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Economic and Management Sciences: Online Postgraduate Open Day
Aug 24, 2021 - Postgrad open day, , Do you want to broaden your career opportunities? Or enhance your employability, intellectual interest, or negotiate that long-awaited salary increase? Maybe your aim is to broaden your skill set, further your knowledge, or even change careers, at the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences we have over 50 postgraduate programmes and leading…
Contact details Test
Aug 26, 2021 - Contact details, Ms. Janine Erasmus Tel: +27 18 299 1391 SLP on Project Management Advanced SLP on Project Management SLP in Business Management SLP in Small Business Consulting (eLearning) Introductory SC in Entrepreneurial Skills Mrs. Desiré Steyn Tel: +27 18 285 2392 SLP on Fundamental Management SLP on Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management & Stress…, Address, Postal address: NWU Business School North-West University Potchefstroom Campus Private Bag x6001 Potchefstroom, 2520 Physical address: Economic and Management Sciences Building E3 Room 402 North-West University Potchefstroom Campus Potchefstroom, 2531 Physical address: K14 Building: Cnr Thabo Mbeki & Esselen Street North-West University (off…
Our Publications
Jun 29, 2022 - Annual Report, 2021 - NWU Business School Annual Report, Newsletters, NEW - June 2022 March 2022 December 2021 September 2021 July 2021 March 2021 December 2020, Bon-Bons, December 2021 August 2021 - Women's Month Special Edition June 2021
Extra-ordinary appointments - Cloned
Aug 26, 2021 - These appointments are persons from industry and business who are involved in academia, and will enable us to more fully and efficiently utilise human resources at our disposal for research, innovation, teaching activities, societal impact and related activities while at the same time strengthening ties with industry and other academic and…, Dr Abel Tshekiso, Economic Advisor: Office of the Premier Marketing, human resource mangement Extraordinary professor at the NWU Business School He is experienced in project co-ordination, project management, organisational diagnosis, organisational design, competency development & assessment, skills training and development, balance score card development,…, Prof Charles de Chermont, Director: Ernest and Young Forensic Investigation Dr Clive Coetzee Dr Clive Coetzee, Dr Clive Coetzee, Economic Policy Analysis, Applied time-series econometrics, Spatial Economics, Free Market Economics Dr Clive Coetzee is an extraordinary research scientist in the TRADE research focus area at the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus) and the Chief Director Infrastructure Management and Economic Services at Provincial Treasury in KwaZulu…, Prof Eon Smith, Business forecasting, business statistics and derivative Instrumenti Extraordinary professor at the NWU Business School Professor Eon Smit holds the B.Comm. (cum laude), Hons.B.Comm. (cum laude), M.Comm. and D.Comm. degrees from Stellenbosch University and is emeritus professor and previous Director of the University of Stellenbosch Business…, Prof Göran Svensson, Professor: Oslo School of Management Marketing, international research Extraordinary professor in the NWU Business School Göran Svensson is Professor at Oslo School of Management, Norway. He is also Professor at Halmstad University, Sweden. In addition, he is Honorary Professor at Deakin University, Australia; Adjunct Professor at Monash…, Mr Ian Rothman, Business Intelligence Manager - Afriforte Statistical models Junior extraordinary research fellow in WorkWell research entity Mr Sebastiaan Rothman is the Business Intelligence Manager : Afriforte (Pty) Ltd. Dr Ina Rothmann Dr Ina Rothmann, Dr Ina Rothman, Managing Director - Afriforte (Pty) Ltd. PhD Pharmacy Practice Extraordinary associate professor in WorkWell research entity Prof Jaap Paauwe Prof Jaap Paauwe, Prof Jaap Paauwe, Professor: Tilburg University Human Resource Management (HRM) and corporate strategies Extraordinary professor in the School of Human Resources Sciences Jaap Paauwe is Professor at the department of Human Resource Studies at Tilburg University. Before joining Tilburg University he worked as a full professor of Organisation at Erasmus University…, Prof John Calof, Extraordinary Professor Intelligence and Foresight , Prof Johnny Fontaine, Professor: University of Gent Psychological assessment and cross-cultural psychology Extraordinary professor at the School of Human Resource Sciences Prof Johnny Fontaine is a lecturer in psychological assessment and cross-cultural psychology at Ghent University in Belgium and president-elect of the European Association for Psychological…, Prof Johnny Hellgren, Associate Professor, Work and Organisational Psychology Work and Organisational Psychology Extraordinary associate professor in WorkWell research entity Prof Johnny Hellgren is a associate professor of Work and Organisational Psychology in the Department of Psychology at the University of Stockholm. His general areas of interest are:…, Prof Keith Engel, Chief Executive- South African Institute of Tax Professionals Tax Extraordinary professor in the School of Accounting Sciences Deputy Chief Executive Officer, South African Institute of Tax Practitioners, second-in-command with emphasis on leading all technical issues in terms of tax policy engagement, oversight of technical advice and…, Prof Louis Strydom, Partner - PricewaterhouseCoopers Corporate and money market fraud investigations Extraordinary associate professor in the School of Accounting Sciences Louis’ range of experience includes corporate & money market fraud investigations, appointments as Inspector & Manager