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NWU hosts first-ever virtual graduation ceremony
May 29, 2020 - The North-West University (NWU) hosted its first-ever virtual conferral of degrees and awarding of diplomas due to the challenges posed by social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic. The virtual graduation ceremony* was hosted online on 29 May. It included the conferral of all degrees and awarding of diplomas that would originally have…
NWU hosts virtual Africa Day lecture
Jun 02, 2020 - On 29 May 2020 the North-West University (NWU) hosted the first of its kind virtual Africa Day commemoration lecture. This virtual event aimed to celebrate the African Union’s (AU) successes in its fight against colonialism and apartheid while reflecting on the challenges that Africa continues to face. The theme for this year’s lecture was…
International endorsement for NWU’s nuclear technology management
Jun 04, 2020 - The NWU’s researchers and academics in nuclear engineering have shown that the university’s expertise and academic offerings in the field are in line with the best international standards. This is the case with the NWU’s newly internationally endorsed master’s programme in nuclear engineering. Specialising in nuclear technology management,…
Face masks for a great cause
Jun 05, 2020 - North-West University (NWU) alumnus Ofentse Rabaji has truly proven how one man’s waste can be another man’s treasure. The 27-year-old who holds a master’s degree in environmental management, has been making face masks for the less fortunate, by using scrap cotton fabric. Ofentse also sells these masks to members of the public for as little…
NWU student reaches out to local community in their time of need
Jun 05, 2020 - Through the help of local business owners in the small village of Logagane in the North West Province, North-West University (NWU) student Julius Mabebe is putting food on the table of struggling households in the village during the lockdown. Julius says donations from the local businesses exceeded his expectations and it shows that they take…
Make your CV stand out
Jun 08, 2020 - Since the lockdown commenced, a number of businesses have had to close indefinitely, leaving thousands of South Africans unemployed. With so many people in the job market, jobseekers have to find new ways to stand out from the crowd. Dr Peet Roos, Ms Suzanne de Swart and Mr Mphinyana Nemasitoni from the Career Centre at the North-West…
The House that Proudfoot Built
Jun 08, 2020 - The Yankee Stadium was known as the House that Ruth Built, after legendary slugger Babe Ruth, and the United Center in Chicago is synonymous with Michael Jordan’s exploits during the 1980s and 1990s. Can it be said that the North-West University’s Rugby Institute in Potchefstroom is the House that Matt Proudfoot Built? It seldom happens that…
NWU again ranked among the cream of the crop
Jun 08, 2020 - The consistent good achievements of the North-West University (NWU) in world rankings is further celebrated with the announcement that it has been ranked in the top 4,7% of 20 000 universities globally. This newest ranking was done by the Centre for World University Rankings (CWUR). The CWUR published their list of leading universities for…
Postgraduate students can now apply for the 2021 Rhodes Scholarship
Jun 10, 2020 - Are you a postgraduate student? Would you like to further your studies at Oxford University? If so, now is your chance! Online applications for the 2021 Rhodes Scholarships for Southern Africa opened on 1 June 2020. The Rhodes Scholarships are targeted at young South Africans aged between 19 and 25 years – graduates who are academically…
NWU Soccer Institute alumnus extends contract with SuperSport FC
Jun 11, 2020 - Former North-West University (NWU) Soccer Institute goalkeeper Boalefa Pule has signed a contract extension with SuperSport United FC until 2023. The NWU Diploma of Sports Science graduate has been with the club since 2011. Boalefa is better remembered for his heroics in helping the Tshwane giants to clinch the Nedbank Cup during the 2015/…
NWU se Leopard’s Lair-kompetisie – topstudentepreneur deel advies
Nov 16, 2020 - Die sperdatum vir inskrywings vir die 2020-weergawe van die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) se gewilde Leopard’s Lair-besigheidskompetisie kom nader, en alle studentepreneurs word uitgenooi om deel te neem. As jy meen dat jy ’n innoveerder met ’n unieke besigheidsidee is, is hierdie kompetisie net vir jou, en bied jou die geleentheid om jou…
NWU’s Leopard Lair Competition – top studentpreneur shares advice
Jun 11, 2020 - The deadline for entries for the 2020 version of the North-West University’s (NWU’s) popular Leopard’s Lair Business Competition is approaching, and all studentpreneurs are invited to take part. If you consider yourself to be an innovator with an out-of-the-box business idea, this competition is just for you and offers you the opportunity to…
NWU se Optentia spog met ’n nuwe PhD in Verhoudingsdinamiek en Ontwikkeling
Jun 15, 2020 - In nog ’n eerste vir die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) het die Optentia-navorsingsfokusarea onlangs die byvoeging van ’n innoverende nuwe doktorsgraad in Verhoudingsdinamiek en Ontwikkeling by sy reeds indrukwekkende nagraadse repertoire gevoeg. Die program, Philosophiae Doctor in Sosiale Wetenskappe met Verhoudingsdinamiek en Ontwikkeling, is die…
NWU’s Optentia boasts new PhD in Relational Dynamics and Development
Jun 15, 2020 - In another first for the North-West University (NWU), the Optentia research focus area recently announced the addition of an innovative new doctoral degree in Relational Dynamics and Development to its already impressive postgraduate repertoire. The programme, Doctor of Philosophy in Social Sciences with Relational Dynamics and Development, is…
NWU hosts virtual run and cycle challenge
Jun 15, 2020 - The North-West University (NWU) is calling on all running and cycling enthusiasts to take part in its bigger and better online sporting challenges. On 20 June the NWU will host the second Virtual Fun Run/Walk and on 21 June the Virtual Cycle challenge for students, staff and members of the public. “After the 5 km fun run that was hosted last…
NWU hosts online concert for all
Jun 15, 2020 - The North-West University (NWU) understands how difficult life is at the moment for both musicians and their fans. With concert venues across the country on lockdown, the NWU has found a way for students, staff and members of the public to enjoy musical performances from the safety of their own homes. The NWU will be hosting a virtual concert,…
Three NWU alumni among the top 35 Miss South Africa contestants
Jun 17, 2020 - A beauty pageant is defined as a competition that judges its contestants on their physical beauty. However, over the past few years these pageants have developed a different image. The Miss South Africa competition is a leadership platform for ambitious young South African women. Through the pageant process, contestants receive world-renowned…
NWU’s hands-on Chemistry experts produces sanitisers
Jun 17, 2020 - Amid the global pandemic hand washing with soap or using sanitiser has become one of the top measures recommended to help curb the spread of the virus, creating unprecedented levels of demand for alcohol-based sanitisers. In response, four academics and two laboratory technicians in the subject group Chemistry at the North-West University’s (…
Die nuwe (onbekende) wêreld van werk
Apr 28, 2021 - Die wêreld van werk ná die Covid-19-pandemie gaan anders wees as die een waaraan ons gewoond is. Dit is die mening van prof Bennie Linde, ’n professor in arbeidsverhoudinge aan die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) se Skool vir Bedryfsielkunde en Mensehulpbronbestuur in die Fakulteit Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe. Prof Linde voorspel dat die…