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Wiskunde en Toegepaste Wiskunde
Aug 04, 2022 - Wiskunde Op skoolvlak bestaan wiskunde uit algebra, meetkunde, analitiese meetkunde, trigonometrie en differensiaalrekening. Op universiteitsvlak word al die voorgenoemde afdelings in diepte bestudeer. Geen Fisika, Chemie, Ingenieurswese, Statistiek of Toegepaste Wiskunde student kan vordering binne die voorgenoemde vakke maak sonder…
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
Jan 12, 2022 - Mathematics Mathematics on school level comprises algebra, geometry, analytical geometry, trigonometry and differential calculus. All these divisions are studied more in-depth at university level. No student in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Statistics or Applied Mathematics can make progress in these subjects without a profound…
Oor ons
Sep 04, 2017 - Welkom by die Analitiese Platform Die Analitiese Platform by die Fokusarea vir Menslike Metabolomika, Noordwes-Universiteit, Potchefstroomkampus, Potchefstroom dien as 'n hulpbronaanbiedende analitiese en onderrigkundigheid in massaspektrometriese analise. Ons ondersteun 'n verskeidenheid dienste aan die…
Studente en gemeenskap vat hande om ekonomiese ontwikkeling te steun
Aug 29, 2017 - Die skep van ’n beter gemeenskap vereis spanwerk, vennootskappe en samewerking, met ’n groot groep ondersteuners wat saamwerk om ’n beter toekoms te bou. Volgens prof Danie Meyer, senior lektor in ekonomie op die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) se kampus in Vanderbijlpark, is dit die doel van die vennootskap tussen die NWU, die Vaal Local Economic…
Students and community take hands to champion economic development
Aug 29, 2017 - Creating a better community requires teamwork, partnerships and collaboration, with an army of champions working together to build a better tomorrow. This is the purpose of a partnership between the North-West University (NWU), the Vaal Local Economic Development (LED) Warriors and the community of Sharpeville, according to Prof Danie Meyer,…
More activities needed to promote early object control skills
Aug 29, 2017 - Under the guidance of physical education teachers, schoolgirls in South Africa should be exposed to more activities that promote early object control skills. This is one of the recommendations of a study conducted by Marilette Visagie in conjunction with Prof Anita Pienaar and Prof Dané Coetzee of the Physical Activity, Sport and Recreation (…
Dosent dra tot die wêreld se kennisskatte by
Aug 29, 2017 - Taal fassineer prof Bertus van Rooy, wat floreer op die ingewikkeldhede van menslike uitdrukking deur taal, en vir sy pogings het hy van B3 tot B2 in die Nasionale Navorsingstigting (NNS) se graderingstelsel gevorder. Bertus is ’n dosent in tale en direkteur van die navorsingsfokusarea met die naam Verstaan en Verwerking van Taal in Komplekse…
Lecturer contributes to the world’s knowledge treasures
Aug 29, 2017 - Language fascinates Prof Bertus van Rooy, who thrives on the intricacies of human expression through language and, for his efforts, has moved up from B3 to B2 in the National Research Foundation (NRF) rating system. Bertus is a lecturer in languages and director of the research focus area Understanding and Processing Language in Complex Settings…
Teaching the youth to create their own job opportunities
Aug 30, 2017 - During the first quarter of 2017 Stats SA revealed that South Africa’s unemployment rate is currently 27,7%. The North-West University (NWU), together with the Dr Kenneth Kaunda Resource Centre and Enactus NWU - an international non-profit organisation that brings together students, academics and business leaders - are doing their part in…
NWU hosts South African Veterinary Council
Aug 30, 2017 - The South African Veterinary Council (SAVC) visited the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Mahikeng to assess whether the training of animal health technicians offered by the university meets their minimum standards. During the five-day visit from 21 to 25 August 2017 Prof Dan Kgwadi, the vice-chancellor welcomed the delegates and…
Researcher receives top honour with Women in Science Award
Aug 30, 2017 - It has been a year of academic highlights for one of the North-West University’s (NWU’s) most prolific researchers with two high profile awards in just two months. Prof Alta Schutte of the Faculty of Health Sciences on the campus in Potchefstroom was honoured as a distinguished women researcher for her work in natural and engineering sciences…
NWU director for student life becomes part of Golden Key Society
Aug 31, 2017 - Prof Lumkile Lalendle, the North-West University’s (NWU’s) executive director for student life, was inducted into the Golden Key Honour Society during its induction ceremony on 25 August 2017on the campus in Mahikeng. Prof Lalendle was inducted alongside 291 new members. “We are proud to welcome Prof Lalendle to the Golden Key Honour…
Ligte, kamera, aksie! Tweede One Button Studio sien die lig
Sep 01, 2017 - Om ’n video op te neem, was nog nooit so maklik nie. ’n Tweede One Button Studio (OBS) is onlangs op ons kampus in Vanderbijlpark geopen om die gebruikersvriendelike dog baie moderne oudiovisuele toerusting binne bereik van elke student en personeellid te bring. Die One Button Studio is ’n vereenvoudigde, selfdiens- en geoutomatiseerde video-…
Lights, camera, action! Second one Button Studio is launched
Sep 01, 2017 - Recording a video has never been this easy. A second One Button Studio was recently opened on the NWU’s campus in Vanderbijlpark, bringing user-friendly yet state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment within reach of every student and staff member. The One Button Studio (OBS) is a simplified, self-service and automated video-recording setup that…
NWU recognised by Vaal business community
Sep 01, 2017 - The Golden Triangle Chamber of Commerce recently presented the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark with the Arcellor Freedom award for its positive contribution to the community. The campus was nominated by Arcellor Mittal who sponsored the award. Mr Herman Steyn, the director for NWU business enterprise and development…
City of Gold inspires much-anticipated NWU victory
Sep 01, 2017 - After slipping four places on the 2017 Varsity Football tournament due to their two consecutive lost games against the University of Western Cape and the Central University of Technology, the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Varsity Football team clinched their much-anticipated victory against the University of Johannesburg (UJ) in the sixth…
Rhino horn trade casting devastating spell
Sep 04, 2017 - Although rhino numbers have diminished at a shocking rate, there is a dearth of research into rhino horn consumers who drive demand. Why do consumers prefer rhino horn to other alternatives? In arguably the first study to investigate magical thinking in relation to the illicit consumption of rhino horn, in-depth interviews were conducted with…
The perfect economic storm: junk status and a recession to boot
Sep 04, 2017 - A perfect economic storm is brewing in South Africa and as a result business and consumers alike are bracing themselves for the consequent fall-out. This is according to Prof Danie Meyer, lecturer and researcher within the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences in Vanderbijlpark. At the eye of the storm you…
Radical economic change to put a stopper in financial decline
Sep 05, 2017 - With the South African economy currently grappling with the reality of low economic growth, a below investment grading, diminishing levels of investment confidence and political instability, all is not lost. This is according to Prof Danie Meyer, lecturer and researcher at the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Faculty of Economic and Management…