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NWU-parasitoloog vir navorsingsuitnemendheid vereer
Oct 12, 2018 - Edward Netherlands is ’n inspirerende navorser wat voortdurend die grense van bestaande wetenskaplike kennis uitdaag. Daardeur baan hy dapper nuwe weë vir toekomstige geslagte navorsers om na te volg. Tydens die jaarlikse Nasionale Navorsingstigting (NNS) se toekennings vir uitnemendheid het Edward die gesogte toekenning vir…
NWU parasitologist awarded for research excellence
Oct 04, 2018 - Edward Netherlands is an inspiring researcher who is continuously challenging the boundaries of existing scientific knowledge. His most recent accolade vests him as one of the country’s most productive and innovative young male researchers. During the annual National Research Foundation (NRF) Excellence Awards, Edward was awarded with the…
EWP: Verander die gesig van entrepreneurskap in Suid-Afrika
Oct 19, 2018 - Dit is ’n bewese feit dat belegging in vroulike entrepreneurs tot werkskepping, nuwe inkomstebronne en innoverende bydraes tot die gemeenskap lei. Voorbeelde hiervan – soos dit tydens die 2018-weergawe van die Ondernemende Vroue-program (EWP) ontwikkel het – sluit onder andere ’n virtuele kantoorbestuurstelsel, ’n meubelonderneming wat ruimte…
EWP: Changing the face of entrepreneurship in South Africa
Oct 04, 2018 - It is a proven fact that investing in female entrepreneurs results in job creation, new sources of revenue and innovative contributions to community. Such innovations – as developed during the 2018 rendition of the Enterprising Women Programme (EWP) – include among others a virtual office management system, a space optimising furniture…
NWU’s solar car fuels inspiration among youth
Oct 04, 2018 - Two birds with one stone: celebrating the North-West University’s (NWU’s) solar car’s success, and investing in our leaders of tomorrow. Learners from the surrounding Potchefstroom area recently joined students and staff from the Faculty of Engineering in celebrating the performance of the Phoenix after the Sasol Solar Challenge. Upon…
Grooming future engineers
Oct 04, 2018 - In an effort to educate learners about the different fields of engineering, the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Faculty of Engineering is hosting a four-day Engineering Week from 1 to 4 October. More than 60 Grade 10 to 12 learners interested in studying engineering from across the country are currently attending the event. During this week…
Celebrating the nation’s diversity
Oct 05, 2018 - The North-West University (NWU) ended September – also known as Heritage month – on a high note. The Student Campus Council (SCC) and the library on the campus in Mahikeng celebrated Heritage Day with music, drama and traditional food. With that they embraced the national theme of, “Reclaiming, restoring and celebrating our living heritage”.…
Alumnus connects business dots for young entrepreneurs
Oct 05, 2018 - The North-West University (NWU) is passionate about entrepreneurship and proudly acts as an enabler for the next generation of successful entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs such as Nkateko Rafael Khoza. For Nkateko, the managing director of Nessa Engineering, life has taken him on an exciting rollercoaster ride from obtaining a BCom in bank risk…
GeeXpo 2018: begogel jou sinne en leef jou wetenskapfantasieë uit
Oct 19, 2018 - Droom jy van ’n loopbaan in wetenskap en tegnologie? Indien wel, is die GeeXpo 2018 net vir jou! Teken Saterdag 13 Oktober in jou dagboek aan en maak seker dat jy aan die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) se grootste jaarlikse wetenskap- en inligtingstegnologie-expo deelneem. Wat GeeXpo so ’n onvergeetlike ervaring maak, is die feit dat dit baie…
GeeXpo 2018: blowing minds and tickling science fancies
Oct 05, 2018 - Are you dreaming of a career in science and technology? If so, GeeXpo 2018 is just for you! Diarise Saturday, 13 October and make sure you take part in the North-West University’s (NWU’s) largest annual science and information technology expo. What makes GeeXpo such an unforgettable experience it the fact it is much more than a traditional talk…
Kommoditeitsrisikobestuur: studente oes ervaring
Oct 19, 2018 - Ekonomiese onstabiliteit het die wyse verander waarop maatskappye bedryf word. Die dae waar besluite uitsluitlik met behulp van voorspellings en projeksies geneem is, is lankal iets van die verlede. Risikobestuur het ’n integrale deel van goeie bestuur en beheer geword. Dit geld ook vir graanbemarking en ‑verhandeling waar.…
Commodity risk management: students g(r)ain experience
Oct 08, 2018 - Economic instability has changed the way in which companies operate. Long gone are the days when decisions were made solely with the help of forecasts and projections. Risk management has become an integral part of good management and governance. This is also true for grain marketing and trading. Risk management students from the North-West…
Having grit goes a long way
Oct 08, 2018 - It is the year 2000. The share price of a multi-billion dollar Fortune 500 company peaks at $90. Their recruitment strategy reads: Hire the best, fire the rest. At the time it seemed to work, only it didn’t. That company was Enron. “Grit” is a positive, non-cognitive trait based on an individual’s perseverance - combined with a passion for a…
Caring connections enable resilience
Oct 09, 2018 - “My teacher loves me.” “My social worker is like my mother, she cares.” “My neighbour cares for me; he doesn’t want me to go hungry.” These quotes illustrate that caring connections matter for the resilience of South African adolescents facing chronic, unthinkable levels of hardship. Prof Linda Theron’s research among young people has shown the…
Using indigenous knowledge for socio-economic growth
Oct 09, 2018 - It would be a pity if we do not reap the fruit of the indigenous knowledge cultivated in our communities. Fortunately the Department of Science and Technology (DST) committed itself to engaging government departments to ensure that Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) are incorporated in their policies and programmes. By doing this they want to…
Celebrating the Groot Marico Biosphere Reserve
Oct 09, 2018 - Over the years the North West University (NWU) has shown that it is not only dedicated to achieving academic excellence, but also to helping and developing the community and the environment. The NWU, together with a number of other industry partners recently worked together to have the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural…
Tito Mboweni is a step in the right direction for SA’s economy
Oct 10, 2018 - The appointment of Tito Mboweni as new Finance Minister is a confidence-building and reassuring step for the economy. This is according to renowned economist Prof Raymond Parsons from the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Business School. “The replacement of outgoing Finance Minister Nene by former South African Reserve Bank Governor and…
United Nations welcomes Prof Klaus Kellner
Oct 11, 2018 - His list of accolades continues to grow. Prof Klaus Kellner has been appointed as a member to serve on the National Coordination Body for the United Nations’ Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) in South Africa. Prof Kellner hails from the School of Environmental Sciences and Development at the North-West University (NWU). He will…
Die toekoms lê oop vir die gegradueerdes van 2018
Oct 19, 2018 - Die opwindende wêreld van die werksomgewing wag op diegene wat in 2018 gegradueer het. Dis ’n wêreld wat deur ongeëwenaarde verandering, vinnige tegnologiese vorderings en ’n groot behoefte aan responsiewe en strategiese leierskap gekenmerk word. In haar toespraak by die onlangse Oktober-gradeplegtigheid van die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU)…