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Student Chapter
Jan 22, 2024 - The Student Academic Chapter (SAC) consists of senior students from the faculty, serving as representatives for fellow faculty students. Also known as "Ingenium," our SAC functions as a bridge connecting students to the faculty, addressing any concerns or questions, offering guidance, and arranging events for current and…
Links to video presentations
Sep 29, 2020 - .time { width: 20%; } .key { width: 5%; } .biomass-energy { background-color: #C2DDB9; } .techno-ec { background-color: #FDE0D9; } .clean-coal { background-color: #C0C0C0; } .carbon-capture { background-color: #E1F4E6; } .solar-energy { background-color: #F4E0BB; } .wind { background-color: #d4e6f2; } .electricity-grid {…
Sep 10, 2020 - EPPEI The Eskom Power Plant Engineering Institute (EPPEI) was established in 2012 and offers opportunities for research and post-graduation education in the power industry. Academic specialists at six leading universities, together with eight universities of technology in South Africa, work together with industry specialists…
Aug 10, 2021 - Research within the specialisation centre is done in three main fields with collaboration between the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering. These three fields are namely: Emissions Quantification and Impact Assessment Criteria Pollutants (Particulate matter, SOx, and NOx) and mercury emissions…
Sep 11, 2020 - Partnerships EDF Ekoserwis, Poland EDF Ekoserwis is a company in Poland that specialises in the use of Coal Combustion Products (CCP) that are derived from the power plant industry. In the past, the Emissions Control SC and Ekoserwis have started to collaborate on the…
Sep 11, 2020 - Current students André Jacobs Kinetic modelling of CO2 adsorption onto dry sorbents from multicomponent gases. Cara Prinsloo A CFD model predicting the hydrodynamics of solid sorbent material in a circulating fluidised bed riser.…
Energy Group
May 25, 2020 - The Energy Research Group (ERG) is a multi-disciplinary research group, situated in the Faculty of Engineering at the North-West University. The ERG conducts cutting edge research and offers research opportunities at Bachelors (final year), Masters, PhD and Postdoctoral levels. The research done by ERG is always focused on providing…
Hydrogen South Africa (HySA)
Jan 19, 2024 - The Department of Science and Technology of South Africa developed the National Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Technologies (HFCT) Research, Development, and Innovation (RDI) Strategy. The National Strategy was branded Hydrogen South Africa (HySA) DST HySA Infrastructure Centre of Competence, co-hosted by NWU and CSIR, is focused on developing…
Materials, Vibrations Analysis and Manufacturing
Feb 20, 2022 - The Research Group, Materials, Vibrations Analysis and Manufacturing, is situated in the School of Mechanical Engineering at the NWU Faculty of Engineering. This research group specialises in materials selection for design, ceramics, and wear resistant ceramic matrix composite processing, high temperature nuclear materials, metals and materials…
Aug 11, 2020 - The Telenet research group is a focus group at the NWU Faculty of Engineering. The research done by the Telenet group is broadly within the area of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), with specific projects focusing on telecommunications, data networks, information security, and associated applications. The Telenet research…
Thermal Fluids
May 25, 2020 - The thermal-fluid research group is a focus group within the Faculty of Engineering that focuses on research relevant to the thermal-fluid industry with the emphasis on energy systems. The members of the research group each specialize in a specific area of thermal-fluids, all complementing each other. Members of the group are also involved in…
Jan 13, 2024 - The NWU’s School of Electrical, Electronic & Computer Engineering offers three different undergraduate degrees: Electrical and Electronic Engineering Electrical and electronic engineers are trained in both the areas of electrical and electronic engineering, with the ability to integrate methods and technologies across…