in terms of the Banks Act on behalf of the South African Reserve Bank…, Prof Ludo Cuyvers, Extraordinary professor International trade, export promotion, Asian economic development, globalisation. Ludo Cuyvers is an extraordinary professor at the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus) and emeritus professor at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. He has published widely in international peer-reviewed journals on international…, Prof Magnus Sverke, Professor - Stockholm University Organisational change Extraordinary professor in WorkWell research entity Prof Magnus Sverke is head of the Division of Work and Organizational Psychology, Department of Psychology, at the Stockholm University. His research interests include organisational change and its effects on employees, downsizing and job…, Dr Marié-Luce Kühn, Extraordinary research scientist Competitive intelligence Extraordinary research scientist in the TRADE research focus area Marié-Luce Kühn is a founder and director of research company, IBIS Business and Information Services. She obtained her BA and BA (Hons) degrees from Stellenbosch University and completed her Master's and PhD at the North-…, Mr Marius Joubert, Founder - Impact Business Services Business skills training Extraordinary senior lecturer at the School of Accounting Sciences Mr Marius Joubert is the owner and founder of IMPACT Business Services that specialises in Financial and Business skills training and financial turn-around consulting projects. He holds a Masters degree in Cost and…, Prof Peet Strydom, Extraordinary professor: School of Economics Strategic research Peet Strydom is an extraordinary professor at the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus). He studied at the North-West University in Potchefstroom, the Free University in Amsterdam and the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, with his main focus areas being Economics, Mathematics…, Mr Pieter Geldenhuys, Director: Institute for Technology Strategy and Innovation Innovation and Technology Extraordinary senior lecturer at the NWU Business School As a Director of the Institute for Technology Strategy and Innovation, Mr Pieter Geldenhuys is involved in numerous Innovation and Technology courses and corporate innovation efforts. Pieter is seen as one…, Prof Raymond Parsons, Professor: NWU Business School Special policy advice Raymond Parsons is a professor at the North-West University Business School and an extraordinary professor in the TRADE research focus area. He studied economics at the Universities of Cape Town, Oxford and Copenhagen, and holds an Honorary Doctorate from the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan…, Prof René Schalk, Professor - Tilburg University Social- and organisational psychology, human factors and ergonomics, research methods and statistics Extraordinary professor at the School of Human Resources Sciences Prof René Schalk is a professor at the Department of Human Resource Studies at the Tilburg University, the Netherlands. Prof Riaan Rossouw Prof Riaan…, Prof Riaan Rossouw, Extraordinary associate professor: School of Economics Micro-economics Riaan Rossouw is a micro-economist with more than ten years' consulting, research and teaching experience. As an extraordinary associate professor in the School of Economics at the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus), he has wide-ranging knowledge in most economic…, Prof Sam Fullerton, Professor: Eastern Michigan Univeristy Sports Marketing Extraordinary professor at the NWU Business School Prof Sam Fullerton holds a BBA, Master of Science and a PhD, all from the Michigan State University in the USA. He is currently a Professor of Marketing and specializes in Sports Marketing on the Executive MBA Programme at the Eastern…, Dr Stuart Mc Chlery, Extraordinary associate professor in the School of Accounting Sciences Prof Stuart McChlery from Glasgow Caledonian University in Scotland. Prof Theuns Eloff Prof Theuns Eloff, Prof Theuns Eloff, Non executive director Conflict resolution Extraordinary professor at the NWU Business School Prof Theuns Eloff describes himself as an "effective manager" rather than an academic, although he has published a number of articles and publications, especially on conflict resolution and the role of the private sector and civil society. After 25 years…, Adv Tommy Prins, Director - Deloitte Forensic and the Head of Investigations Forensic Investigations Extraordinary associate professor at the School of Accounting Sciences Prof Tommy Prins is a director in Deloitte Forensic and the Head of Investigations with an oversight role over South Africa, East Africa and the Southern Corridor. Prior to taking up his…, Dr Victor Mmbengwa, Manager - Small-holder market access NAMC Agricultural Marketing Extraordinary research fellow in the research focus area for TRADE Dr Victor Mmbengwa is currently a manager of small-holder market access at the National Agricultural marketing Council (NAMC) in South Africa , Dr Schalk Engelbrecht, Focus Area: Ethics Designation: Chief Ethics Officer: KPMG South Africa Schalk Engelbrecht is an ethicist, the Chief Ethics Officer for KPMG in South Africa, and a student of Philosophy. He is responsible for KPMG’s internal ethics programme, and also provides advisory services to companies – identifying ethics risk, developing Codes of Ethics,…David Dyason is an extraordinary research scientist in the TRADE Research Focus Area at the North-West University and Senior Lecturer in Property and Valuation at Lincoln University, New Zealand. I am an economist with an interest in property, applied economics, and impact assessment. I have more than 10 years professional experience as a…