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Celebrating International Mother Language Day
Feb 19, 2024 - There are more than 37 trillion cells in the human body. Some of them are similar, some have small variations and others are uniquely different. They have different functions, they serve different purposes. But, together they make you … well, you. What has this to do with International Mother Language Day, which will be celebrated on 21 February?…Shaheda Khota is a lecturer in Psychology at the Vanderbijlpark Campus at North-West University. Her research interests include psychological disorders, assessments and therapy specifically in relation to children. She is registered as a Clinical Psychologist.
Shaheda Khota
Jan 31, 2024 - Shaheda Khota is a lecturer in Psychology at the Vanderbijlpark Campus at North-West University. Her research interests include psychological disorders, assessments and therapy specifically in relation to children. She is registered as a Clinical Psychologist.Mr Christiaan Bekker is a junior lecturer in the Psychology Department of the North-West University, Vanderbijlpark Campus, South Africa. He was appointed in 2013. Christiaan is a researcher in the sub-programme “Flourishing in Institutions” within the Optentia Research Focus Area. He works within the research project entitled “Boredom in academic…
Christiaan Bekker
Jan 31, 2024 - Mr Christiaan Bekker is a junior lecturer in the Psychology Department of the North-West University, Vanderbijlpark Campus, South Africa. He was appointed in 2013. Christiaan is a researcher in the sub-programme “Flourishing in Institutions” within the Optentia Research Focus Area. He works within the research project entitled “Boredom in academic…I am a registered Research Psychologist, and have completed a PhD in Psychology. My research interest is in resilience. I want to understand how young South African girls cope well with risk filled lives. Also, I am interested in exploring resilience in the face of ambiguous loss. Not only to understand resilience processes, but to understand how…
Tamlynn Jefferis
Jan 31, 2024 - I am a registered Research Psychologist, and have completed a PhD in Psychology. My research interest is in resilience. I want to understand how young South African girls cope well with risk filled lives. Also, I am interested in exploring resilience in the face of ambiguous loss. Not only to understand resilience processes, but to understand how…
PURE (Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology) Studie
Aug 19, 2020 - Daar was merkbare verandering in die voorkoms van nie-oordraagbare siektes (NOS) soos oorgewig, diabetes en kardiovaskulêre siektes (KVS) oor die laaste paar jaar in beide die ontwikkelde en die ontwikkelende wêreld. Die epidemie van kroniese NOS is egter besig om te skuif van ontwikkelde lande na ontwikkelende lande. Na…
Kontak Ons
Feb 01, 2024 - Skooldirekteur: Chemiese en Mineraal Ingenieurswese Ms Nthabiseng Leokaoke 018 299 1998 NWU, Potchefstroom Campus, Building N1, Room 149A Navorsingsdirekteur Prof Hein Neomagus 018 299 1991 NWU, Potchefstroom Campus, Building N1A, Room 147 Voorgraadse Administrateur…
Missiologiese Perspektiewe
Feb 01, 2024 - Fokus: Die verstaan van en uitreik na mense uit verskillende agtergronde met verskillende lewensbeskouings wat nie die Here of sy Woord ken nie, en om op ʼn simpatieke apologetiese en holistiese manier hulle vrae en beskouings vanuit die evangelie te beantwoord Subprogramleier: Prof Rudy Denton e-pos: Doelwitte: Om die…
Missiological Perspectives
Feb 01, 2024 - Focus: The understanding and reaching out to people from different backgrounds with different philosophies of life, who do not know the Lord or his Word, and to have a sympathetic apologetic and holistic way to answer their questions and views from the Gospel Subprogramme leader: Prof Rudy Denton e-mail: Objectives: To…
NWU's Technology Transfer and Innovation Support Office sets the stage for a pioneering 2024
Feb 01, 2024 - By Vukosi Mathale As we step into the year 2024, the North-West University (NWU) Technology Transfer and Innovation Support (TTIS) Office is gearing up for an exciting year of collaboration with researchers eager to extend the reach of their research beyond academia. The TTIS plays an important role in assisting researchers in translating their…
NWU se Tegnologie-oordrag en Innovasie-ondersteuningskantoor maak gereed vir ’n baanbreker-2024
Feb 01, 2024 - Terwyl ons die jaar 2024 aanpak, is die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) se Tegnologie-oordrag en Innovasie-ondersteuningskantoor (TTIS-kantoor) besig om vir ’n opwindende jaar van samewerking voor te berei, met navorsers wat gretig is om die reikwydte van hulle navorsing verder as die akademie te laat strek. Die TTIS speel ’n belangrike rol in die…
Netbal sweef en floreer by die NWU
Feb 01, 2024 - Dit is ’n vlugvoetige dans en balle wat met sierlike boë deur die lug vlieg. Dit is ’n tapisserie van spanwerk, saamgeweef deur drade van meedoënlose aanvalle en rotsvaste verdediging. Netbal is ’n sport soos geen ander nie, en een wat die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) bemeester het. Dit was weer eens duidelik uit die magdom NWU-spelers wat vir die…
Netball is flying and flourishing at the NWU
Feb 01, 2024 - It is a dance of swift feet and balls travelling in soaring arcs. It is a tapestry of teamwork, sewn together by threads of unrelenting attacks and staunch defence. Netball is a sport like no other, and one the North-West University (NWU) has mastered. This was again evident from the selection of a host of NWU players for the national netball…
Martiné Jordaan trek Protea-keurders se aandag
Feb 02, 2024 - Sy is allermins ’n hemelbesem, en op die netbalbaan word sy dikwels deur wolkekrabbers omring. Hart en durf word egter nie in sentimeters gemeet nie, en die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) se Martiné Jordaan is ʼn vuurvreter op die baan soos min. Selfs so dat sy die keurders van die Protea-span se oog gevang het, en van 22 tot 28 Januarie was sy deel…