Multisite Search
Career Centre: STEM Job Fair - Potchefstroom Campus
Apr 25, 2023 - The Career Fairs are an ideal opportunity for employers to meet talented students and alumni from the NWU and provide them with an insight into their organization. The Career Fairs are specialized across the campuses and include a wide range of employers from small to large organizations. The Career Fairs are an exclusive platform for employers…
Career Centre: STEM & General Job Fair - Vanderbijlpark Campus
Apr 26, 2023 - The Career Fairs are an ideal opportunity for employers to meet talented students and alumni from the NWU and provide them with an insight into their organization. The Career Fairs are specialized across the campuses and include a wide range of employers from small to large organizations. The Career Fairs are an exclusive platform for employers…
Career Centre: Law & General Job Fair - Potchefstroom Campus
Apr 25, 2023 - The Career Fairs are an ideal opportunity for employers to meet talented students and alumni from the NWU and provide them with an insight into their organization. The Career Fairs are specialized across the campuses and include a wide range of employers from small to large organizations. The Career Fairs are an exclusive platform for employers…
Career Centre: STEM & General Job Fair - Mahikeng Campus
Apr 25, 2023 - The Career Fairs are an ideal opportunity for employers to meet talented students and alumni from the NWU and provide them with an insight into their organization. The Career Fairs are specialized across the campuses and include a wide range of employers from small to large organizations. The Career Fairs are an exclusive platform for employers…
Career Centre: Virtual Fair
Apr 25, 2023 - The Career Fairs are an ideal opportunity for employers to meet talented students and alumni from the NWU and provide them with an insight into their organization. The Career Fairs are specialized across the campuses and include a wide range of employers from small to large organizations. The Career Fairs are an exclusive platform for employers to…
Lecture by Dr Jacek Karcz, Sales Director of Gruber Logistics: Trransport and Supply Chain Across Continents - A Polish South African Perspective
May 03, 2023 - The Faculty of Economic and Management Science invites you to a series of lectures by Dr Jacek Karcz, Sales Director of Gruber Logistics about Trransport and Supply Chain Across Continents - A Polish South African Perspective. [accordion collapsed] Sessions Session 1: Recovery and resilience (09 May 2023 09hoo-11hoo) Session 2: Hello future (…
THENSA Postgraduate Supervision Workshop
May 22, 2023 - The NWU in partnership with THENSA (Technological Higher Education Network South Africa) cordially invites you to the Postgraduate Supervision Workshop NWU for Facilitators. Programme
Guest Lecture: Inequality, Elephants, and Crime by Dr Sam Ferreira
May 05, 2023 - You are cordially invited to the Guest Lecture about Inequality, Elephants, and Crime, presented by Dr Sam Ferreira - large mammal ecologist (SANParks) and author. Invitation Register here
Guest Lecture by Chief Land Claims Commissioner, Ms Nomfundo Ntloko
May 05, 2023 - The Faculty of Law, North-West University in collaboration with the Commission on Restitution of Land Rights cordially invite you to the Guest Lecture by Chief Land Claims Commissioner, Ms Nomfundo Ntloko. Topic: Restitution of Land Rights in South Africa Microsoft Teams meeting Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 312 717 970…
3rd Food Security and Safety (FSS) Seminar by Dr. Misheck Musokwa
May 08, 2023 - You are cordially invited to the 3rd Food Security and Safety (FSS) Seminar by Dr. Misheck Musokwa from the Southern African Confederations of Agricultural Unions, and University of Pretoria. Topic: The role of agroforestry systems in providing food security under climate change. Join seminar Poster
8th National Autism Symposium - Call for Workshop Proposals
May 09, 2023 - The organising committee of the 8th National Autism Symposium invites you to submit a proposal for a practical workshop session. The symposium this year will take the shape of practical workshops. This symposium is targeted to researchers, healthcare clinicians, educators, social workers, autistic adults and parents. For more information, visit…
Workshop by Professor Alexandre J.S. Morin
May 10, 2023 - You are cordially invited to a Workshop by Prof Alexandre Morin. Topic: The Bifactor ESEM framework: A way to see the forest and the trees in psychometric measurement. Poster
GeeXpo 2023
May 10, 2023 - GeeXpo is an IT, Math and Stats exhibition targeted to high school students. Register here
Polokelo Launch
May 10, 2023 - An accessible inter-institutional online library of resources in African languages for higher education has just been launched by Baqonde, called Polokelo. The platform will be used to share teaching and learning materials among Higher Education institutions. For more information, visit Baqonde.
Tampere University of Applied Sciences' (TAMK) Visit to the NWU
May 17, 2023 - The Faculty of Health Sciences kindly invites you to the Tampere University of Applied Sciences' (TAMK) visit to the NWU. This trip aims to improve current partnerships and look into potential new ones. Undergraduate teaching and learning, as well as community engagement initiatives, will be the main topics of discussion at this meeting, while…
Special Guest Lecture by Dr Mathews Phosa
May 17, 2023 - The Faculty of Engineering is thrilled and privileged to have Dr. Mathews Phosa for a stimulating guest lecture. About Dr. Mathews: Dr Mathews Phosa is a prominent political and business leader in South Africa. He played a key role in the country’s negotiations that led to the peaceful end of four decades of apartheid rule in 1994 and…
Emergency Power Management (EPM)
Jun 06, 2024 - #Reduce-the-use as loadshedding intensifies Enquiries As load shedding stages increase and the winter cold approaches, the North-West University’s emergency power supply will come under extreme pressure. We as staff and students must be prepared and play our part to ensure the continual operation of the NWU during…