
Extraordinary Professors/Researchers

Alvarez-Mosquera Pedro Professor   DL PhD    









Coetzee Andries Professor   DL PhD    
Jessner Ulrike Professor   DL PhD    

















Van der Slik








Van Rooy








Wissing Daan Professor   DL PhD   B3

  Ms Anneke Butler

  Lecturer: Critical and Analytical Thinking
  +27 16 910 3502
  Building A13 - 202, Vanderbijlpark
 BA; Higher Education Diploma (now PGCE); BEd Psig, MA
  Applied Linguistics, Descriptive Linguistics

  Prof Bernard Nchindila

  +27 18 389 2302
  Building A3-150, Block B, Mahikeng
 PhD, MA (Unisa), Cambridge Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) (Cambridge), BA English with Education, Advanced Certificate in Human Resource Management (Zambia)
  NRF rated: Linguistics, reading literacy, TESOL, ESL, EFL, ODeL, EAP,CLIL

  Dr Caroline Piotrowska

  Deputy Subject Leader; Lecturer of English Literature and Linguistics
  +27 16 910 3477
  Building A13-225, Vanderbijlpark
 BA Hons, MA in English, PhD in Linguistics
  Internet linguistics, sociolinguistics, World Englishes, modernism, comics and graphic novels

  Dr Eileen Pooe

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 389 2347
  Base building,B161, Mahikeng
  Literature, Translation and Interpreting

  Prof Ella Wehrmeyer

  Associate Professor: Language Practice
  Building A15- Office 103, Vanderbijlpark
 Doctor of Literature and Philosophy (DLitt et Phil)
  Translation and Interpreting Studies, C2 NRF rating

  Dr Frans van der Slik

  Research Associate

  Mr Gene Mathey

  +27 18 299 1502
  Building E9, Office G28, Potchefstroom
 MA in Translation
  Translation and Interpreting

  Ms Gonneke Groenen

  +27 18 299 1046
  Building F4, Room 101, Potchefstroom
 BEd, BA, MA
  Linguistics, Afrikaans-Nederlands, Academic literacy

  Dr Gordon Matthew

  Research Technologist
  +27 16 910 3496
  Building A13, Office 221, Vanderbijlpark
  BSc in IT, PhD in Linguistics and Literary Theory, MA in Linguistics and Literary Theory, BA in Language Technology
  Eye-Tracking, Subtitling and Cognitive Load

  Prof Gustav Butler

  Director: UPSET (Understanding and Processing Language in Complex Settings)
  +27 16 910 3480
  Building A1, Office G108, Vanderbijlpark
 PhD, MA, BA Hons, BA
  Applied Linguistics

  Dr Henri Laurie

  Lecturer of Academic Literacy
  +27 16 910 3479
  Building A13, Room 215, Vanderbijlpark
  Literature esp. 20th Century and Science Fiction, Literary Theory, Academic Literacy, Visual Culture

  Prof Ian Bekker

  018 299 1487
  Building E9, Room 225, Potchefstroom

  Mr Jacques Heyns

  Manager of Vanderbijlpark Campus Writing Centre
  +27 16 910 3485
  Building A14 (Library), Room SL331A, Vanderbijlpark
 BA Language Technology, MA Applied Positive Psychology
  Teaching and learning of academic writing

  Mr Jacques McDermid Heyns

  Manager of Vanderbiljpark Campus Writing Centre
  016 910 3030
  Building A14 (Library), Room SL331A, Vanderbijlpark
 BA Language Technology, MA Applied Positive Psychology
  Teaching and learning of academic writing

  Prof Johanita Kirsten

  Associate Professor
  +27 16 910 3474
  Building A11, Office 107, Vanderbijlpark
 BA; BA Hons; MA; PhD
  Afrikaans Historical Linguistics, corpus linguistics and Sociolinguistics

  Dr Karien Redelinghuys

  Senior Lecturer
  016 910 3508
  Building A15 - 102, Vanderbijlpark
 BA, BA Hons, MA in Language Practice (NWU); PhD Linguistics and Literary Studies, Cotutelle (NWU and Macquarie University)
  Translation studies, academic literacy, corpus linguistics

  Dr Karien van den Berg

  Senior Lecturer of English Linguistics
  +27 18 299 1554
  Building E9 - 218, Potchefstroom
 BA; BA Hons; MA; PhD (NWU); Forensic Linguistics
  English as a Second Language; Language Testing; Discourse Analysis; Forensic Linguistics; Assessing writing

  Me Kehilwe Mose

  Junior Lecturer
  +27 18 389 2361
  Building A3, Block B, Office 157, Mahikeng
 Hons – English and B.A. Ed (Currently pursuing MA in English)
  Academic Literacy and Languages

  Dr Kristien Andrianatos

  Senior Lecturer
  018 299 4947
 PhD in Education with a focus on curriculum design
  applied linguistics with a focus on digital artifact development.

