About us

Population and Health is a research focus area (RFA) housed in the Faculty of Humanities.  The primary focus of the entity is to conduct high-quality research addressing equity and sustainable development issues in diverse global societies, with a particular emphasis on Sub-Saharan Africa.

Currently, the entity consists of three main subject groups: Development studies, Population and Demography, and Sociology, primarily located at the Mafikeng Campus. Membership is open to anyone interested in the entity, and individuals can also engage through collaborative research with its members.

Sub-programs and projects

The entity consists of five distinct sub-programs supervised by qualified leader, with various research projects underneath each. These sub-programs are outlined below:


The sub-program addresses the social, cultural, economic and political construction of gender, and its intersection with other identity categories. The key areas include feminist theory, masculinity studies, queer studies, intersectionality, Gender-based violence, and gender development amongst others. The sub-program is under leadership of Prof Tendayi Garutsa.

Population Dynamics:

Research activities under this sub-program focus on demographic factors and their interrelationship with sustainable development and the environment. This sub-program is currently led by Dr Mluleki Tsawe.

Sustainable Development:

This sub-program addresses development problems, issues, and strategies aimed at improving the living standards of communities through engaged research. Dr Rathaba is leading this sub-program.

Sexual Reproductive Health:

This sub-program address amongst others, maternal and child health issues, family planning, fertility behaviour, sexual-related diseases, sexual behaviour, health issues, and how these factors impact various demographic factors which in turs affect social and economic developmental issues. It is under the leadership of Dr Shange.


This sub-programme is concerned with sociological theory, work, religion, race, class and other isms to promote a socially just society. Dr Nomvete is heading this program.

Awards and Recognition (NRF) 

Two members of the entity have NRF ratings, they are Prof Palamuleni and Prof Edimudia.