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Waarom vroeë sifting vir bloeddruk by kinders noodsaaklik is
May 23, 2022 - Hoë bloeddruk of hipertensie is nie net ’n siekte by volwassenes nie, maar begin tydens die kinderjare en duur tot in volwassenheid. In ’n studie wat deur die Hipertensie in Afrika-navorsingspan (HART) van die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) uitgevoer is, beklemtoon navorsers die belangrikheid van sifting by kinders, veral swart kinders, vir…
Why early blood pressure screening in children is vital
May 23, 2022 - High blood pressure or hypertension is not only a disease in adults, but starts during childhood and tracks into adulthood. In a study conducted by the Hypertension in Africa Research Team (HART) of the North-West University (NWU), researchers emphasised the importance of screening children, especially black children, for elevated blood pressure…
Studie bevind dat ongeteerde strate lugbesoedeling bevorder
May 23, 2022 - Die brand van fossielbrandstowwe en industriële vrystellings is van die vernaamste bronne van lugbesoedeling in Suid-Afrika. Daar is egter ander bronne wat in woongebiede aangetref word, byvoorbeeld ongeteerde strate, waarvan daar baie in lae-inkomstewoongebiede in Suid-Afrika is. Lugbesoedeling is een van die vernaamste omgewingsprobleme wat ’n…
Study finds that unpaved roads increase air pollution
May 23, 2022 - The burning of fossil fuels and industrial emissions are among the major sources of air pollution in South Africa. However, there are other sources that are found in residential areas, for example unpaved roads, of which there are plenty in low-income residential areas in South Africa. Air pollution is one of the top environmental problems that…
Stemme van inheemse gemeenskappe van praktyk moet gehoor word
May 23, 2022 - “Vennootskappe tussen die regering, die privaat sektor en die burgerlike samelewing is noodsaaklik vir enige agenda vir volhoubare ontwikkeling. Ervaring in Afrika het egter getoon dat deelname deur plaaslike gemeenskappe aan ontwikkelingsprojekte selde interaktief of bemagtigend is,” sê Otsile Maditsi, ’n PhD-kandidaat en dosent by die Sentrum…
Voices of indigenous communities of practice need to be heard
May 23, 2022 - “Partnerships between the government, the private sector and civil society are critical for any sustainable development agenda. However, experience in Africa has shown that participation by local communities in development projects is rarely interactive or empowering,” says Otsile Maditsi, a PhD candidate and lecturer at the Indigenous Knowledge…
Waardes is ’n dryfkrag vir die NWU
May 23, 2022 - Die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) is trots daarop om ’n waardegedrewe instelling te wees en is tans besig met ’n veldtog om die waardes wat as riglyne dien vir personeel, studente en ander belanghebbers, weer bekend te stel. Die veldtog het in Maart 2022 afgeskop met ’n kookkompetisie vir die Universiteitsbestuurskomitee (UBK) en ’n amptelike…
Values are a driving force for the NWU
May 23, 2022 - The North-West University (NWU) is proud to be a value-driven institution and is currently busy with a campaign to relaunch the values that guide staff, students and other stakeholders. The campaign kicked off in March 2022 with a cook-off held for the University Management Committee (UMC) and an official launch in the form of a gala evening.…
NWU students: enter the 2022 Leopards Lair Business Competition
May 23, 2022 - Do you have a business idea? The North-West University (NWU) bhive Enterprise Development Centre (EDC) and Technology Transfer and Innovation Support (TTIS) office are looking for innovative business ideas or product inventions. NWU undergraduate and postgraduate entrepreneurs are thereby invited to enter Leopards Lair Business…
NWU alumnus leads with agriculture enterprise and women empowerment
Mar 11, 2022 - According to Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), approximate 70% of the South African population rely directly on agriculture as a means of living. North-West University (NWU) alumnus and livestock farmer Ipeleng Kwadi hails from Brits in North West, and is shattering age and gender stereotypes with her family owned enterprise, Motsemotala…
NWU reaches out to schools by donating sports equipment
Mar 11, 2022 - As part of their community outreach programme, the All Sports Chapter (ASC) and Sports department on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Mahikeng Campus are reaching out to local schools lacking sports equipment. The aim of this programme is to give back to the community and to add value to sports development in the Ngaka Modiri Molema…
NWU and Universität Duisburg-Essen develop early warning tool for metal pollution in fresh water
Mar 15, 2022 - Researchers from North-West University (NWU) and Universität Duisburg-Essen in Germany have developed an early warning tool for metal pollution in freshwater systems worldwide. This research achievement is a collaboration between the Water Research Group, the NWU led by Prof Nico Smit and Prof Victor Wepener and the Universität Duisburg-Essen’s…
Rugby on Vaal is ready to fly
Mar 15, 2022 - It was a Wednesday night and after the rain had yet again pelted down, the playing field at the North-West University’s campus in Vanderbijlpark was soaking wet. And draped in darkness. If it wasn’t bad enough that the elements conspired against the first rugby team of the campus training in acceptable conditions, Eskom had decided to throw its…
Susan Cilliers: Documenting the demons
Mar 16, 2022 - They were the twin murders that enraged a community and shocked a nation. On Saturday, 26 May 2018, 19-year-old Xander Bylsma murdered Sharnelle Hough (17) and Marna Engelbrecht (16) in their hostel in the small town of Stella. The tight-knit farming community in North West was left aghast, not only at the loss of the two beloved girls, but also…