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Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design
Jan 24, 2025 - [accordion collapsed] Overview The NWU’s Graphic Design programme has existed for 20 years, and in that time has established itself as providing a sought-after qualification. Our students have proved that they not only possess immense talent, but are continuously able to excel in their chosen fields and professions. Our staff are…
Baccalaureus Artium in Grafiese Ontwerp
Jan 24, 2025 - [accordion collapsed] Oorsig Die NWU se Grafiese Ontwerp-program bestaan reeds 20 jaar, en in daardie tyd is dit as ’n gesogte kwalifikasie gevestig. Ons studente het bewys dat hulle nie net oor baie groot talent beskik nie, maar deurlopend in staat is om op hulle gekose gebiede en professies uit te blink. Ons personeel is toegewyde…
Jan 24, 2025 - The Agriculture programme at the Potchefstroom Campus was founded in 2019 to produce well-rounded graduates to serve the needs of the agricultural sector in the sub-disciplines of agronomy and soil science in South Africa. In the country and the North West province, agriculture plays an important role in adding economic value, providing jobs…
Jan 24, 2025 - Wat is Menslike Fisiologie? Menslike Fisiologie is die wetenskap van lewe - die deel van biologie wat fokus op hoe die menslike liggaam funksioneer. 'n Sel is die kleinste eenheid wat lewensaktiwiteite kan uitvoer. 'n Groep selle vorm weefsel, 'n groep weefsel vorm organe, en verskillende organe vorm orgaansisteme. Die menslike liggaam…
Jan 24, 2025 - What is Human Physiology? Human Physiology is the science of life – the part of biology that focusses on how the human body functions. A cell is the smallest unit that can carry out life’s activities. A group of cells forms tissue, a group of tissue forms organs, and different organs form organ systems. The human body is made up of many…
Studeer Fisiologie: Nagraads
Jan 24, 2025 - Kwalifikasies & Programme Aanlayn aansoeke vir die 2026 Ope Dag en die Honneursprogram in 2026 sal op 'n later datum aangekondig word. Vir meer inligting oor die Bachelor of Health Sciences Honneurs in Fisiologie, druk hier. Vir meer inligting oor nagraadse studies in die veld van FISIOLOGIE:…
Study Physiology: Postgraduate
Jan 24, 2025 - Qualifications & Programs Online applications 2026 Open Day for the Honours programme 2026 will be announced at a later date. For more information about what the Bachelor of Health Sciences Honours in Physiology, click here. For more information about postgraduate studies in the field of PHYSIOLOGY…
Studeer Fisiologie: Voorgraads
Jan 24, 2025 - [accordion collapsed] Kwalifikasies & Programme Fisiologie programme: BHSc Fisiologie en Biochemie BHSc Fisiologie en Psigologie Ander programme met Fisiologie: BSc Dierkunde en Fisiologie BSc Chemie en Fisiologie BSc Mikrobiologie en Fisiologie [/accordion] [accordion collapsed] Nuttige inligting…
Study Physiology: Undergraduate
Jan 24, 2025 - [accordion collapsed] Qualifications and Programs Physiology programs: BHSc Physiology and Biochemistry BHSc Physiology and Psychology Other programs with Physiology: BSc Zoology and Physiology BSc Chemistry and Physiology BSc Microbiology and Physiology [/accordion] [accordion collapsed] Helpful information About…Dr Mokwatsi is appointed as a senior lecturer at the Department of Physiology and has researcher responsibilities within the Hypertension in Africa Research Team. Her research interests include early development of hypertension and the use of home and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring for control of hypertension. She is a member of the South…
Gontse (GG) Mokwatsi
Jan 24, 2025 - Dr Mokwatsi is appointed as a senior lecturer at the Department of Physiology and has researcher responsibilities within the Hypertension in Africa Research Team. Her research interests include early development of hypertension and the use of home and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring for control of hypertension. She is a member of the South…Dr Mokwatsi is aangestel as 'n senior lektor by die Departement Fisiologie en het navorserverantwoordelikhede binne die Hipertensie in Afrika Navorsingspan. Haar navorsingsbelangstellings sluit in vroeë ontwikkeling van hipertensie en die gebruik van tuis- en ambulatoriese bloeddrukmonitering vir die beheer van hipertensie. Sy is 'n lid van die…
