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NWU vier meertaligheid:Taalbewustheidsweek
Sep 09, 2021 - Die doel van Taalbewustheidsweek (TBW) by die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) hierdie jaar is om meertaligheid te vier. TBW 2021 word deur die Fakulteit Opvoedkunde in samewerking met die Taaldirektoraat gekoördineer en sal vanaf 13 tot 17 September aanlyn plaasvind. Daaglikse programme begin met ’n kort video en/of oudio-opname ter viering van die…
NWU celebrates multilingualism: Language Awareness Week
Sep 09, 2021 - Language Awareness Week (LAW) is all about celebrating multilingualism at the North-West University (NWU) this year. LAW 2021 is anchored by the Faculty of Education in collaboration with the Language Directorate and will be presented online from 13 to 17 September. Daily programmes begin with a short video and/or audio recording in celebration…
NWU AUTHeR successfully presents first Africa Conference on transdisciplinarity
Sep 10, 2021 - With nearly 500 registered participants from all around the globe, the first Africa Conference on Transdisciplinarity (ACT-1) conference was a roaring success. Hosted by the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Africa Unit for Transdisciplinary Health Research (AUTHeR), the online event themed “Transdisciplinary responses to grand challenges in the…
Reading literacy: NWU closes gap between theory and practice
Sep 13, 2021 - “Teaching reading is rocket science.” This quote by Louisa Moats underlines the importance of reading literacy, and that is why researchers and teacher educators from the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Faculty of Education are taking the lead to promote reading literacy in the foundation phase. They are of the opinion that the reality of…
Move to Adjusted Level 2 is positive, but economy not yet out of the woods
Sep 13, 2021 - President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement on moving South Africa to Adjusted Level 2 of the lockdown is positive for the economy, whose prospects still need further reinforcement and confidence building. Prof Raymond Parsons, economist from the Business School of the North-West University (NWU), welcomed the announcement that was made on 12…
Die skuif na aangepaste vlak 2 is positief, maar die ekonomie is nog nie uit die moeilikheid nie
Sep 13, 2021 - President Cyril Ramaphosa se aankondiging oor die verskuiwing van Suid-Afrika na aangepaste vlak 2 van die inperking is positief vir die ekonomie, waarvan die vooruitsig egter steeds verdere versterking en die bou van vertroue nodig het. Prof Raymond Parsons, ekonoom van die Besigheidskool van die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU), het die…
South Africa needs to build on widening the current economic recovery
Sep 13, 2021 - The better news about South Africa’s growth performance in the second quarter of 2021 is welcome. It suggests a slow but steady recovery from the shocks experienced as a result of the further lockdowns and civil unrest that occurred earlier in the year. Prof Raymond Parsons, economist from the Business School of the North-West University (NWU…
Suid-Afrika moet daarop konsentreer om die huidige ekonomiese herstel te verbreed
Sep 08, 2021 - Die goeie nuus oor Suid-Afrika se groeiprestasie in die tweede kwartaal van 2021 is te verwelkom. Dit suggereer ’n stadige maar bestendige herstel van die skokke wat as gevolg van die verdere inperkings en burgerlike onrus vroeër hierdie jaar ervaar is. Prof Raymond Parsons, ekonoom van die Besigheidskool van die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU),…
Janneman Malan se betowering duur voort
Sep 13, 2021 - Niemand – nie eers Janneman Malan self nie – sal onder enige illusie wees dat sy Bradmanese gemiddelde in die eendagwedstryde vir die Proteas sal voortduur nie. Gewone sterflinge kan nie sulke prestasies volhou nie (tensy jy natuurlik sir Don Bradman is – hoewel die Aussie-legende nooit witbalkrieket gespeel het nie). Hierdie 25-jarige voormalige…
Science is a ball(oon) of a time!
Sep 13, 2021 - Science is wickedly addictive. It is a window to wonders the imagination never knew existed. Godfrey Mosotho knows this more than most and he is not keeping the secret to himself. Mosotho runs an experiment in which he launches meteorological balloons to measure ionising radiation in the atmosphere up to several kilometres. What makes this…
Wetenskap laat jou vlieg!
Sep 10, 2021 - Wetenskap is verskriklik verslawend. Dit gee vir ’n mens ’n kykie op wonders waaraan jy in jou wildste drome nie kon dink nie. Godfrey Mosotho weet dit beter as die meeste mense en hy hou nie hierdie geheim vir homself nie. Mosotho bedryf ’n eksperiment waarin hy meteorologiese ballonne die lug in stuur om geïoniseerde straling in die atmosfeer…
Cara Stacey wins Young Artist Award for Music
Sep 13, 2021 - Dr Cara Stacey, senior lecturer in African Music at the School of Music at the North-West University (NWU), has just been named this year's winner of the Standard Bank Young Artist Award for Music. This award recognises her exceptional talent as a composer and performer. Her music is described by the National Arts Festival Artistic Committee as…
Cara Stacey wen Jong Kunstenaar-toekenning vir Musiek
Sep 07, 2021 - Dr Cara Stacey, senior lektor in Afrikamusiek by die Skool vir Musiek aan die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU), is so pas as hierdie jaar se wenner van die Standard Bank Jong Kunstenaar-toekenning vir Musiek aangewys. Hierdie toekenning gee erkenning aan haar buitengewone talent as komponis en uitvoerende kunstenaar. Haar musiek word deur die…
Coronavirus – breastfeed to protect your baby
Mar 17, 2020 - With the current coronavirus pandemic creating hysteria as far as it spreads, scientists have recently established that this virus has not yet been found to be transferred in breast milk. This mainly because breast milk has protective agents against infections. According to a recent study published in the medical journal The Lancet, all…
Storytelling the focus of 35th annual SAVAH Conference
Mar 17, 2020 - This year will see the North-West University (NWU) play host to the 35th annual South African Visual Arts Historians (SAVAH) Conference in September 2020. The event represents a dynamic collaboration between SAVAH and the NWU’s research niche area, Visual Narratives and Creative Outputs (VINCO) in the Faculty of Humanities. The theme of this…
How SA could minimise heart disease deaths
Mar 18, 2020 - Globally, heart disease remains the leading cause of death among middle-aged adults, accounting for 40% of all deaths. An alarming 80% of these deaths occur in low and middle-income countries such as South Africa. This is one of the findings from the multinational Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study, in which the North-West…
Enterprising Women Programme 2020: Calling all Mahikeng fempreneurs
Mar 19, 2020 - The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Enterprising Women Programme has become synonymous with personal development and social impact, and in 2020 the programme will yet again afford fempreneurs the opportunity to realise their business dreams. This year marks the eight rendition of this impactful programme as offered by the NWU’s bhive…
The Cave: ’n digitale veilige hawe vir maatskaplike werkers
Mar 19, 2020 - Maatskaplike werk word oor die algemeen as ’n stresvolle beroep beskou as gevolg van die emosionele eise waaraan praktisyns onderworpe is. Een groep maatskaplike werkers wat veral kwesbaar is vir negatiewe uitkomste is dié wat in die kinderbeskermingspraktykopset werk en die statutêre taak het om kinders te beskerm. Dit was een van die…
The Cave: a digital safe haven for stressed social workers
Mar 19, 2020 - Generally social work is considered a stressful occupation due to the emotional demands on practitioners. One group of social workers that is particularly at risk for negative outcomes are those employed within the child protection practice setting, tasked with the statutory duty to protect children. This was one of the research findings of Prof…