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NWU and UNHCR host international symposium on statelessness The Faculty of Law on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Mahikeng, in conjunction with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is hosting an international symposium o
Nov 01, 2017 - The Faculty of Law on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Mahikeng, in conjunction with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is hosting an international symposium on The International Human Right to a Nationality, the Prevention of Statelessness and the Protection of Stateless Individuals in the 21st Century from…
Five inaugural lectures in five months at NWU Health Sciences
Nov 01, 2017 - An inaugural lecture is an once-in-a-lifetime experience for an academic, but at the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Faculty of Health Sciences, five of these unique events have taken place in the space of just five months. Between May and September 2017, five of the faculty’s professors stepped up to the podium, one by one, and delivered…
Rugby World Cup 2023: Don’t wait SA, start preparing now
Nov 06, 2017 - World Rugby has announced that South Africa is their preferred choice to host the IRB 2023 Rugby World Cup. South Africa beat France as well as Ireland, and although an official vote will take place on 15 November, the independent World Rugby’s recommendation – a body comprised of rugby experts, business and commercial analysts – should hold…
Protea star appointed NWU coach
Nov 06, 2017 - Former Protea star and North-West University (NWU) stalwart, Elsunet du Plessis, has been appointed as the new NWU netball coach starting on 1 January 2018. Elsunet takes over the Potchefstroom-based team’s reins from Dorette Badenhorst. “After an extensive consultation process Elsunet proved to be the best possible candidate to take our club…
Teachers are real-life heroes – NWU Alumni
Nov 06, 2017 - “If you have to put someone on a pedestal, put teachers. They are society’s heroes.” With these words by American author Guy Kawasaki in mind, the Alumni Office of the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark hosted its first get-together for educators earlier in the year. According to Zanele Ngobese, the campus’s alumni…
NWU at the forefront of community research
Nov 08, 2017 - Community research is undergoing a major shift in South Africa, and the North-West University (NWU) is at the forefront of the changes. Where previously the emphasis was on working on philanthropic projects in communities, community research now uses scientifically based methods to tackle critical community challenges. “We are looking at the…
AUTHeR: Community-based research with a difference
Nov 08, 2017 - The research activities of the Africa Unit for Transdisciplinary Health Research (AUTHeR) on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Potchefstroom are focused on bio-psychosocial health and specifically on preventing illness, maintaining and promoting health and facilitating quality health systems. AUTHeR supports the World Health…
NWU researchers honoured by ASSAf
Nov 09, 2017 - Two researchers from the Faculty of Health Sciences at the North-West University (NWU) were honoured for their outstanding research by the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf). Prof Alta Schutte and Prof Marius Smuts were recently elected as members of ASSAf. New members are elected annually in recognition of their academic achievements…
NWU awards honorary doctorate for work in Afrikaans
Nov 09, 2017 - The North-West University (NWU) has awarded an honorary doctorate to a seasoned and experienced academic who has made an outstanding contribution towards promoting Afrikaans in the Low Countries (the Netherlands and Belgium). Prof Ena Jansen, who has lived permanently in Amsterdam since 2002, was honoured for her enormous contribution towards…
Polish expert in supply chain management visits NWU
Nov 09, 2017 - Sebastian Kot regards South Africa as not only one of the most beautiful countries he has visited thus far, but also as a valued destination for collaborative research. During a recent visit to sunny South Africa it was not only the scenic environment, the local cuisine or the friendly people that left Sebastian Kot in awe, but also the…
Optentia-navorsing begin by die gemeenskap
Nov 09, 2017 - Die 1990’s-idee van “gee sielkunde weg” het in 2017 by Optentia lewe gekry met navorsing wat hier gedoen word met die doel om “wetenskap weg te gee”. Vir die Optentia-navorsingsfokusarea is die gemeenskap die beginpunt van enige navorsingsprojek. “By Optentia doen ons navorsing saam met die gemeenskap,” sê die direkteur, prof Ian Rothmann.…
Optentia research starts with the community
Nov 09, 2017 - The 1990s concept of “giving psychology away” has come to life at Optentia in 2017 where research is being done with the purpose of “giving science away”. For the Optentia research focus area, the community is the starting point for any research project. “At Optentia, we do research together with the community,” says its director, Prof Ian…
Capacitating small-scale farmers is cattle project’s purpose
Nov 09, 2017 - A 10-year-old partnership between the North-West University (NWU), Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development is going strong, continuing to produce good results for small-scale farmers. Launched in 2007, the North West Nguni Cattle Development Project is the province’s contribution to the…
Sharpeville 2020: aksienavorsing inspireer verandering ten goede
Nov 09, 2017 - Meer as 55 jaar na die Sharpeville-slagting bloei die township steeds, en die jeug ly onder die gevolge daarvan. So sê prof Danie Meyer, medeprofessor in die Fakulteit Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe aan die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) se kampus in Vanderbijlpark. Danie staan aan die hoof van die Sharpeville 2020-ontwikkelingsplanintervensie…
Sharpeville 2020: action research inspires change for the better
Nov 09, 2017 - More than 55 years after the Sharpeville massacre, the township is still bleeding, and the youth are suffering the consequences. This is according to Prof Danie Meyer, associate professor in the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences at the North-West University’s (NWU's) campus in Vanderbijlpark. Danie is spearheading the Sharpeville…
The science behind absent fathers
Nov 09, 2017 - A large number of South African children are living their lives without the presence of a father figure. The issue of absent fathers has been a major problem in the country for a number of years. Dr Fazel Freeks, who is a senior lecturer and the coordinator: community engagement at the Faculty of Theology at the North-West University (NWU),…
NWU proves that MASDT training project is beneficial
Nov 09, 2017 - For the past 12 years the Mobile Agri Skills Development and Training (MASDT) nonprofit company has been empowering farmers from selected rural communities in the Limpopo and Mpumalanga provinces. Now it wants to know how effective its programmes have been – and who better to assist than the North-West University (NWU)? MASDT offers emerging…
NWU Mahikeng Law Clinic is making a lasting impact in the local community
Nov 09, 2017 - The North-West University (NWU) Law Clinic in Mahikeng has been in operation for 33 years. It started as a small advisory office with the assistance of students who participated on a voluntary basis. “In 1984, the Practical Legal Studies course became compulsory for all final-year law students, requiring them to spend some time learning the…
TRADE and DSM help Rwanda to boost exports
Nov 09, 2017 - Rwanda is striving to reach its export market potential, with help from the team from the research focus area Trade and Development (TRADE) at the North-West University (NWU). Using an innovative approach called the Decision Support Model (DSM), Rwanda’s export potentials have been mapped in detail, both in terms of the most promising export…