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Eerstejaarstudente Fakulteitinligtingsgids
Dec 08, 2021 - Welkom eerstejaarstudente van 2022 by die NWU, Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe! Laai jou Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe Registrasie- en Oriënteringsprogram 2022 hier af. Laai u Fakulteitinligtingsgids en kampuskaart hier af: Inligtingsboekie Kampuskaart
NWU has reached capacity – no walk-in students allowed during registration of first-year students
Jan 20, 2022 - The North-West University (NWU) will not allow persons who did not qualify for admission, did not receive an offer to study or who applied late to enter its campuses as so-called walk-ins during the registration period for first-year students in 2022. The NWU has reached full capacity for its 2022 intake with no extra places…
Institusionele Registrateur
Aug 03, 2021 - Prof MM Verhoef Die Registrateur dien as die statutêre sekretaris vir die Raad, die Senaat, die NWU Bestuur, die Konvokasie en hulle onderskeie komitees en verskaf leiding ten opsigte van goeie korporatiewe bestuur, verseker voldoening aan wetgewende en statutêre vereistes en ondersteuning deur die doeltreffende funksionering van 'n…
Jan 27, 2022 - Etieseklaring Etiek opleiding Dit is verpligtend vir alle nagraadse studente om hulself met die basiese beginsels te vergewis ten einde etiese prosedures te kan hanteer terwyl hulle die navorsingsvoorstel voorberei. Bewys van etiekopleiding kan verkry word deur die aanlyn etiekkursus te voltooi:…
Covid-19 tragedy is more than just numbers
Jan 27, 2022 - Numbers are a part of life. And although we might be getting numb, disconnected and desensitised to all the numbers with which we are bombarded daily, we should not get used to them. We should not lose sight of what they mean, explains Professor Alida Herbst, Director of the School of Psychosocial Health at the North-West University. “We should…
Covid-19-tragedie is meer as net getalle
Jan 26, 2022 - Getalle is deel van ons lewe. En hoewel ons dalk gevoelloos, afgesny en gedesensitiseer raak deur al die getalle waarmee ons daagliks gebombardeer word, mag ons nie daaraan gewoond raak nie. Ons mag nie uit die oog verloor wat dit beteken nie, verduidelik professor Alida Herbst, Direkteur van die Skool vir Psigososiale Gesondheid aan die Noordwes-…
Eagles prepare for Varsity Cup lift-off
Jan 27, 2022 - The fuse has been lit and the countdown has begun. On 14 February rugby will explode onto our screens and on our tertiary-education fields again when the 2022 Varsity Cup kicks off. It is war in its most pleasurable form. Firing the first salvos will be the NWU Eagles and UCT Ikeys on the Fanie du Toit Sports Grounds in Potchefstroom, and…
Eagles berei voor vir Varsitybeker-afskop
Jan 26, 2022 - Almal staan gereed en die fluitjie gaan binnekort blaas. Op 14 Februarie gaan rugby weer op ons skerms en op ons tersiêre-onderwysvelde ontplof wanneer die 2022 Varsitybeker begin. Dit is oorlog in sy genotvolste vorm. Die NWU Eagles en die UK Ikeys gaan mekaar heel eerste op die Fanie du Toit Sportterrein in Potchefstroom pak, en aan die…
Great award for Janneman Malan
Jan 27, 2022 - The International Cricket Council named opening batsman Janneman Malan and his intimidating bat as that organisation’s Emerging Men’s Player of the Year 2021 for his place at the top of the one-day batting log of the Proteas. This 25-year-old, who grew up in Mbombela, is a former stalwart of the North-West University during a time of glory…
Groot toekenning vir Janneman Malan
Jan 27, 2022 - Aanvangskolwer Janneman Malan en sy kanonkolf is deur die Internasionale Krieketraad vir sy lopie-oes aan die top van die Proteas se eendag-kolforde beloon deur as dié organisasie se Opkomende Manspeler van die Jaar 2021 aangewys te word. Dié 25-jarige boorling van Mbombela en voormalige steunpilaar vir die Noordwes-Universiteit tydens ʼn…
Die ruimte, biljoenêrs en ons nuwe era van ruimtevaart
Jan 27, 2022 - Daar was ’n tyd toe die supermoondhede in ’n stryd om algehele oorheersing gewikkel was en die wêreld op die randjie van uitwissing gestaan het. Daar was ’n tyd toe manne in kolosse genaamd Redstone, Atlas, Titan en Saturn met honderde duisende ponde stootkrag agter hulle na die hemele gereik het, en die name Sputnik, Laika, Gagarin, Shepard en…
Space, billionaires and our new age of going to the heavens
Jan 27, 2022 - There was a time when superpowers fought proxy wars and the world teetered on the brink of oblivion. There was a time when men rode behemoths called Redstone, Atlas, Titan and Saturn to the heavens underneath hundreds of thousands of pounds of thrust, and the names Sputnik, Laika, Gagarin, Shepard and Glenn reverberated around the eastern and…
Heavy rains affect farmers negatively
Jan 28, 2022 - Hannes Lombard, manager at the North-West University (NWU) farm in Mahikeng, says that the persistent heavy rains since November last year have posed major challenges for farmers, and in particular crop farmers. He says some farmers in parts of the Free State, Kwazulu Natal, Mpumalanga, Eastern Cape, and Gauteng have suffered major wheat crop…
Raising of repo rate was inevitable
Jan 31, 2022 - The further 25 basis-point rise in interest rates by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) on 27 January was widely expected by the markets and economists. Prof Raymond Parsons, economist from the Business School of the North-West University (NWU), explains that to uphold the credibility of the SARB…
Die verhoging van die repokoers was onvermydelik
Jan 28, 2022 - Markte en ekonome het almal die verdere 25-basispuntverhoging in rentekoerse deur die Monetêrebeleidskomitee (MBK) van die Suid-Afrikaanse Reserwebank (SARB) op 27 Januarie verwag. Prof Raymond Parsons, ekonoom van die Besigheidskool van die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU), verduidelik dat dit in die lig van die jongste inflasiedata onvermydelik…
NWU Soccer Institute alumnus back to play in the top league
Feb 09, 2022 - After joining Mpumalanga-based TS Galaxy FC, North-West University (NWU) Soccer Institute alumnus Orebotse “Bobo” Mongae is back to play in South Africa’s top league, the DSTV Premier Soccer League. The talented middle fielder has joined TS Galaxy on a 30-month contract. Bobo - as he is affectionately known - is no stranger to South African top-…
President Ramaphosa would do well to focus on electricity issues
Feb 10, 2022 - A North-West University (NWU) professor believes that – should power cuts continue as they have – more people will lose jobs, threatening the livelihoods of many in the country. This is especially true of small, medium and micro enterprises that are currently not coping. Prof David Daw, an energy expert, was weighing in ahead of President Cyril…