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Kriptogeldeenhede: ’n suksesverhaal?
May 27, 2021 - Dit wil voorkom of die wêreld van bitcoin hier is om te bly, ten spyte van talle voorspellings dat dit enige oomblik in duie gaan stort. Elon Musk het oor die naweek beweer dat met ’n keuse tussen kriptogeldeenhede en fiatgeldeenhede soos die dollar, euro en die jen, sy voorkeur vir eersgenoemde is. Bitcoin, die grootste van ten minste 4 …
Cryptocurrencies: dressed for success?
May 27, 2021 - The world of bitcoin appears to be here to stay, despite many forecasts that the ride is going to end at any moment. Over the weekend, Elon Musk argued that in a choice between cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies such as the dollar, euro and the yen his preference was for the former. Bitcoin, the largest of at least 4 000 cryptocurrencies,…
NWU engineers and biokineticists brainstorm for 2024 Bionic Olympics
Jun 08, 2021 - The North-West University’s (NWU’s) engineers and biokineticists are preparing to take on universities from around the world in the 2024 International Cybathlon, which will see athletes with physical disabilities competing to complete everyday tasks using state-of-the-art technical assistance systems. Prof Leenta Grobler, group leader in…
NWU colloquium examines terrorism in Africa
May 31, 2021 - With terrorism activities on the rise in Africa, the School of Government Studies at the North-West University (NWU) recently hosted a colloquium on the prospective trajectories of terrorism on the continent. At the colloquium national and international experts discussed Africa’s efforts in trying to combat terrorism, the role of social media,…
Nuwe NWU-genootskap bevorder oop opvoedkundige hulpbronne
May 31, 2021 - Die deel van kennishulpbronne is ’n groeiende wêreldwye tendens en die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) het met ’n unieke Suid-Afrikaanse inisiatief begin om die skep en gebruik van oorspronklike oop opvoedkundige hulpbronne te bevorder. Die NWU-genootskapsprogram vir oop opvoedkundige hulpbronne is onlangs bekend gestel en onderskryf en stimuleer…
New NWU fellowship promotes open educational resources
Jun 10, 2021 - The sharing of knowledge resources is a growing global trend, and the North-West University (NWU) has embarked on a unique South African initiative to promote the creation and use of original open educational resources. The recently launched NWU Open Educational Resources Fellowship programme endorses and stimulates research on the adaptation or…
Protecting our children
Jun 04, 2021 - According to the South African Crimes Statistics, there were 943 murders and 24 000 sexual offences against children from April 2019 until March 2020. Although these statistics are slightly lower than the previous year, the data still leaves a lot to be desired. In light of national Child Protection Week, which is commemorated annually from…
NWU joins in the move for health
Jun 03, 2021 - Over the years there has been a significant increase in the number of people who suffer from lifestyle diseases. This is mostly due to unhealthy eating, alcohol intake, smoking and a lack of physical activity. To this end, the Africa Unit for Transdisciplinary Health Research (AUTHeR) at the North-West University (NWU) has partnered with the…
Die toekoms van die NWU Besigheidskool – Projek Proton
Jun 04, 2021 - Prof Jan van Romburgh het sy visie vir die NWU Besigheidskool vir die volgende vyf jaar gekoester, beplan en bepeins. Hy het onlangs sy visie in die vorm van ’n vars en innoverende metafoor – naamlik Projek Proton – gedeel. Hy het al sy kollegas, die adviesraad, en ander belangrike figure van die NWU Besigheidskool uitgenooi om sy vooruitsigte te…
The future of the NWU Business School – Project Proton
Aug 17, 2021 - Prof Jan van Romburgh nourished, planned and pondered over his vision for the NWU Business School for the next five years. He recently shared this vision in the form of a fresh and innovative metaphor – namely Project Proton. He invited all his colleagues, the advisory board, and other important figures from the NWU Business School to share his…
Charné is headed to Japan
Jun 10, 2021 - The 2021 Olympic Games are almost here and 22-year-old NWU hockey captain Charné Maddocks from Kimberley was selected for the South African Hockey team that will be headed to Tokyo, Japan in July. Charné is currently completing her BEd Honours degree majoring in special needs at the North-West University. The selection process took…
NWU Mahikeng Campus to host secretariat of WaterNet
Jun 07, 2021 - The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Mahikeng Campus has been chosen to host the Southern African Development Community (SADC) subsidiary, WaterNet during its 2022 to 2026 strategy implementation period. WaterNet is a regional network of university departments and research and training institutes specialising in water. The network aims to build…
Should the 2021 South African local government elections be synchronised?
Jun 07, 2021 - Should this year’s local government elections be postponed and run together with the provincial and national elections as a single event in 2024? This question is currently being discussed widely and was also the main question during a webinar hosted by the North-West University (NWU)’s Faculty of Law on 20 May 2021. The title of the webinar was…
Daniels is NWU Varsity Cup captain
Feb 24, 2021 - Ladies and gentlemen, buckle your seatbelts and secure your helmets: the adrenalin-fuelled rugby rollercoaster that is the Varsity Cup is around the corner. Leading the charge for the North-West University (NWU) will be Lincoln Daniels, who has been named captain. The fleet-footed wing boasts plenty of experience, and as a fourth-year BEd…
Young NWU lecturers making mathematics fashionable
Mar 08, 2021 - North-West University (NWU) lecturers Tshepiso Mahura (28) and Thokozani Jele (27) have much in common. Working at the Vanderbijlpark Campus, these best friends are both young academics from disadvantaged backgrounds, both pursuing their PhDs, and both taking the road less travelled – mathematics. Thokozani – who finished his master’s degree…
Take a 3D tour of the NWU Gallery’s latest exhibition
Feb 25, 2021 - South Africa has been on lockdown for almost year, and businesses across the country have had to find innovative ways to continue operating. The North-West University (NWU) Gallery is no different, and after Covid-19 restrictions were enforced, it started hosting its art exhibitions online. The gallery is currently hosting a show by…
Belangrikste teikens moet bereik word om finansiële Dunkirk te vermy
Feb 25, 2021 - “Die belangrikste ekonomiese en fiskale teikens in die Begroting moet bereik word en groeibeleide moet geïmplementeer word as Suid-Afrika nog ʼn finansiële Dunkirk later wil vermy.” Prof Raymond Parsons van die Besigheidskool aan die Noordwes-Universiteit sê die Minister van Finansies, Tito Mboweni, het ’n baie moeilike taak gehad om in…
Key targets must be achieved to avert financial Dunkirk
Feb 25, 2021 - “The key economic and fiscal targets in the budget must be achieved and growth policies implemented if South Africa still wants to avert a financial Dunkirk later.” Prof Raymond Parsons from the Business School at the North-West University says in the challenging economic circumstances, Finance Minister Tito Mboweni had a difficult balance to…
NWU Engineering encourages entrepreneurship in communities through I2P Lab
Mar 09, 2021 - The Faculty of Engineering on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Potchefstroom Campus recently added an Idea2Product (I2P) Lab to their technology arsenal. The I2P Lab is a national initiative funded by the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI). It was born from the DSI’s FabLab concept, but where the FabLab was mainly aimed at staff and…