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Human Resource Development
Jan 23, 2025 - The HRD programme is a member of the Program Excellence Network (PEN) of the International Academy of Human Resource Development. This Network " is committed to strengthening HRD academic programs and promoting excellence in teaching HRD. It provides a forum for its members to explore, learn, and work together to shape the future direction of HRD…, Why this degree?, Our Bachelor of Human Resource Development (BHRD) degree with specialisation in Human Resource Development focuses on improving the expertise and skills levels of human resource development (HRD) practitioners in the private and public sectors. Our degree is currently the only undergraduate degree of its kind in South Africa. This is a specialised…, Core subjects, Our subjects are presented by highly skilled academic and industry experts and are aimed at providing students with optimal exposure to relevant, applicable subject content: Introduction to human resource development Learning, motivation and performance Human resource development in the South African context Adult learning Mentoring and…, Why us?, We make use of lecturers who have not only obtained this degree at postgraduate level themselves, but who are also expert practitioners (with several years’ experience) in training and development. During contact sessions, students will have the opportunity to network and discuss problems they experience in the field of training with colleagues…, Admission requirements, APS of 20 Minimum of three years’ working experience as a trainer To be admitted to this programme, the following requirements apply: National Senior Certificate (Matric) with university exemption. At least three years’ working experience as a trainer in the field of HRD. Internet access, as assignments need to be submitted electronically. , Campuses, Our degree is convenient, as it is offered on a limited contact basis (three weeks in a year). This will afford you the opportunity to study while you work and apply theory in the workplace immediately. All assignments are submitted through our intranet and you may write your examinations at an examination centre closest to you. Please note that…, Qualification, [Qualification 5FQH01], Brochure, Download our brochure here!, How to apply, Applications can only be done online on the NWU undergraduate applications portal. Applications close on 30 September [/accordion]
Jan 23, 2025 - [accordion], BA Honneurs in Mensehulpbronontwikkeling (Bachelor of Human Resource Development Honours, BHRD Hons), Hierdie nagraadse graad in Mensehulpbronontwikkeling bied aan studente die geleentheid om hulle begrip van mensehulpbronontwikkeling (MHO) te verdiep en hulle in staat te stel om op ’n strategiese MHO-vlak waarde tot hulle werkplekke toe te voeg. Aangesien die graad uit ’n groot navorsingskomponent bestaan, dien dit as voorbereiding vir die…, Waarom ons?, Ons maak gebruik van dosente wat nie net self hierdie graad op nagraadse vlak verwerf het nie, maar wat ook kundige praktisyns (met etlike jare ervaring) in opleiding en ontwikkeling is. Studente kry tydens kontaksessies die geleentheid om netwerke te vorm en probleme wat hulle op die gebied van opleiding ervaar, te bespreek met kollegas wat ook…, Toelatingsvereistes, Die honneursgraad in Mensehulpbronontwikkeling (NKR-vlak 8) bou voort op en is ontwerp vir daardie studente: Wat ’n baccalaureusgraad in Opleiding en Ontwikkeling/Mensehulpbronontwikkeling voltooi het. Wat ten minste vyf jaar ervaring as opleiers/opleidingsbestuurders op die gebied van MHO het. Wat ’n gemiddelde van 65% in hulle voorgraadse graad…, Leweringsmodus, Hierdie graad word slegs op ’n deeltydse basis (twee jaar) met beperkte verpligte kontaksessies aangebied, en is dus geskik vir studente wat voltyds werk. Hierdie graad word slegs op die Potchefstroomkampus en slegs in Engels aangebied. Die leweringsmodus en taalmedium maak dit toeganklik vir alle professionele MHO-praktisyns om te studeer terwyl…, Hoe om aansoek te doen, Aansoeke kan slegs aanlyn op die NWU se aansoekportaal gedoen word. Aansoeke sluit op 30 September. [/accordion]
Honours Degree
Jan 23, 2025 - [accordion], Honours degree (BEd Honours) in Training and Development, This postgraduate degree in Human Resource Development affords students the opportunity to broaden and deepen their understanding of human resource development (HRD), enabling them to add value to their workplaces on a strategic HRD level. Since the degree consists of a large research component, it serves as preparation for the master’s-degree…, Why us?, We make use of lecturers who have not only obtained this degree at postgraduate level themselves, but who are also expert practitioners (with several years’ experience) in training and development. During contact sessions, students will have the opportunity to network and discuss problems they experience in the field of training with colleagues…, Admission requirements, The honours degree in Human Resource Development (NQF Level 8) builds on and is designed for those students: Who have completed a bachelor’s degree in Training and Development/Human Resource Development. Who have at least five years’ experience as trainers/training managers in the field of HRD. Who had an average of 65% in the undergraduate degree…, Mode of delivery, This degree is offered on a part-time basis only (two years), with limited compulsory contact sessions, therefore it is suited to full-time working students. The degree is offered on the Potchefstroom Campus only and in English only. The mode of delivery and language medium make it accessible to all professional HRD practitioners to study while…, How to apply, Applications can only be done online on the NWU applications portal . Applications close on 30 September [/accordion]