Gontse (GG) Mokwatsi
Jan 24, 2025 - Dr Mokwatsi is aangestel as 'n senior lektor by die Departement Fisiologie en het navorserverantwoordelikhede binne die Hipertensie in Afrika Navorsingspan. Haar navorsingsbelangstellings sluit in vroeë ontwikkeling van hipertensie en die gebruik van tuis- en ambulatoriese bloeddrukmonitering vir die beheer van hipertensie. Sy is 'n lid van die…Dr Wentzel is 'n senior lektor en navorser in Fisiologie. Sy fokus op die ondersoek van die fisiologiese meganismes wat geaktiveer word tydens akute en chroniese kardiometaboliese, hidrodinamiese en psigologiese stresreaksies binne gesonde en risiko-bevolkings. Uiteindelik wil sy ondersoek instel na hoe hierdie meganismes kan verskil in, en…
Annemarie Wentzel
Jan 24, 2025 - Dr Wentzel is 'n senior lektor en navorser in Fisiologie. Sy fokus op die ondersoek van die fisiologiese meganismes wat geaktiveer word tydens akute en chroniese kardiometaboliese, hidrodinamiese en psigologiese stresreaksies binne gesonde en risiko-bevolkings. Uiteindelik wil sy ondersoek instel na hoe hierdie meganismes kan verskil in, en…Dr Wentzel is a senior lecturer and researcher in Physiology. She focuses on exploring the physiological mechanisms activated during acute and chronic cardiometabolic, hydrodynamic and psychological stress responses within healthy and at-risk populations. Ultimately, she wants to investigate how these mechanisms may differ in, and translate to…
Annemarie Wentzel
Dec 06, 2023 - Dr Wentzel is a senior lecturer and researcher in Physiology. She focuses on exploring the physiological mechanisms activated during acute and chronic cardiometabolic, hydrodynamic and psychological stress responses within healthy and at-risk populations. Ultimately, she wants to investigate how these mechanisms may differ in, and translate to…Dr Mokhaneli is aangestel as 'n senior lektor en navorser op die gebied van Kardiovaskulêre fisiologie. Haar navorsingsfokus is op die betrokkenheid van stikstofoksied en ontwikkeling van kardiovaskulêre siektes. Haar spesifieke belangstellings sluit in homoarginien en die kardiobeskermende effekte daarvan. Sy is 'n lid van die Suider-Afrikaanse…
Cleo (MC) Mokhaneli
Jan 24, 2025 - Dr Mokhaneli is aangestel as 'n senior lektor en navorser op die gebied van Kardiovaskulêre fisiologie. Haar navorsingsfokus is op die betrokkenheid van stikstofoksied en ontwikkeling van kardiovaskulêre siektes. Haar spesifieke belangstellings sluit in homoarginien en die kardiobeskermende effekte daarvan. Sy is 'n lid van die Suider-Afrikaanse…Dr Mokhaneli is appointed as a senior lecturer and researcher in the field of Cardiovascular physiology. Her research focus is on the involvement of nitric oxide and development of cardiovascular disease. Her specific interests include homoarginine and its cardioprotective effects. She is a member of the Southern African…
Cleo (MC) Mokhaneli
Dec 06, 2023 - Dr Mokhaneli is appointed as a senior lecturer and researcher in the field of Cardiovascular physiology. Her research focus is on the involvement of nitric oxide and development of cardiovascular disease. Her specific interests include homoarginine and its cardioprotective effects. She is a member of the Southern African…Me. Nonkululeko Navise is 'n lektor in die Skool vir Fisiologie en is deel van die Hypertension in Africa Research Team (HART), waar sy haar PhD-studies in Fisiologie met die navorsingspan volg. Haar navorsingsfokus is op die longitudinale ondersoek van chroniese niersiekte en hoe dit verband hou met kardiovaskulêre risikofaktore en alle-…
Nonkululeko Navise
Jan 24, 2025 - Me. Nonkululeko Navise is 'n lektor in die Skool vir Fisiologie en is deel van die Hypertension in Africa Research Team (HART), waar sy haar PhD-studies in Fisiologie met die navorsingspan volg. Haar navorsingsfokus is op die longitudinale ondersoek van chroniese niersiekte en hoe dit verband hou met kardiovaskulêre risikofaktore en alle-…Ms. Nonkululeko Navise is a lecturer in the School of Physiology and she is part of the Hypertension in Africa research Team (HART) pursuing her PhD studies in Physiology with the research unit. Her research focus is on the longitudinal investigation of chronic kidney disease and how it relates with cardiovascular risk factors and all-cause…