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Alumni en vriende trek saam vir jaarlikse sakeontbyt
Mar 03, 2020 - Die jaarlikse Alumni en Vriende Sakeontbyt van die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) sal na verwagting op 20 Maart 2020 in Vanderbijlpark plaasvind. Hierdie funksie bring lede van die NWU-alumnivereniging, akademici, sakelui en gemeenskapslede byeen om skouers te skuur en kwessies soos die Staatsrede, die nasionale begrotingstoespraak, die…
Alumni and friends to gather for annual business breakfast
Mar 03, 2020 - The much anticipated annual North-West University (NWU) Alumni and Friends Business Breakfast will take place on 20 March 2020 in Vanderbijlpark. This networking event sees members of the NWU’s alumni fraternity, academia, business owners and community members coming together to debate issues such as the State of the Nation Address (SONA), the…
NWU and partners to honour Dr Ruth Mompati
Mar 04, 2020 - The North-West University (NWU), in conjunction with The Department of Arts, Culture, Sport and Recreation (DACSR) and the Ruth Mompati Foundation, will be hosting a memorial lecture in honour of the late struggle stalwart Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati. This by-invitation-only event will take place on 10 March on the campus in Mahikeng. The…
Worse than expected GDP data highlights SA’s economic damage
Mar 04, 2020 - “The worse than expected GDP data for the fourth quarter of 2019 confirms that not only did the South African economy experience a ‘technical recession’ in the second half of 2019, but that growth in 2019 as a whole was also only 0,2%.” This is according to Prof Raymond Parsons, a well-known economist and academic from the North-West…
Yes, we are in another recession: NWU economists say the red lights are on
Mar 04, 2020 - South Africa is in a technical recession – what now? Two economists from the North-West University (NWU) discuss the implications of this for the economy. They say urgent structural change and clear economic policy are now of the utmost importance. Prof Danie Meyer and Roan Neethling, a doctoral student, say the country has been caught up…
NWU alumnus’ song makes waves on MTV Base
Mar 05, 2020 - North-West University (NWU) alumnus and BCom graduate Osman "Hypnosis" Mkhondo’s new single Slay Queen - featuring Decency and the legendary Thebe - is causing a stir on MTV Base and across the South African airwaves. Originally from Pretoria, Hypnosis is a music composer, producer, engineer and songwriter who has won prestigious creative…
NWU’s communication studies students showcase their practical skills
Mar 05, 2020 - North-West University (NWU) students are showcasing their journalistic skills and talent by running a live student news site. The site – threestreamsmedia – is a project of the journalism and media studies programme in the School of Communication and is the first of its kind at the NWU. The site was launched on 18 February and follows an…
Kampus loof top- akademiese presteerders
Mar 05, 2020 - Die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) se kampus in Vanderbijlpark het hierdie jaar nie net ’n rekordgetal eerstejaarstudente verwelkom nie, maar ook die room van die oes matrikulante uit die Suid-Gautengstreek. Lede van die kampusbestuur het onlangs tydens ’n feesgeleentheid tyd gemaak om die top-30- akademiese presteerder van die kampus se…
Campus applauds top academic performers
Mar 05, 2020 - This year the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark welcomed not only a record number of first-year students, but also the cream of the matriculant crop of the South Gauteng region. During a recent celebratory event, members of the campus management took time out to meet up with the top 30 academic performers of the campus’s…
Rare Diseases Day 2020: NWU’s CHM at the forefront of preventative healthcare
Mar 06, 2020 - Did you know that in South Africa, there are approximately three million people living with a rare disease? This means that one in every 16 people are directly affected by a rare disease. The Centre of Human Metabolomics (CHM) at the North-West University (NWU) is well known for its expertise and many years of experience in the field of…
Do you believe in a universal code of ethics or that context matters?
Mar 06, 2020 - The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Faculty of Humanities in collaboration with the office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and innovation recently hosted a public lecture titled: “An ethic of care: The soft voice in ethics”. “This is the very first collaboration with the DVC: R&I this year, and we are looking forward to having…
Mobile science laboratory to bring science to life for North West learners
Mar 06, 2020 - On Thursday, 5 March 2020, the Sasol Foundation donated a mobile science laboratory to the North-West University (NWU) that will deliver practical science education to thousands of learners around the North West Province. When fully utilised, this state-of-the-art mobile laboratory is able to serve up to 30 schools per year. Various…
NWU student announced a winner in SASA bursary competition
Mar 05, 2020 - North-West University (NWU) honours student in business statistics Ketsane Benson Nkuna has been announced as one of the winners of the South African Statistical Association (SASA) Bursary and Scholarship competition for 2019. The NWU’s subject group Business Statistics and Operations Research officially handed over the award – a bursary of…
NWU celebrates international Open Education Week
Mar 09, 2020 - Hosting several events, the North-West University (NWU) recently celebrated international Open Education Week from 2 to 6 March 2020. The global celebration aims to raise awareness and showcase the impact of open education on teaching and learning worldwide. The NWU’s Centre for Teaching and Learning and the UNESCO Chair on Multimodal…
Effective border control to curb Coronavirus
Mar 09, 2020 - With South Africa’s third COVID-19 case confirmed over the weekend, a North-West University (NWU) academic believes that effective border control is needed to curb the further spread of the Coronavirus. Prof Muhiyatshombe Lukamba says a large number of health professionals are needed to screen each and every person in trucks entering South…
NWU-kundiges bespreek die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie
Mar 10, 2020 - Suid-Afrika het sedert 1994 sy derde resessie beleef en negatiewe groei lê die land se reeds sukkelende ekonomie aan bande. Voeg hierby ’n daling van 1,4% in die bruto binnelandse produk, asook die droewige toestand van ons ondernemings in staatsbesit, en dit is duidelik dat die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie in ’n toestand van paniek verkeer.…
NWU experts to deliberate on the South African economy
Mar 10, 2020 - South Africa has slipped into its third recession since 1994 and negative growth is hampering the country’s already struggling economy. Add to this a drop of 1,4% in the gross domestic product and the dire state of our state-owned enterprises, and it is clear that the South African economy is in a state of panic. With this said, two experts…
Moeder-dogter-duo gereed vir die akademiese jaar
Mar 10, 2020 - Hulle mag dalk jare uit mekaar gebore wees, maar moeder en dogter deel dieselfde doelwit: om hulle onderskeie nagraadse kwalifikasies in die 2020- akademiese jaar te verwerf. Fatima de Abreu en haar dogter, Michaela Raymakers, het hierdie jaar albei by die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) tougestaan om te registreer. Hoewel dit die eerste keer…
Mother-daughter duo ready for academic year
Mar 10, 2020 - They may be years apart, but mother and daughter share the same goal: to successfully complete their respective postgraduate qualifications during the 2020 academic year. This year saw Fatima De Abreu and her daughter, Michaela Raymakers, both fall in line to register at the North-West University (NWU). Although it is the first time that…