  Dr Malephole Masekake Philomena Sefotho

  Senior Lecturer
  018 389 2845
  Building A3-118, Mahikeng
 PhD in Applied Linguistics
  Multi/bilingualism, translingual & , bilingual reading

  Dr Mari-Leigh Pienaar

  +27 16 910 3506
  Building A13, Office 213, Vanderbijlpark
 BA, BA Hons (Language Practice), MA (Afrikaans & Dutch), PhD (Linguistics & Literary Theory)
  Language use in higher education, practical editing & translation

  Ms Marianne Mathee

  +27 18 389 2113
  Building A3, Block B, Office 117, Mahikeng
  Multimodality; Literacy; Self-directed learning

  Dr Maricel Botha

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 285 2648
  Building F4 – Room 109, Potchefstroom
 BA (Languages), BHons (Translation and Professional Writing), MA (Translation), D. Litt. et Phil. (Applied Linguistics and Literary Theory).
  Power and ideology in translation

  Dr Maristi Partridge

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 16 910 3461
  Building A15-104, Vanderbijlpark
 BA, BAHons, MA, PhD
  Linguistics, Corpus Linguistics, World Englishes

Melanie Law Favo

  Dr Melanie Law Favo

  Senior Lecturer: Language Practice
  +27 16 910 3508
  Building A15, Office 102, Vanderbijlpark
 BA, BA Hons, MA in Language Practice (NWU); PhD Linguistics, Cotutelle (NWU and Macquarie University)
  Editing, corpus linguistics, language variation and change, World Englishes

  Ms Mimi Nokuthula Masango

  Lecturer of Academic Literacy
  +27 18 389 2470
  Building A3, Block B, Office 154, Mahikeng
 MTech: Language Practice

Monique Rabe

  Ms Monique Rabe

  +27 18 2852695
  Building E9-240, Potchefstroom
 MA in Linguistics and Literary Theory (2021; cum laude); BA Honours in Afrikaans and Dutch (2018; cum laude); BA in Language and Literary Studies (2017; cum laude)
  Afrikaans Linguistics; Cognitive and Construction Grammar

  Mr Ninan Samuel

  +27 18 389 2541
  Building A3, Block B, Office 149, Mahikeng
 M. A.
  English Language and Literature, Academic Literacy

  Ms Nonhlanhla Mazibuko

  016 910 3203
  Building A13, Room 224, Vanderbijlpark
 MTh, BTh, BA Pastoral Psychology

  Prof Paul Nepapleh Nkamta

   Deputy Director, School of Languages (MC); Associate Professor
  +27 18 389 2895
  Building A3-162, Block B, Mahikeng, Mahikeng
 PhD in English, MA in Translation, PGCE, BA (Hons) in English
  Linguistic inequality in advertising, multilingualism and multiculturalism, reading literacy

  Dr Pheladi Fakude

  Subject Leader and Senior Lecturer of Academic Literacy
  +27 16 910 3501
  Building A13, Room 220, Vanderbijlpark
 BEd; BA Hons; MA (UL); PhD (NWU)
  Academic Literacy, Bi-and Multilingualism, Applied Linguistics, eye movement reading

  Ms Sarah Matsetela

  Programme Leader
  +27 18 389 2561
  Building A3, Block B, Office 144, Mahikeng
 BA Hons English (Limpopo)

  Ms Sone Anthony

  Senior Administrative Assistant
  016 910 3480
  Building A11, Room 108, Vanderbijlpark
 BCom Communication Management (2009), Hons BCom Labour Relations (2011), Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) (2019)
  Financial Administration and Administrative Support

  Dr Taty Dekoke

  Lecturer of French
  +27 16 910 3493
  Building 7, Office 219, Vanderbijlpark
 MA French didactics: French as a foreign language (UCT) PhD Linguistics and Literary Theory (NWU)
  French language, Migrations, Multilingualism, Languages repertoires

  Prof Tobie van Dyk

  018-299 4570
  Building E9-217, Potchefstroom
 BA, BA Hons, HED, MA, PhD
  Applied linguistics, language for specific purposes, language planning and management

  Dr Yolande Botha

  Subject Leader; Senior Lecturer in English Linguistics
  +27 18 299 1561
  Building E9-224, Potchefstroom
 BA; BA Hons; MA; PhD
  Corpus Linguistics; Systemic Functional Linguistics; Grammatical Analyses

  Dr Zanétte Meintjes

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 1043
  Building F4 - 106, Potchefstroom
  Applied Linguistics; Academic Literacy; Corpus Linguistics; Academic writing

  Ms Zhandi van Zyl

  +27 16 910 3468
  Building A13, Room 214, Vanderbijlpark
 PhD (Language and Literature with English), MA (Applied Language Studies), BA Hons Journalism, BA Language Practice
  Multilingualism, Language teacher identity, Higher education training

  Dr Carina Grobler

  Senior Lecturer
  018 299 1057
  Building E9 - 112, Potchefstroom
 PhD in Educational Sciences (University of Antwerp)
  Teaching of French as a foreign language; Instructional design

Liqhwa Siziba

  Prof Liqhwa Siziba

  Director School of Languages
  +27 18 389 2168
   Base Building , Office G68 Block B, Vanderbijlpark

  Prof Adri Breed

  Deputy Director: School of Language (PC)
  +27 18 299 1563
  Building E9 - 208, Potchefstroom
 PhD, MA, BA Hons, B.Th BBk
  Afrikaans descriptive linguistics (Syntax and semantics)

  Ms Nina Brink

  +27 18 299 1486
  Building E9 - 237, Potchefstroom
 BA in Communication; BA HONS in Afrikaans and Dutch; MA in Afrikaans and Dutch
  Afrikaans Descriptive and Applied Linguistics; Child Language Acquisition; Cognitive Linguistics