Multisite Search
Professor Ludo Cuyvers is Emeritus Professor and Director of the Centre for ASEAN Studies at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. He is also extra-ordinary professor at the North-West University, South Africa, and associate research fellow of the United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS), Bruges,…
Ludo Cuyvers
Jun 12, 2023 - Professor Ludo Cuyvers is Emeritus Professor and Director of the Centre for ASEAN Studies at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. He is also extra-ordinary professor at the North-West University, South Africa, and associate research fellow of the United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS), Bruges,…Dr Marie-Luce Kuhn is a Director and Competitive Intelligence Analyst with IBIS Business and Information Services ( ) founded in 1997, and has a distinguished career in competitive intelligence, international trade (exports) and knowledge management. Dr. Kuhn is a renowned expert in the field of competitive intelligence and has…
Marie-Luce Kuhn
Jun 14, 2023 - Dr Marie-Luce Kuhn is a Director and Competitive Intelligence Analyst with IBIS Business and Information Services ( ) founded in 1997, and has a distinguished career in competitive intelligence, international trade (exports) and knowledge management. Dr. Kuhn is a renowned expert in the field of competitive intelligence and has…Professor Riaan Rossouw is an accomplished economist with over 19 years of experience in academia, business, and public policy making. He is affiliated with various institutions, including FTI Consulting in South Africa, AEXI in the Netherlands and Germany, and the North-West University in South Africa where he holds the position of an…
Riaan Rossouw
Jun 14, 2023 - Professor Riaan Rossouw is an accomplished economist with over 19 years of experience in academia, business, and public policy making. He is affiliated with various institutions, including FTI Consulting in South Africa, AEXI in the Netherlands and Germany, and the North-West University in South Africa where he holds the position of an…
Mar 14, 2025 - Die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) was nog altyd trots op sy prestasie in internasionale en nasionale rangordening. Hierdie rangordenings is goeie norme vir die vergelyking van die impak en relevansie van die NWU met dié van ander plaaslike en buitelandse universiteite. 2025 [accordion] Die QS-ranglys plaas NWU-vakgroepe in die boonste groepering…
Jan 27, 2025 - GPPC, Khaya iBhubesi conference venue and accommodation, The conference will be held at Khaya iBhubesi conference venue close (5kms) to the quaint tourist town, Parys. The conference venue offers affordable accommodation, available for attendees, as well as shuttle services to Parys and other attractions and activities that delegates might be interested in., Accommodation, Please directly contact Khaya iBhubesi for accommodation at the conference venue. Venue Venue Venue Venue Venue Venue
Vision | Mission | Values
Aug 14, 2024 - Our dream Our dream , Our Vision , At the Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences, our vision is to unlock human potential and set the standard for excellence . We achieve this by: Collaborating with Stakeholders Creating an Enabling Environment Implementing Effective Strategies Cultivating Dynamic Research Promoting Diversity , Our Mission, At the Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences, we strive to be a top South African and internationally recognised leader in teaching and research. Our mission is to set the benchmark for excellence in education. Here’s how we achieve this: Building a Diverse and Passionate Team: We recruit and retain a highly qualified, diverse staff…, , Our Values, At the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, our values are the foundation of everything we do. They guide us in creating an environment where excellence thrives and every individual is valued. Here’s what we stand for: human dignity, equality, integrity, tolerance, respect, devotion to excellence, scientific involvement, academic freedom…
Visie | Missie | Waardes
Aug 15, 2024 - Our dream Our dream , Ons visie , By die Fakulteit Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe is ons visie om menslike potensiaal te ontsluit en die standaard vir uitnemendheid te stel . Ons kry dit reg deur: Samewerking met Belanghebbers Die Skep van ʼn Instaatstellende Omgewing Die Implementering van Doeltreffende Strategieë Dinamiese Navorsing Diversiteit te Bevorder , Ons missie , By die Fakulteit Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe streef ons daarna om ʼn top Suid-Afrikaanse en internasionaal erkende leier in onderrig en navorsing te wees. Ons missie is om die maatstaf vir uitnemendheid in onderwys daar te stel. Hoe ons dit bereik: ʼn Diverse en Passievolle Span: Ons werf en behou ʼn hoogs gekwalifiseerde, diverse…, Ons waardes, By die Fakulteit Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe is ons waardes die grondslag van alles wat ons doen. Hierdie waardes lei ons om ʼn omgewing te skep waar uitnemendheid floreer en elke individu op prys gestel word. Ons staan vir: menswaardigheid, gelykheid, integriteit, verdraagsaamheid, respek, toewyding aan uitnemendheid, wetenskaplike…
