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Die oorlog in Oekraïne: ’n duur keerpunt
Mar 30, 2022 - Bertie Jacobs Die oorlog in die Oekraïne woed voort. Duisende is dood, miljoene is ontheem en die wêreld wag op ’n onseker uitkoms. Die konflik het talle gevolge op baie verskillende fronte gehad, en die kontinent waarop dit plaasvind, is nie onaangeraak gelaat nie. In ’n webinaar wat deur die Skool vir Owerheidstudies en lede van die Fokusarea…
NWU alumnus elected USSA Football chairperson
Apr 06, 2022 - Phenyo Mokgothu North-West University (NWU) Soccer Institute alumnus Kegoikantse “Machesa” Kgomo has recently been elected as chairperson of University Sports South Africa (USSA) Football for the 2022-2024 period. The election took place during the USSA Football biannual general meeting at the University of Pretoria Sports Centre. Machesa is…
Eagles hou halfeind-deur oop
Apr 07, 2022 - Bertie Jacobs Jinne, dit gaan verdeksels naby wees. Die NWU Eagles het Maandagaand 4 April in ʼn papsopnat Bloemfontein hulle uitspeelronde-hoop aan die brand gehou deur die CUT Ixias met 33–14 te klop. Dit was ʼn gepaste geskenk vir afrigter André Pretorius, wat die Eagles in sy vyftigste wedstryd gebrei het. Sy twee voormalige…
Eagles keep door to semi-finals open
Apr 07, 2022 - Bertie Jacobs Oh my goodness, it is going to be a very close call. On Monday evening, 4 April the Eagles kept their playoff hopes alive in a sopping wet Bloemfontein by beating the CUT Ixias by 33–14. This was a fitting gift to coach André Pretorius, who coached the Eagles in his fiftieth game. His two former Springbok teammates and fellow…
Livhuwani David Nemakonde
Jun 21, 2022 - Livhu is an Associate Professor in the School of Geo- and Spatial Sciences at North-West University in the Republic of South Africa. Livhuwani has been working in disaster risk reduction as an academic and a researcher since 2015. He holds a PhD in Public Management and Development from North-West University. The title of his thesis is “…
Lené Graupner
Jun 21, 2022 - Lené Graupner is a registered industrial psychologist and deputy director at the School of Industrial Psychology and Human Resource Management on the North-West University’s Potchefstroom Campus. Her career started in the South African Police Service (SAPS) where she was responsible for the management of the well-being of police personnel in the…
NWU vasberade om die kollig op geslagsgebaseerde geweld te laat val
Jun 21, 2022 - Die getalle spreek vanself: ’n baie groot getal vroue in Suid-Afrika leef in gevaar. Volgens ’n studie deur Statistieke Suid-Afrika het een uit vyf (21%) vroue met lewensmaats in hulle leeftyd al fisieke geweld deur ’n lewensmaat deurgemaak, en 6% het al seksuele geweld ervaar. Die voorkoms van fisieke geweld is die hoogste onder vroue in die Oos-…
NWU committed to putting gender-based violence in the spotlight
Jun 02, 2022 - The numbers speak for themselves: a vast number of women in South Africa are living in danger. According to a study by Statistics South Africa, one in five (21%) women with partners has experienced physical violence by a partner in their lifetime, and 6% have experienced sexual violence. The prevalence of physical violence is the highest among…