Multisite Search
Current Research Focus
Jul 03, 2023 - The current projects of the group can be summarised as follows: Application of mono and bi-metallic Pd-Cu immobilised on magnetite for CO oxidation reaction Solid-state molecular modelling of glassy carbon supported PtxPdy bimetallic electrocatalysts A computational study of solid solution platinum, palladium and aluminium electrode materials…
Research Leaders and Publication Links
Sep 11, 2023 - Prof Cornie van Sittert Group Leader Tel: 018 299 2338 Email: Office: Building G08, Room G01, Potchefstroom Campus Qualifications: PhD (Chemistry), MSc(Molecular Modelling), MSc (Chemistry), Diploma in Tertiary Education Expertise: Inorganic Chemistry…
Active Researchers and Publication Links
Apr 30, 2024 - Dr Tsepiso Khutlane Postdoctoral Research Fellow Google Scholar Dr Cecil Botchway Postdoctoral Research Fellow Kyle Meerholz PhD…
Jul 05, 2023 - Our collaborators are as follows: Prof Damian Onwudiwe NWU CRB Mahikeng Campus, SA Research Gate Prof Nore de Leeuw University of Leeds, UK Research Gate Dr David…
Background to the Research
Jul 03, 2023 - The impacts of air pollution on the environment are diverse, which include harmful consequences for human health, vegetation, animals and the natural ecosystem. In addition, these atmospheric pollutants affect earth’s climate through contributing to changes in energy fluxes of solar and terrestrial radiation in the atmosphere (radiative…
Current Research Focus
Jul 04, 2023 - Chemical and physical properties of the unique Southern African atmosphere is explored through: Monitoring temporal and spatial variations in atmospheric gaseous and particulate (aerosols) pollutant concentrations. Measurement of chemical and physical properties of atmospheric aerosols. Deposition (wet and dry) of atmospheric pollutants…
Research Leaders and Publication Links
Aug 30, 2023 - Prof. Pieter G. van Zyl Co-group leader Orcid | Scopus Telephone: +27 18 299 2353 Email: Office: Potchefstroom Campus, Building G8, Room 212 Qualifications: PhD Expertise: Atmospheric chemistry Dr. K. Jaars Co-group leader Orcid | Scopus Telephone: +27 18 299 2337 Email: Office:…
Active Researchers and Publication Links
Apr 30, 2024 - Ms Liezl Bredenkamp PhD student Orcid Ms Tamryn Hamilton PhD student Orcid Ms Xolisa Job MSc student Orcid Mr Tiaan van Niekerk MSc student Orcid Mr Sherwon Coetzee MSc student Orcid Ms Cara le Grange MSc student Orcid
Jul 03, 2023 - Our collaborators and/or coinvestigators are as follows: Extraordinary appointments: Prof J.P. Beukes, STEINERT, Australia Dr Ville Vakkari, Finnish MeteorologicalInstitute, Helsinki, Finland Dr Lauri Laakso, Finnish MeteorologicalInstitute, Helsinki, Finland Prof Anne Thompson, Earth Sciences Division, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center,…
Jul 03, 2023 - BIOGRIP project/program, funded under the Department of Science and Technology (DST) Research Infrastructure (RI) Platform in South Africa NRF/SAEON/EFTEON funding for the South African Deposition of Biogeochemical Important Trace Species (DEBITS) project SAMNet project under DST Analytical services (e.g. elemental and organic carbon,…
News, Social Updates & Gallery
Jul 04, 2023 - The members of our group form part of the International and Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) programme of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), the National Association of Clean Air (NACA) in South Africa, as well as the Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS). Our group members actively engage in workshops, conferences and…
History to the Group
Jul 04, 2023 - The Catalysis and Synthesis research group (CAT&SYN) was formed in 2001 with Prof HCM (Manie) Vosloo as the leader. It was a merger between the Catalysis group and Organic Synthesis group established in 1973 under the leadership of Prof JAK (Jan) du Plessis and Prof FJC (Frans) Martins respectively. Upon the retirement of Prof du Plessis in…
Background to the Research
Jul 03, 2023 - Sasol, one of the largest companies in the South African petrochemical industry, produces a variety of chemicals, including a series of unique, and currently underutilised α-olefins. Most of these α-olefins are exported, beneficiated elsewhere, and re-imported to South Africa. These α-olefins can typically be beneficiated to high value products…
Current Research Focus
Jul 03, 2023 - The Catalysis and Synthesis research group has shifted their focus from studying mainly homogeneous catalysis to investigating the utilization and beneficiation of Fischer-Tropsch products to produce high-value surfactants. The group's main objective is to synthesize, characterize, and to find new applications with potential industrial importance…
Research Leaders and Publication Links
Sep 11, 2023 - Dr Frans Smit Group Leader Orcid I Google Scholar Telephone: +27 18 299 2356 Email: Office: Potchefstroom Campus, Building G8, Room G11 Qualifications: PhD Expertise: Organic Synthesis Dr Danie Otto Senior Laboratory Specialist Orcid Telephone: +27 18 299 2361 Email: Office: Potchefstroom…
Active Researchers and Publication Links
Apr 30, 2024 - Dr Ettiene Wiese Postdoctoral Research Fellow Orcid Dr Emmanuel Olaoye Postdoctoral Research Fellow Orcid Juliana Edor PhD Student Orcid Wynand Serfontein PhD Student Orcid David Venter PhD Student Orcid Ross-Lee Botha MSc Student Orcid Jodi van der Merwe MSc…
Jul 03, 2023 - Our collaborators and/or coinvestigators are as follows: Prof A Swarts – Department of Chemsitry, Wits Prof Lyn-Marie Birkholtz - DST/NRF South African Research Chair (SARChI) in Sustainable Malaria Control -University of Pretoria (SA) Proff SF Mapolie, SJ Ojwach, G Smith, NJ Goosen, Dr B Makhubela - DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Catalysis…
Aug 30, 2023 - NRF Sasol c*Change DAAD DST
History to the Group
Jul 04, 2023 - Previously known as the Membrane Technology Group (MT, since 1996) under the leadership of Prof. Henning Krieg, the Hydrometallurgy Research Group was formed with a new focus in 2020. The MT research group had a specific goal to discover environmentally friendly, cost-effective membrane-based separation solutions for industrial and rural…