Panel Members

Panel Discussion                           

A panel discussion with expert panel members will stimulate thinking and questions regarding the following theme and subthemes:

Challenges, opportunities and the voice of Humanities in a rapidly changing world

The panel members include:

  • Artificial Intelligence – Mrs Doris Viljoen
  • Conflicts and Violence threatening human rights in Africa – Prof Barend Prinsloo
  • