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NWU-alumnus Arrie Rautenbach as nuwe HUB van Absa aangewys
Apr 08, 2022 - Bertie Jacobs Arnold (Arrie) Rautenbach, ’n alumnus van die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU), is as Absa se nuwe Hoof- Uitvoerende Beampte: Kleinhandel- en Sakebankeenheid Suid-Afrika aangestel en neem die leisels by dié bankreus met onmiddellike effek oor. Arrie is sedert November 2011 die hoof van Absa se kleinhandel- en sake-eenheid. …
NWU alumnus Arrie Rautenbach named CEO of Absa
Apr 08, 2022 - Bertie Jacobs North-West University (NWU) alumnus Arnold (Arrie) Rautenbach has been named Absa’s Chief Executive Officer: Retail and Business Banking South Africa and will take over the reigns at the banking giant with immediate effect. Arrie headed Absa’s retail and business banking branch since November 2011. The 56-year-old holds…
NWU launches disability awareness campaign: Take a few steps in my shoes
Apr 10, 2022 - Mafumane Tlhapi The Student Campus Council in collaboration with the Disability Rights Unit on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Mahikeng Campus recently held a two-day disability awareness event. Themed “Take a few steps in my shoes”, the main objective of the event was to raise awareness on issues of disability and to ensure that the…
Nieverwisselbare bewyse: Waarom al hierdie opgewondenheid?
Apr 11, 2022 - Bertie Jacobs ’n Nuwe akroniem het ons woordeskat betree: NFT. NFT staan vir non-fungible token – ’n nieverwisselbare bewys – wat op sigself nie veel sê nie. Wat NFT’s is, is geld. Groot geld. En dit is besig om die wêreld van digitale handel te verander. Eerstens beteken onvervangbaar dat die item nie vir ’n ander een van sy soort verruil kan…
Non-fungible tokens: Why all the buzz?
Apr 11, 2022 - Bertie Jacobs A new acronym has entered our lexicon: NFT. NFT stands for non-fungible token, which, in itself, does not say very much. What NFTs are, is money. Big money. And it is changing the world of digital commerce. Firstly, non-fungible means that an item cannot be exchanged for another of its kind. An NFT is unique, like a painting. In…
Uitspeelrondte net buite bereik van die Eagles
Apr 19, 2022 - Bertie Jacobs Dapper poging. ʼn Baie dapper poging, manne. Die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) Eagles het só naby daaraan gekom om die Varsitybeker-uitspeelrondte te haal nadat hulle Wits op ’n sopnat Fanie du Toit-sportveld met 31–3 op Maandag 11 April geklop het. Hoewel die tuisspan vyf drieë gedruk en ’n bonuspunt verdien het, is hulle gefnuik deur…
Playoffs a bridge too far for Eagles
Apr 19, 2022 - Bertie Jacobs Valiant effort. A very valiant effort, boys. The North-West University (NWU) Eagles came agonisingly close to reaching the Varsity Cup playoffs, beating Wits 31–3 on a soaking wet Fanie du Toit Sports Grounds pitch on Monday 11 April. Although the home team scored five tries and secured a bonus point, they were foiled by what had…
NWU’s Facing Race Week a huge success
Apr 20, 2022 - By Zenoyise John The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Facing Race Week (FRW) took place from 11 to 14 April 2022, and brought together staff and students to talk about racial inequality and to educate one another on issues of racial discrimination. During the hybrid event, participants collectively confronted issues of inequality, injustice, and…
The NWU’s people-centred approach to community engagement during the Covid-19 pandemic
Apr 21, 2022 - Phenyo Mokgothu On 22 March 2022, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced what was essentially the end of the country’s lockdown or state of national disaster almost two years since it was imposed. This is an opportune time to look back on how the North-West University (NWU) responded to community needs during the Covid-19 pandemic. While the…
NWU empowers future graduates
Apr 21, 2022 - Mafumane Tlhapi The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Alumni Relations office in conjunction with its Career Centre recently hosted a Career Empowerment seminar across its three campuses to prepare students for the working environment. Various companies attended the events, including Standard bank, Rain Chartered Accountants, Small Enterprise…
Uitblinker Adele hardloop skitterende Twee Oseane
Apr 22, 2022 - Bertie Jacobs Die San Gabriel-berge, met spikkels sneeu op die hange en ’n wit sneeukombers op die pieke, kan in die winter vanaf die stad Rancho Cucamonga in Kalifornië gesien word. Die musikant Jake Hamilton is in 1979 daar gebore. Dit is nou 43 jaar later en Constantiaberg lê voor. Die Twee Oseane-marathon van 2022 is in volle…
Stellar Adele runs star-making Two Oceans
Apr 22, 2022 - Bertie Jacobs In winter, the San Gabriel Mountains, speckled with flecks of snow on its slopes and blankets of white on its peaks, can be seen from the city of Rancho Cucamonga in California. In 1979, musician Jake Hamilton was born here. Fast forward 43 years and the Constantiaberg in Cape Town comes into view. The 2022 Two…
Another accolade for Deidre Jordaan
Apr 26, 2022 - Bertie Jacobs Kampala remains a place that Deidre Jordaan has to get used to. She will know. After all, this is the second consecutive year that she has represented South Africa at the African Badminton Championships in the capital of Uganda. Although this event took place in February 2022, the memories are still fresh. “It is always a challenge…
Nóg ’n pluimpie vir Deidre Jordaan
Apr 22, 2022 - Bertie Jacobs Kampala bly maar ʼn plek vir Deidre Jordaan om aan gewoond te raak. Sy sal weet. Dit is immers die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar dat sy Suid-Afrika by die Afrika-pluimbalkampioenskap in die hoofstad van Uganda verteenwoordig het. Hoewel dit in Februarie 2022 plaasgevind het, bly die herinneringe vars. “Dit is altyd ʼn uitdaging en…
Captain Christa Ramasimong’s world cup christening
Apr 26, 2022 - Bertie Jacobs When talent and determination conspire, history is in the making. From 1 to 12 April, the North-West University (NWU) hosted the first ever hockey world cup under the banner of the sport’s global governing body, the Fédération Internationale de Hockey (FIH), on the African continent: the FIH Hockey Women’s Junior World Cup. A…
Kaptein Christa Ramasimong se wêreldbeker-vuurdoop
Apr 22, 2022 - Bertie Jacobs Wanneer talent en vasberadenheid saamspan, word geskiedenis gemaak. Die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) het vanaf 1 tot 12 April die heel eerste hokkiewêreldbeker onder die vaandel van die sport se wêreldreguleringsliggaam, die Fédération Internationale de Hockey (FIH), op die Afrika-vasteland aangebied: die FIH Junior…
NWU now ranks in top 4,5% of global universities
Apr 26, 2022 - The North-West University (NWU) continues to shine in global rankings. In the latest rankings, the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) placed the NWU in the top 4,5% of universities in their 2022/2023 edition of the Global 2000 list. This is an improvement from being in the top 4,7% in last year’s ranking. This outstanding achievement was…
NWU nou in die top-4,5% van wêrelduniversiteite
Apr 26, 2022 - Die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) skitter steeds op wêreldwye ranglyste. In die jongste ranglysgradering het die Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) die NWU in hulle 2022/2023-uitgawe van die Global 2000-lys in die top-4,5% van universiteite geplaas. Dit is ’n verbetering op hulle plek in die top-4,7% op dieselfde ranglys verlede jaar.…