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About us
Aug 31, 2017 - Welcome to the Centre for Applied Radiation and Technology (CARST) Who we are In 1999 the Centre for Applied Radiation Science and Technology (CARST) was formed, through the MoU between the NUCLEAR INDUSTRY and NWU, quote, “In response to challenges posed by a need to diversify, expand, sustain, and maintain high quality nuclear…
Postgraduate studies
Aug 31, 2017 - Postgraduate study options within the CARST include: Honors in Applied Radiation Science and Technology – 1 year full time Master in Applied Radiation Science and Technology - 2 years full and part time Doctor of Philosophy in Science (PhD in Radiation Science) - 3 years full and part time Postdoctoral…
Research Projects
Aug 31, 2017 - CARST has the following research projects: [accordion collapsed] Nuclear Forensic Signatures and Libraries (Prof Manny Mathuthu) Resolving Nuclear Forensic Signatures and Libraries for South Africa’s 72 Uranium mines. This Project is funded by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) NORM Radioactivity (Prof VM Tshivhase…
Contact us
Aug 31, 2017 - The Director, CARST, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Science, North-West University (Mahikeng Campus); Cnr Albert Luthuli & University Drive; Private Bag X2046, Mmabatho 2046; North-West, South Africa E-mail:; Tel: +27 18 389 2754/57
MaSIM Home
Oct 16, 2023 - Welcome to the Focus Area for Material Science Innovation and Modelling Since it was approved in 2012, the Material Science, Innovation and Modelling (MaSIM) research focus area has endeavoured to become a leading research and development centre around materials and applications, nanotechnology, renewable energy and applications,…
Postgraduate studies
Oct 16, 2023 - We offer the following programmes: MSc and PhD in Chemistry MSc and PhD in Physics MSc and PhD in Pure and Applied Mathematics MSc and PhD in Computer Sciences MSc ad PhD in Applied Radiation Science and Technology
Publications: Coal- and Laser Chemistry Research Group
Nov 14, 2016 - • P.J. Mohlala and CA Strydom, Lewis acid-base properties of a low carbon aluminium killed steel substrate, S. Afr. J. Chem., 60 (2007) 29 – 35. • NR Nengovhela, CA Strydom, JP Maree, S Oosthuizen and DJ Theron, Recovery of sulphur and calcium carbonate from waste gypsum, Water SA, 33 (2007) 741-748. • M…
Group Leader: Membrane Technology
Aug 30, 2017 - Prof Henning Krieg Henning Krieg completed his B.Sc. and B.Sc. Hons in South Africa before travelling on a Fulbright scholarship to the US where he completed his M.S. in Chemistry at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey in 1994. He returned to South Africa where he completed his Ph.D. in 2000 at the North-West University (NWU…
Background: Membrane Technology - Resource Benification
Aug 31, 2017 - South Africa has significant reserves of various naturally occurring resources. While some materials can be easily purified from these resources other separations are notoriously difficult. For example, Zircon, the most important source for Zr worldwide, always contains a few percent of Hf. The chemical…
Background: Membrane Technology - Resource Benification
Jan 19, 2017 - South Africa has significant reserves of various naturally occurring resources. While some materials can be easily purified from these resources other separations are notoriously difficult. For example, Zircon, the most important source for Zr worldwide, always contains a few percent of Hf. The chemical and…
H2 Production
Jan 19, 2017 - In our group membrane based elctrolyzers are developed for the production of H2 using novel processes like the hybrid sulphur (HyS) process where the hydrogen is produced by the oxidation of SO2 in the presence of water forming H2SO4. Both new and existing membranes are screened for their suitability for this process in terms of…
Process Intensification
Jan 19, 2017 - Based on past experience on in-house manufactured zeolite coated ceramic membranes, current research is continuing on the use of zeolites and zeolitic membranes combining their catalytic properties as well as their ability to act as molecular sieves. /sites/ ovens for…
Gas Separation
Jan 19, 2017 - While gas permeation studies form an intrinsic characterisation tool both for the inorganic as well as organic membranes for various applications, there are ongoing projects focussing specifically on the resolution of various perfluorinated compounds. These projects focus mainly on finding membrane based separation processes to replace…
Background: Membrane Technology
Aug 30, 2017 - Key Research Areas Research Focus The aim of our research group is to find novel, cost effective and environmentally friendly membrane based separation solutions for industrial as well as rural applications with a specific emphasis on South African relevance. There are two cross-linked key areas of interest within our research group…
Postgraduate Students
Mar 24, 2017 - PhD Students M.Sc. Students …
Membrane Technology: Publications and Patents
Aug 31, 2017 - Publications: • P.G. Randall, H.M. Krieg & A.E.J. McGill, 1992. Calibration comparison between South African and Federal Grain Inspections services and European calibrations. South African Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 4(2), 33-35. • H.M. Krieg, V.M. Linkov & J.C. Breytenbach, 1998.…
Electrochemistry for Energy & Environment
Apr 10, 2018 - Research Focus Our current research focus includes investigating (i) vapour deposited thin metal films, nanoparticle metal oxide materials, and perovskite type materials for their electrocatalytic activity towards the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) in alkaline medium, (ii) membraneless alkaline water electrolysis, and (iii) the development…
Group Leader: Electrochemistry for Energy & Environment
Apr 03, 2018 - Prof R.J. (Cobus) Kriek Prof Kriek obtained his MSc in Chemistry on the ‘Separation of Pt(IV), Pd(II) and Rh(III) by means of Differential Photocatalytic Reduction’ in 1994, and his PhD in Chemistry on the ‘Separation of Platinum Group Metals: Photocatalytic Reduction and Complexation Equilibria of Pt(IV), Pd(II) and Rh(…