Multisite Search
Jun 27, 2023 - Introduction The UNESCO Chair on Multimodal Learning and Open Educational Resources (OER), hosted by the North-West University, South Africa, was established in April 2019. The Chair aims to promote an integrated system of research, training, information and documentation sharing on self-directed multimodal…
Jan 21, 2019 - .frontlink a { color:#3d3d3d; } .frontlink a:hover { color:#000000; } .hovereffect { width: 100%; height: 100%; float: left; overflow: hidden; position: relative; cursor: default; } .overlay p{ text-align: center; } .hovereffect .overlay { position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; height: 100%; left: 0; top: 0; border-bottom: 1px solid #…
Ethics Training
Apr 08, 2019 - Research ethics training of researchers (Principal investigators, supervisors/promoters, co-supervisors/co-promotors, Master’s and PhD students and other research team members) has become a requirement of the Department of Health and the National Health Research Ethics Council (NHREC) and proof of formal research ethics training received…
About Us
Jun 18, 2024 - Welcome to the North-West University Education, Management and Economic Sciences, Law, Theology, Engineering and Natural Sciences Research Ethics Office. The NWU-EMELTEN-REC is a registered research ethics committee with the National Health Research Ethics Council (NHREC) of the national Department of Health. The purpose of the NWU-EMELTEN-REC is…
Mar 23, 2020 - Community-based Educational Research: Our research focuses not only on generating theoretical knowledge about the issue, but also on bringing about change on personal, institutional and community levels. As such, we can call it research as social change as the process has educational, political and emancipatory intent. An example of…
Apr 12, 2022 - The main aim of COMBER is to: Facilitate the learning and development of people engaged in various education contexts, from pre-school through to adult education We conduct this research with members of the various communities to assist them to learn how to address in a sustainable way issues they identify as problematic. We…
Dec 02, 2024 - [accordion collapsed] LANGUAGE LITERACY LITERATURE INITIATIVE FOR EMPOWERMENT (³LIFE) IN COMMUNITIES Subprogramme Leader : Prof C Nel Subprogramme Members: Prof A Oduaran, Prof C Botha, Dr M Meyer, Prof K Kaiser, Dr S Romylos, Prof E Marais, Dr C van der Vyver, Dr C Nel, Mr M Uys, Ms C Bansen, Mr…
Apr 04, 2019 - .views-row-odd.col-sm-6 { clear: both; margin-bottom:20px; } .views-row-even.col-sm-6 { margin-bottom:20px; }
Mar 10, 2023 - Community-based Educational Research is: Research that is defined as a partnership of students and community members who collaboratively engage in research with the purpose of solving a pressing educational problem to generate knowledge, skills and processes that will enhance sustainable learning and development. As such, the methodology that…
HREiD home
Dec 01, 2016 - This research group, consisting of academics and post-graduate students from a variety of tertiary institutions, was established to address human rights in education with the emphasis on gender, belief systems and cultural diversity contributing to human rights literacy. The need to engage in rigorous discussions on these issues arose as a…