Economic Sciences with Informatics
Dec 02, 2024 - [accordion], Your Path to Excellence, Our BCom in Economic Sciences with a specialisation in Economics and Informatics merges economic theory with cutting-edge technology. This programme prepares you to master analytical tools of economics alongside the latest informatics innovations, equipping you for roles at the forefront of data-driven decision-making. Prepare to drive innovation…, Core subjects , Subjects include, but are not limited to: Accounting Business Management Economics Computing Economics Statistics, Degree options, BCom in Economic Sciences with Economics and Informatics Degree Duration: 3 years, full time Offered at Potchefstroom [P] Vanderbijlpark [V] campuses Curriculuim code: 5FKH02, Admission requirements, BCom in Economic Sciences with Economics and Informatics APS of 26 Mathematics level 4 (50% and more) English OR Afrikaans level 4 (50% and more), Career opportunities , Economic Analyst Business Intelligence Analyst Data Scientist Financial Analyst Market Research Analyst Systems Analyst Data Analyst Risk Analyst Economic Consultant UX/UI Designer Health Informatics Specialist Policy Analyst E-Commerce Analyst , Postgraduate studies, Postgraduate studies in Economic Sciences include BCom Honours Degree MCom and PhD These postgraduate degrees are offered at Mahikeng [M] Potchefstroom [P] Vanderbijlpark [V] [/accordion], , Yearbook
Sep 12, 2024 - [accordion], Your Path to Excellence, You can begin your academic journey by applying for the BCom in Statistics in your first year. This programme offers a comprehensive foundation in the collection, organisation, analysis, and interpretation of numerical data. Statistics focuses on gathering accurate information, summarising it for clarity, drawing meaningful conclusions, and using…, Core subjects , Subjects include, but are not limited to: Economics Statistics Business management , Degree options, BCom in Statistics Degree duration: 3 years, full time Offered at the Mahikeng [M] campus Curriculuim code: 5FGH02 BCom in Statistics - Extended Programme Degree duration: 4 years, full time Offered at the Mahikeng [M] campus Curricluim code: 5XGH01 , Admission requirements, BCom in Statistics APS: 24 Mathematics: Level 4 (50% and more) English: Level 4 (50% and more) BCom in Statistics - Extended Programme APS: 20 Mathematics: Level 3 (40% and more) or Mathematical literacy: Level 4 (50% and more) English: Level 3 (40% and more), Career opportunities , Data Analyst Statistical Consultant Market Research Analyst Financial Analyst Biostatistician Data Scientist Quantitative Analyst Epidemiologist Business Intelligence Analyst Data Engineer Risk Analyst , Postgraduate studies, Postgraduate studies in Economic Sciences include BCom Honours Degree MCom and PhD These postgraduate degrees are offered at Potchefstroom [P] [/accordion] Yearbook
Business Statistics and Operational Research
Aug 20, 2024 - Master the art of data-driven decision-making with our Business Statistics and Operations Research course. Learn essential statistical techniques like hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and probability distributions to interpret data and uncover trends. Dive into operations research to explore optimization models, linear programming, and…, Degrees offered in this Field of Study, BCom with Operations Research BCom in Statistics
Fraud Awareness and Whistleblowing
Mar 14, 2025 - Fraud is the deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful financial gain. From invoice manipulation to student-related scams, fraud can strike anywhere. But together, we can protect our NWU community. Join us in the fight to defend the trust that binds us together. Please beware of the following: NWU does not use third-party agents to…
Management Sciences - Home
Mar 14, 2025 - The School of Management Sciences offers a range of industry-relevant degrees designed to equip individuals with the skills necessary to pursue careers as marketing and communications managers, business managers, sport managers or safety managers. Our modules are meticulously crafted and delivered by a dynamic team of lecturers who bring…, Fields of study , Business management consists of the interlocking functions of creating corporate policy and organizing, planning, controlling, and directing an organization's resources in order to achieve the objectives of that policy. Business Management Marketing management is the organisational discipline which focuses on the practical application of marketing…
Mar 14, 2025 - Die Skool vir Bestuurswetenskappe is daarop gemik om 'n aantal toepaslike grade in die bedryf te bied wat individue in staat stel om 'n bemarkings- of kommunikasiebestuurder, besigheidsbestuurder of toerismebestuurder te word. Ons modules is noukeurig beplan en word aangebied deur 'n dinamiese span dosente wat al praktiese ervaring in die…, Studierigtings , Ondernemingsbestuur bestaan uit die verweefde funksies van korporatiewe beleid en die bestuur van 'n organisasie se hulpbronne ten einde die doelstellings van die onderneming te bereik. Ondernemingsbestuur Bemarkingsbestuur is die organisatoriese veld wat fokus op die praktiese toepassing van bemarkingsoriëntering, tegnieke en metodes binne…