Multisite Search
Jun 06, 2017 - Die Sentrum vir Bedryfswiskunde en Informatika ® (Sentrum vir BWI/Centre for BMI) is in 1997 gestig as ‘n gesamentlike poging deur die destydse Potchefstroomse Universiteit (nou Noordwes-Universiteit) en ABSA Bank Beperk (nou Barclays Africa Group Limited). Die hoofdoel was om ‘n sentrum van uitnemendheid vir finansi…
Sentrum Prestasies
May 29, 2019 - .hovereffect { width: 100%; height: 100%; float: left; overflow: hidden; position: relative; cursor: default; } .overlay p{ text-align: center; color:#ffffff; padding:5px; } .overlay ul{ padding-top: 30px; color: #fff; } .hovereffect .overlay { position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; height: 80%; left:…
Studente Projekte
Feb 19, 2018 - Gedurende die tweede semester van die MSc BWI graad, moet BWI-studente 'n werklike besigheidsprobleem vir 'n maatskappy in die finasiële sektor oplos. BWI-studente is goed opgelei om risikokwantifiseringsprobleme op te los. Deur te fokus op die integrasie van opleiding, lewer BWI hoogs gekwalifiseerde studente af wat baie gesog…
Vennote en skakels
Nov 16, 2016 - (jammer vir die ongerief, besig met vertaling van inhou) International Networks In 2005 the Academic Intelligence Award was presented to the Centre for BMI at the SAS Forum in Lisbon for bridging the industry-academia gap. The SAS Advanced Analytics Lab was officially opened in 2013 at the Centre by the SAS Vice President for Middle East…
Kontak ons
Feb 27, 2024 - Klik hier vir Dekanaat en Dekaanskantoor personeel. Klik hier vir Fakulteitsdirekteure. Klik hier vir Vakgroepvoorsitters.
First-year engineering students unite to celebrate International Mother Language Day
Feb 28, 2024 - It was a fun-filled, educational, and fascinating day for the first-year engineering students, with activities varying from learning a novel word in a different language to answering the question: “Why did you choose to study Engineering?” in their mother tongue. As these students come from multilingual societies that practise translanguaging,…