Student PC Labs
Jan 23, 2025 - Student Resources eFundi Class timetables Participation marks Personal exam timetables Exam timetables Exam results Student Administration Student Academic Lifecycle Administration (SALA) Account Enquiries Registration Fee quotation Popular links Studies eFundi Library Important dates Career Centre…Prof Brits has a passion for creative classroom environments and community outreach projects to enhance education and health. Effective science communication through different teaching approaches can create opportunities for active participation and co-operative learning in the lecture hall. Crossing pedagogical boundaries of…
Sanette (JS) Brits
Jan 24, 2025 - Prof Brits has a passion for creative classroom environments and community outreach projects to enhance education and health. Effective science communication through different teaching approaches can create opportunities for active participation and co-operative learning in the lecture hall. Crossing pedagogical boundaries of…Prof Brits het 'n passie vir kreatiewe klaskamer omgewings en gemeenskapsuitreik-projekte om onderwys en gesondheid te verbeter. Doeltreffende wetenskaplike kommunikasie deur verskillende onderrigbenaderings kan geleenthede skep vir aktiewe deelname en koöperatiewe leer in die klaskamer. Oorbrugging van pedagogiese grense van…
Sanette (JS) Brits
Jan 24, 2025 - Prof Brits het 'n passie vir kreatiewe klaskamer omgewings en gemeenskapsuitreik-projekte om onderwys en gesondheid te verbeter. Doeltreffende wetenskaplike kommunikasie deur verskillende onderrigbenaderings kan geleenthede skep vir aktiewe deelname en koöperatiewe leer in die klaskamer. Oorbrugging van pedagogiese grense van…
Jan 23, 2025 - [accordion], Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) in Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe met spesialisering in Mensehulpbronontwikkeling (Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economic and Management Sciences with specialisation in Human Resource Development), Die Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) in Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe met spesialisering in Mensehulpbronontwikkeling sal jou in staat stel om ’n nasionale en internasionale bydrae tot die vakkundige korpus te lewer. Jou uitgebreide ervaring in mensehulpbronontwikkeling (MHO) en breë en gedetailleerde kennis (voorgraadse, honneurs- en meestersgraad…, Waarom ons?, Dit is die enigste graad van sy soort in Suid-Afrika, en ons verseker ’n optimale navorsingservaring deur van studieleiers met ’n bewese navorsingsrekord in MHO gebruik te maak. , Toelatingsvereistes, Om vir die PhD in Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe met spesialisering in Mensehulpbronontwikkeling (NKR-vlak 10) in te skryf, het jy die volgende nodig: ’n Voorgraadse, ’n honneurs- en meestersgraad in Mensehulpbronontwikkeling. Ten minste tien (10) jaar ervaring as MHO-kundige, verkieslik in ’n senior hoedanigheid. 65% in jou meestersgraad.…, Leweringsmodus, Hierdie graad word slegs op ’n deeltydse basis aangebied, slegs in Engels en slegs op die Potchefstroomkampus., Hoe om aansoek te doen, Aansoeke kan slegs aanlyn op die NWU se aansoekportaal gedoen word. Aansoeke sluit op 30 September. [/accordion]
Doctorate Degree
Jan 23, 2025 - [accordion], Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economic and Management Sciences with specialisation in Human Resource Development, The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economic and Management Sciences with specialisation in Human Resource Development will enable you to make a national and international contribution to the body of scholarship. Your vast human resource development (HRD) experience and broad and detailed knowledge (undergraduate, honours and master’s degrees in…, Why us?, This is the only degree of its kind in South Africa, and we ensure an optimal research experience by making use of study leaders with a proven research record in HRD. , Admission requirements, To enrol for the PhD in Economic and Management Sciences with specialisation in Human Resource Development (NQF Level 10) you need: An undergraduate, honours and master’s degree in Human Resource Development. At least ten (10) years’ experience as HRD professional, preferably in a senior capacity. 65% should have been obtained in the master’s…, Mode of delivery, This degree is offered on a part-time basis only, in English only and on the Potchefstroom Campus only., How to apply, Applications can only be done online on the NWU applications portal . Applications close on 30 September [/accordion]
Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design
Jan 24, 2025 - [accordion collapsed] Overview The NWU’s Graphic Design programme has existed for 20 years, and in that time has established itself as providing a sought-after qualification. Our students have proved that they not only possess immense talent, but are continuously able to excel in their chosen fields and professions. Our staff are…