Multisite Search
Feb 12, 2021 - South Africa is in dire need of well-stimulated, developed and educated toddlers, pre-schoolers and children in their early childhood years of development (0-9 years), as these youngsters will ensure that the country develops according to its full potential with adults possessing high-level skills. Our Subject Group ECDE offers various…
Feb 02, 2021 - The NWU’s structure provides for three main pillars: teaching, learning and assessment; community engagement and stakeholder relationships; and research and innovation. Our mission for each pillar is: Teaching, Learning and Assessment Community engagement and stakeholder relationships Research and Innovation…
Jun 05, 2024 - Qualification options: BEd in Foundation Phase (Gr. R-3) (contact and distance) Diploma in Grade R teaching (distance) ACT/ADE in Foundation Phase (distance) B.Ed in Early Childhood Care and Education (0-4 years) (distance) Forthcoming qualifications: Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education (0-4 years) (distance) B. Ed…
Latest SDL AOSIS Scholarly Books Published
Feb 05, 2021 - It is with great pride that the AOSIS Publishing Team would like announce the publishing of the latest open access scholarly books (Volume 3-5) in the North West University book series on self directed learning. This series provides an excellent platform for the publication of research undertaken and promoted at the NWU Research Unit for…Teaching and Learning of early literacy