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Cheques and cash, Donors, NWU
Aug 12, 2011 - Cheques and cash Cheques and postal orders are becoming more susceptible to theft and fraud and are no longer the safest option. If you choose to send a cheque in the mail, we urge you to use registered post as a safeguard. We also recommend that you do not send cash through the post. Our postal address is: North-West University…
Contact us
Aug 01, 2021 - Job title Mrs Nicolize van der Walt Institutional Advancement and Alumni relations Phone +27 18 285 2594 E-mail
A new way of learning, Parents
Aug 04, 2021 - When it comes to student pass rates, the NWU has a strong track record. Some of the reasons for this good performance are the high quality of teaching-learning, our well-qualified academic staff and the academic support available to students, such as through Supplemental Instruction. Supplemental Instruction is a student academic support system…
NWU, Donors, Debit order
Apr 05, 2012 - Debit Order If you prefer to give a regular donation by debit order, click here to download a Debit Order Authority form, complete and return to us at: Institutional Advancement Office North-West University Private Bag X1290 Potchefstroom 2520
The transition to university, Parents
Aug 04, 2021 - An important factor of academic performance at university level is well-developed skills in learning, reading and academic literacy, along with life skills. To help newcomers start out on a firm footing, the NWU requires all first-year students to enrol for a compulsory academic literacy module. This compulsory module is invaluable as it assists…
About Us
Aug 01, 2021 - The Convocation consists of former students (alumni) who have obtained a degree or diploma from the NWU or its predecessors, as well as all current members of the University’s permanent staff. Membership can only be obtained through a formal application and payment of the prescribed fee of R50 for lifelong membership. It is a statutory…
Understanding the university, Parents
Aug 04, 2021 - The NWU encourages students’ parents to take an active interest in their children’s university career and to familiarise themselves with the workings and processes of the NWU. A useful tool for understanding the university is the NWU Corporate Profile, which gives an overview of the university’s history, governance structures, management team,…
Aug 01, 2021 - As a formal structure of the NWU, the Convocation is governed through clearly defined rules and procedures as set out in the NWU Statute. According to the Statute, the Convocation comprises all graduates and diplomats of the University or its predecessors, namely the University of the North West and the Potchefstroom University for Christian…
Wapad Editors
Aug 02, 2021 - Wapad editorial team applications are now open for the term 2014. -->
Funding needs, Donors, NWU
Feb 02, 2012 - Funding needs Public institutions such as universities always experience funding pressures, and the North-West University is no exception. Due to the changing international political environment, traditional sources of income, such as state subsidies and tuition fees, are no longer enough to maintain institutions of higher learning.…
Becoming an NWU student
Aug 04, 2021 - Opportunities open up when you enrol as a student of the North-West University. Besides an excellent tertiary education, we offer you a vibrant student life and plenty of scope to develop your talents in sport, arts and culture, community service and student leadership. Another advantage of studying here is the high level of support available to…
NWU, Alumni
Jan 16, 2025 - { display: none; } --> NWU Alumni: Taking the legacy of NWU into the world After graduating, there are many reasons to stay in touch with your alma mater. These include being part of a worldwide network of NWU alumni who share your educational background, having access to the…
Employer of Choice Group
Aug 01, 2021 - Every year, the NWU selects up to 20 employers to participate in the University’s Employer of Choice programme. These employers receive preferential treatment for their graduate recruitment activities at the NWU. This includes being first in line to attend graduate recruitment events at all three NWU campuses and having the opportunity to build…
Membership and Application Forms
Oct 04, 2021 - Every graduate and diplomate of the NWU or its predecessors has the right to belong to the Convocation. This is only possible through a formal application and does NOT happen automatically. Membership of the Convocation is also open to present permanent staff members of the University. To become a lifelong member of the Convocation, you…
Wapad About us
Aug 02, 2021 - The long way that Wapad has come did cross the Drakensberg, but started out on 12 April 1946, when the first edition was published under the direction of the first editor, C (Chris) Hattingh. In the beginning, Wapad had a very serious touch and through the years it was transformed as it moved through the hands of the different…
Support Services
Aug 03, 2021 - To make the logistics of life as smooth as possible for students, staff and visitors, a well-oiled network of support service departments is hard at work behind the scenes. Some support service departments are centralised at the Institutional Office in Potchefstroom as they are used by everyone in the university community. Examples are the Career…
Aug 01, 2021 - Job title Manager: Vacant Telephone +27 (0)16 910 3012 Fax +27(0) 86 606 4878 E-mail Location North West University (Vanderbijlpark…
e-Yearbooks 2002
Apr 01, 2021 - e-Yearbooks 2002 Faculties of: Arts Undergraduate Post-graduate Natural Sciences Undergraduate and Postgraduate Theology Undergraduate and Postgraduate Educational Sciences School for Educational Training and Development Graduate School of Education ERRATA Economic and Management Sciences Undergraduate Post-graduate…