Population Studies and Demography - staff

Dr Boitshwarelo Ngake
Lecturer, Population Studies and Demography +27 18 389 2611 Mirriam.Ngake@nwu.ac.za A3 Building, I-Block, office , Mahikeng Ph.D in Population Studies Sexual and reproductive health
Miss Germinah Motshegwa
Lecturer +2718 389 2418 26311445@nwu.ac.za Building A3, Block B, Office G42, Mahikeng Master of Social Sciences in Population Studies and Sustainable Development Sexual and reproductive health
Mr Kagiso Phake
Lecturer, Population Studies and Demography +27 18 389 2670 21984417@nwu.ac.za Building A3 Block B office number 09, Mahikeng B.A Conservation Tourism and Sustainable Development; Honours Population Studies; Masters Population Studies. population policy and planning and migration studies
Dr Karabo Mhele
Senior Lecturer, Population Studies and Demography +27 18 389 2166 karabo.mhele@nwu.ac.za A3 building, Block B, Office no. G44, Mahikeng PhD in Population Studies Sexual and reproductive health
Dr Lungisile Shange
Lecturer +27183892871 lungisile.shange@nwu.ac.za Building A3, Block B, Office G11A, Mahikeng BSocSc. Psychology, BSocSc. Psychology Honours, Masters in Population Studies, PhD in Population studies Sexual and Reproductive Health
Prof Martin E. Palamuleni
Professor, Population Studies and Demography +27 18 389 2502 martin.palamuleni@nwu.ac.za Building A3- Block B, Office G46, Mahikeng BSc (Malawi), MSc, PhD (London) Demographic Analysis