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NWU appoints renowned business leader as its third chancellor
Jul 04, 2019 - The North-West University (NWU) Council appointed Dr Anna Mokgokong, renowned business leader and entrepreneur, as its third chancellor during its meeting on 20 June. As chancellor she will serve as titular head of the NWU. All qualifications awarded by the university are formally conferred by the chancellor. She follows in the illustrious…
Matric learners praise NWU Winter School
Jul 05, 2019 - Grade 12 learners who have been attending the Winter School on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campuses in Mahikeng and Vanderbijlpark are impressed with the experience and the tuition they have received. Attending the winter school from 23 June to 4 July 2019 these learners are now prepared and motivated to give their best in their final…
From Potchefstroom to Africa
Jul 05, 2019 - Maggie Jasson from the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Faculty of Education has proven that beauty pageants are not just about being beautiful. The 45-year-old has made it into the finals for the Mrs Africa pageant which aims to create a platform where the unique qualities of African women can be showcased to the world. There are five…
NWU boasts two M&G Young South Africans
Jul 08, 2019 - Dr Aurelia Williams, a senior lecturer at the North-West University’s (NWU’s) subject group Biochemistry, and Dr Musawenkosi Saurombe, an NWU alumna, were announced as two of the Mail & Guardian’s 200 Young South Africans at a gala event on 28 June 2019. Every year since 2006, the Mail & Guardian profiles 200 young South Africans,…
Impressive line-up for 3rd annual NWU Human Capital Summit
Jul 09, 2019 - Following the overwhelming success of the 2018 rendition of the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Human Capital Summit, it is all systems go for the third annual summit to be hosted at the NWU’s campus in Mahikeng. This year’s summit – an initiative of the NWU’s School of Industrial Psychology and Human Resource Management – will see industrial…
NWU Leadership Summit reaches 5th year pinnacle
Jul 09, 2019 - In just more than a month, the North-West University (NWU) will host the 5th annual Leadership Summit. The event – which takes places in collaboration with the MIKS Foundation – will take place on 13 August 2019. The theme for this year’s summit is leadership in times of crisis and the guest speakers will focus on how to position the South…
KANSA Relay for Life 2019: ons staan saam!
Jul 09, 2019 - Die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) se kampus in Vanderbijlpark gaan op 28 en 29 September weer eens die gasheer vir die streek se KANSA Relay for Life-gebeurtenis in die Vanderbijlpark wees. Die kampus en die Kankervereniging van Suid-Afrika (KANSA) gaan hierdie jaar vir die sewende agtereenvolgende jaar hande vat om diegene wat kanker oorleef…
CANSA Relay for Life 2019: we are all in this together!
Jul 09, 2019 - On 28 and 29 September 2019 the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark will once again play host to the regional CANSA Relay for Life event in the Vanderbijlpark. This year will see the campus and the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) taking hands for the seventh year running to celebrate cancer survivors, remember…
NWU Residence Chapter makes going green their business
Jul 10, 2019 - How can universities encourage students and staff to think green, act green, and become green leaders? The Residence Chapter of the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Mahikeng showed their (green) mettle when they received an honorary award for the Best Creative Programme during the 8th Annual Green Campuses Conference held from 30…
Lifetime achievement award for NWU stalwart
Jul 11, 2019 - With more than 42 years of experience in the academic sphere it is no surprise that Prof Susan Visser, former director of the School of Accounting Sciences, dean of the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences and acting vice-rector for research at the North-West University (NWU), has left a lasting impression with internal and external…
Die waarheid oor uraanblootstelling in Suid-Afrika sal jou hare laat rys
Jul 11, 2019 - ’n Nuwe internasionale navorsingsprojek wat fokus op die blootstelling van mense aan uraan in Suid-Afrikaanse goudmyngebiede, het bevind dat inwoners wat in en naby goudmyngebiede woon, aan verhoogde omgewingsvlakke van uraan blootgestel word. Die uraan vind uiteindelik sy pad na die menslike liggaam en het skadelike gesondheidstoestande tot…
Hair-raising truth about uranium exposure in South Africa
Jul 11, 2019 - A novel international research project focusing on human exposure to uranium in South African gold mining areas, has concluded that residents living in and near gold mining areas are exposed to elevated environmental levels of uranium. The latter eventually finds its way into the human body giving way to adverse health effects. The…
Alumni-kantoor betrek gegradueerdes deur loopbaanontwikkelingsondersteuning
Jul 11, 2019 - Getrou aan die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) se sorgsaamheidsetiek gaan die Alumni-kantoor, in samewerking met die Loopbaansentrum, op Woensdag 7 Augustus ’n loopbaanbemagtigingsdag vir lede van die alumnigroep op die kampus in Vanderbijlpark aanbied. Die doel van die dag is om aan gegradueerde werksoekers die geleentheid te bied om ’n…
Alumni Office engages graduates through career development support
Jul 11, 2019 - True to the North-West University’s (NWU) ethic of care, the Alumni Office on the campus in Vanderbijlpark, together with the Career Centre, will host a Career Empowerment Day for members of the alumni fraternity on Wednesday, 7 August 2019. The aim of the day will be to afford graduate jobseekers the opportunity to attend a CV writing and…
NWU neem die voortou met internasionale konferensie oor inligtinggeletterdheid
Jul 11, 2019 - In sy poging om bekend te staan as ’n internasionale universiteit wat vir betrokke vakkundigheid onderskei word, gaan die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) in September die 2019-weergawe van die Internasionale Konferensie oor Inligtingsgeletterdheid (ICIL) aanbied. Die tema van hierdie jaar se konferensie is “Inligtingsgeletterdheid oor alle sfere…
NWU takes the lead with international conference on information literacy
Jul 11, 2019 - In its endeavor to be known as an international university distinguished for engaged scholarship, the North-West University (NWU) will host the 2019 rendition of the International Conference on Information Literacy (ICIL) in September. The theme of this year’s conference is “Information literacy in all spheres of life”. The event will see…
Reappointment of SARB governor builds confidence in SA economy
Jul 12, 2019 - “The reappointment of governor Lesetja Kganyago for a further five years as head of the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) is a welcome and highly confidence-building decision at a tough time for the South African economy.” This is according to Prof Raymond Parsons, well-known economist and academic from the North-West University (NWU) Business…
NWU and stakeholders collaborate to assist visually impaired
Jul 12, 2019 - On 10 July 2019 the plight of visually impaired individuals in the North West Province came under the spotlight. The North-West University (NWU) in collaboration with the South African Library for the Blind and the Department of Culture and Traditional Affairs (CATA) hosted a workshop to train public library staff members who render services to…
Small business seminar to empower communities
Jul 12, 2019 - Aspiring business owners often have no idea where to go or what to do when starting a new business. The North-West University’s (NWU’s) School of Economics in the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences (FEMS) hosted a seminar for young aspiring business people in Mahikeng and surrounding areas on 8 July 2019 on the campus in Mahikeng.…