Multisite Search
Oct 11, 2022 - Social Sciences involves the scientific study of society and of how cultural forms, structures and power relationships emerge, change over time and affect human lives in multiple contexts. Social Sciences is used to understand and explain how society works, how it changes and how it influences our futures – from the causes of unemployment…
Political Studies and International Relations
Jul 02, 2020 - Political Studies focuses on matters associated with power and authority in the state and government, but also in the broader society. As students of politics, we are focused on “the games people play” to wittingly and unwittingly drive political agendas. Politics revolves around resource allocation in society and how formal…
Office of the Directorate
Dec 01, 2021 - .photo-staff { width: 150px; } Programme Leaders Job Title Ms Christa de Wet Potchefstroom Campus Programme Leader: Public Admin Telephone E-mail 018 299 1748 Job Title…
Contact us
Sep 06, 2022 - Chantal Roux Senior Administrative Assistant +27 18 299 1754 Potchefstroom Lauren Hobbs Academic Admin Assistant +27 16 910 3513 Vanderbijlpark Relebohile Serobane Academic Admin Assistant +27 16 910 3466 Vanderbijlpark Florence…
Postgraduate options
Jun 23, 2017 - Post Graduate Diploma in Public Management (1 BC D01 - L501P) BA Hons in Public Governance (currently BA Hons in Development and Management) BA Hons in Political Studies MA in Public Management and Governance MPA MA in Political Studies Master in Development and Management (Political Transformation and…
Development Studies
Jul 29, 2020 - Development Studies is a multidisciplinary field that examines social, economic and political change. This field explores debates, experiences and practical ways of achieving an improvement in the human condition. The discipline considers changing debates in the theory and practice that have grown out of the history of work in developing…