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NWU-netbal bly vervoerband vir nasionale span
May 24, 2021 - Die land se netbalspanne is weereens met NWU-speserye gegeur, met huidige en oudstudente wie se name verskyn op al wat nasionale spanlys is. Die NWU is al vir etlike jare bekend as ʼn vervoerband vir die Proteaspan, met selfs die huidige afrigter, Dorette Badenhorst, wat eers haar vaardighede met dawerende sukses by die NWU geslyp het. Alumni…
NWU netball still feeds the national team
May 25, 2021 - The country’s netball teams are once more infused with NWU spices, with current and former students whose names are found on all the lists of national teams. For a number of years now the NWU has been known to feed the Protea team, with even their current coach, Dorette Badenhorst, having honed her skills so successfully at the NWU. Alumni…
Onveranderde beleggingsgraad is positief
May 24, 2021 - Prof Raymond Parsons, ekonoom van die Besigheidskool van die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU), sê dat die jongste besluit deur graderingsagentskappe om Suid-Afrika se beleggingsgraad en ‑vooruitsig onveranderd te laat, positief is. “Die feit dat die graderingsagentskappe Standard & Poor’s en Fitch albei Suid-Afrika se soewereine kredietgradering…
Unchanged investment grade is positive
May 25, 2021 - Prof Raymond Parsons, economist from the Business School of the North-West University (NWU), says the latest decision by rating agencies to leave South Africa’s investment grade and outlook unchanged are positive. “The fact that rating agencies Standard & Poor’s and Fitch have both left South Africa’s sovereign credit rating – which is at…
SLCP to host online event with Adv. Gerrie Nel
May 25, 2021 - The Student Law Council of Potchefstroom will be hosting an online event with one of South Africa's leading prosecutors, Adv. Gerrie Nel. All staff and students from across the three campuses are invited to join in and it will be held on the 26th May 2021 at 14:00 pm. Adv. Nel will be giving insight into his journey as a prosecutor as well…
NWU-antropoloog beklemtoon vyf praktiese stappe tot die inklusiewe studie van ekologie
May 25, 2021 - Ons leef in ’n wye wêreld van kennis, en tog beklemtoon talle wetenskaplike velde hoofsaaklik die bydraes van Westerse kennis. Die belangrikheid daarvan om ekologie te dekoloniseer sodat die reikwydte en impak van die veld op ’n etiese wyse verbreed kan word, is die onderwerp van ’n artikel waarvan ’n antropoloog van die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU…
NWU anthropologist highlights 5 practical steps towards inclusive ecology studies
May 28, 2021 - We live in a vast world of knowledge and yet many scientific fields predominantly emphasise the contributions of Western knowledge. The importance of decolonising ecology to broaden the reach and impact of the field in an ethical way is the topic of a paper that an anthropologist from the North-West University has co-authored for the 17 May 2021…
NWU student scoops another Golden Key award
May 25, 2021 - North-West University (NWU) student Obriel Takunda Maposa recently added another Golden Key International Honour Society award to his list. He was announced one of three South African winners of the society’s Professional Development Award. Last year he also secured first prize for the Golden Key Ubuntu Scholarship Programme worth R30 000. The…
Continental progress key to everyone’s progress/wellbeing?
Jun 02, 2021 - The North-West University (NWU) is currently partnering with the Jomo Kennyata University in Kenya and aims to use Kenya’s health facilities to trial and possibly market three of its recently developed Covid-19 solutions. “We don’t have the luxury of making a difference only in South Africa. We think of making a difference in Africa and the rest…
New NWU centre for children with developmental delays will focus on the whole family
May 26, 2021 - When children have disabilities or developmental delays, the whole family can be affected. This is why the Care2Kids division of the Centre for Health and Human Performance at the North-West University (NWU) is embracing a family-focused intervention. Explaining the need for a family-centred approach, Hanlie Degenaar, a speech-language…
Annemie Bester
May 26, 2021 - Dit is ’n weeksdag. Die oggenddou begin verdwyn en Johannesburg is nog half aan die slaap. Die relatiewe kalmte bring ʼn lafenis voordat die dag se storm losbars. Geen kalmte egter vir Annemie Bester nie. Waar sy by Emirates Airline Park – oftewel Ellis Park in volksmond – indraai, wil sy op geen ander plek wees nie. Wat voorlê, is ʼn geskrum…
Annemie Bester
May 26, 2021 - It is a weekday. The morning dew is melting and Johannesburg is still half asleep. The relative calm is peaceful before the storm of the day hits. However, no calm for Annemie Bester. Where she turns into Emirates Airline Park – still called Ellis Park by the fans – she does not want to be anywhere else. What lies ahead is scrumming, mauls,…
NWU Eagles haal halfeindstryd van Varsitybeker
May 26, 2021 - Drama. Dit was die waarmerk van die NWU Eagles se mars tot die halfeindstryd van die Varsitybeker ná hul die CUT Ixias 35-32 Dinsdagmiddag geklop het. Dit was ʼn taai tweestryd, soos die eindtelling getuig, met die uiteindelike wenners wat behoorlik moes walgooi om die heldhaftige Vrystaters te stuit. Dit was die tweede keer in minder as ʼn week…
NWU Eagles in Varsity Cup semi-final
May 26, 2021 - Drama. That was the hallmark of the North-West University (NWU) Eagles march into the semi-finals of the Varsity Cup after they beat the CUT Ixias 35-32 on Tuesday afternoon. It was a hard-fought contest, as the scoreline shows, with the eventual winners showing ample resolve to keep the plucky Free Staters at bay. It was the second time in…
Kriptogeldeenhede: ’n suksesverhaal?
May 27, 2021 - Dit wil voorkom of die wêreld van bitcoin hier is om te bly, ten spyte van talle voorspellings dat dit enige oomblik in duie gaan stort. Elon Musk het oor die naweek beweer dat met ’n keuse tussen kriptogeldeenhede en fiatgeldeenhede soos die dollar, euro en die jen, sy voorkeur vir eersgenoemde is. Bitcoin, die grootste van ten minste 4 …
Cryptocurrencies: dressed for success?
May 27, 2021 - The world of bitcoin appears to be here to stay, despite many forecasts that the ride is going to end at any moment. Over the weekend, Elon Musk argued that in a choice between cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies such as the dollar, euro and the yen his preference was for the former. Bitcoin, the largest of at least 4 000 cryptocurrencies,…
NWU engineers and biokineticists brainstorm for 2024 Bionic Olympics
Jun 08, 2021 - The North-West University’s (NWU’s) engineers and biokineticists are preparing to take on universities from around the world in the 2024 International Cybathlon, which will see athletes with physical disabilities competing to complete everyday tasks using state-of-the-art technical assistance systems. Prof Leenta Grobler, group leader in…
NWU colloquium examines terrorism in Africa
May 31, 2021 - With terrorism activities on the rise in Africa, the School of Government Studies at the North-West University (NWU) recently hosted a colloquium on the prospective trajectories of terrorism on the continent. At the colloquium national and international experts discussed Africa’s efforts in trying to combat terrorism, the role of social media,…
Nuwe NWU-genootskap bevorder oop opvoedkundige hulpbronne
May 31, 2021 - Die deel van kennishulpbronne is ’n groeiende wêreldwye tendens en die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) het met ’n unieke Suid-Afrikaanse inisiatief begin om die skep en gebruik van oorspronklike oop opvoedkundige hulpbronne te bevorder. Die NWU-genootskapsprogram vir oop opvoedkundige hulpbronne is onlangs bekend gestel en onderskryf en stimuleer…