ICIL 2022 - Conference Programme
Dec 12, 2023 - ICIL Programme 2022 PDF of conference programme Book of abstracts Book of abstracts Guidelines for presenters and session chairs ICIL 2022 Feedback vorm , Presentation types, Keynotes: a 45-minute presentation with 15 minutes for discussion/questions Papers/Doctoral forum: 20-minute presentation with 10 minutes for discussion/questions PechaKucha: 6-minutes, 40 seconds presentation with 10 minutes for remarks/questions [The last 5 minutes of the sessions will be used to move between rooms.], Programme, , Monday 10 October 2022, 15:00 - 17:00 Registration can already be done in the foyer of the Ferdinand Postma Library [Building E7] 15:00 - 16:00 Inaugural meeting of ICIL Standing Committee [Ferdinand Postma Library (Building E7), Committee Room (Room 111) or via MS Teams] 16:00 - 17:00 Arrival cocktail [Ferdinand Postma Library (Building E7), Besembos (Room G22)] Tour…, Tuesday 11 October 2022, 8:00 Registration Coffee/tea [Building E8, Foyer] 9:00 Chairperson: Dr Matt Moyo , Chief Director: Library and Information Service (North-West University) [Building E8, Room G42] Welcoming address: Prof Jeffrey Mphahlele , Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Innovation (North-West University) 9:30 National keynote: Prof. Johannes Cronjé Topic…, Lunch , [Building E8, Foyer] Chairperson: Prof. Bosire Onyancha 13:30 International keynote: Prof. Judith Mavodza Title: Impact of Digital Transformation on 4.0 Age Academic Library Services (Paper) Abstract: This presentation addresses the transformation or metamorphosis that is happening in academic library services. The integration of digital…, Wednesday 12 October 2022, 8:00 Registration Coffee/tea [Building E8, Foyer] Chairperson: Prof. Judith Mavodza, Zayed University 9:00 National keynote: Prof. Bosire Onyancha Title: Conceptualizing computer literacy, digital literacy, media literacy and information literacy: an informetric perspective using journals of publications (Paper) Abstract: The era of the…, Thursday 13 October 2022, 8:00 Registration Coffee/tea [Building E8, Foyer] Chairperson: Dr Brenda van Wyk, University of Pretoria 9:00 International keynote speaker: Prof. Mary Sengati-Zimba Title: Building a Sustainable Information Literacy Program across the university in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution (Paper) Abstract: This presentation focuses on…, Closing ceremony, 13:30 - 14:30 Lunch [Building E8, Foyer] 14:30 Conference ends!, Friday 14 October 2022, Optional excursions
ICIL 2022 - Speakers
Dec 08, 2023 - International Keynote Speakers, Prof. Judith Mavodza Prof. Judith Mavodza Prof. Judith Mavodza, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Judith Mavodza is Associate Professor and Assistant Director for Public Services at Zayed University, Dubai. Areas of research interest include Reference and Information Skills Instruction, education and PD of librarians, marketing and…, National Keynote Speakers, Prof. Bosire Onyancha Prof. Bosire Onyancha Prof. Bosire Onyancha, Department of Information Science, University of South Africa Omwoyo Bosire Onyancha is a Research Professor at the Department of Information Science, University of South Africa. Prof Onyancha was the Head of the Department of Information Science, University of South Africa, from…
ICIL 2022 - Submissions
Dec 12, 2023 - ICIL Programme 2022 PDF of conference programme Book of abstracts Book of abstracts Guidelines for presenters and session chairs, ***CLOSED***,
ICIL 2022 - Committees
Dec 12, 2023 - , Conference Organizing Committee, Dr Mathew Moyo (Chair) Hendra Pretorius (Co-chair) Dr. Ellen Materechera Andre Gouws Dr Tiyani Mabunda Ntobeko Sikhakhane Neli Kaunda Louise Vos Carine Basson Cecil Gaza Elize van Eldik Vukosi Manthosi, Programme Committee, Dr Ellen Materechera (Chair) Andre Gouws (Co-chair) Dr Natasha Ravyse Dr. Nolukhanyo Metula Mamohlotlo Mothiba Dr. Nomasomi Morule Theo Ngake Dr Quatro Mgogo, Logistics Committee, Carine Basson (Chair) Thoko Tswaile Henriëtte Groenewald Helet Swanepoel Jo-Ann Manotwane Gerda Beukman Suzette Jansen van Rensburg, Fundraising Committee, Ntobeko Sikhakhane (Chair) Adri Jansen (Co-chair) Martin Nokoane Alta Victor, Marketing Committee, Louise Vos (Chair) Helet Swanepoel Maphefo Maake Lezelle Snyman, IT & Web Committee, Cecil Gasa (Chair) Elize van Eldik (Co-Chair) Lizwi Njani Lucas van den Heever
Dec 14, 2023 - .views-row-odd.col-sm-6 { clear: both; margin-bottom:20px; } .views-row-even.col-sm-6 { margin-bottom:20px; } Direkteur: Prof dr FP (Ferdi) Kruger (C2 - NNS-gegradeerde navorser) Senior Administratiewe Assistent: Me WE (Elmien) Scott Personeel: 25 voltydse akademiese personeel Akademici van verskeie akademiese…
Dec 14, 2023 - .views-row-odd.col-sm-6 { clear: both; margin-bottom:20px; } .views-row-even.col-sm-6 { margin-bottom:20px; } Director: Prof Dr FP (Ferdi) Kruger (C2 - NRF-rated researcher) Senior Administrative Assistant: Ms WE (Elmien) Scott Personnel: 25 fulltime academic personnel Academics from various academic institutions,…
NRF-iThemba LABS Reaffirms Relationship with NWU
Dec 15, 2023 - The National Research Foundation’s Vision 2030 articulates its commitment to contribute to the betterment of society through research and development. This entails concerted efforts to facilitate, and contribute to, the transformation of spaces, an intentional focus on impact, an unwavering commitment to excellence, and continued investment in…Prof Gafane-Matemane is aangestel as 'n medeprofessor in Fisiologie by HART en het 'n Y-gradering van die Nasionale Navorsingstigting. Haar navorsing fokus op die renien-angiotensien-aldosteroonsisteem (RAAS) en hipertensie in bevolkings van Afrika-afkoms. Sy is 'n genoot van die International Society of Hypertension (ISHF) en die Departement van…
Lebo (LF) Gafane-Matemane
Dec 07, 2023 - Prof Gafane-Matemane is aangestel as 'n medeprofessor in Fisiologie by HART en het 'n Y-gradering van die Nasionale Navorsingstigting. Haar navorsing fokus op die renien-angiotensien-aldosteroonsisteem (RAAS) en hipertensie in bevolkings van Afrika-afkoms. Sy is 'n genoot van die International Society of Hypertension (ISHF) en die Departement van…Prof Wayne Smith is 'n medeprofessor binne die Hipertensie in Afrika-navorsingspan aan die Noordwes-Universiteit en die Sub-temaleier: Ontdekkingswetenskap. Hy het 'n Y-2-gradering van die Nasionale Navorsingstigting en is die hoofondersoeker van die EndoAfrica-NWU-studie. Hy is 'n lid en vorige raadslid van die Fisiologiese Vereniging van Suider-…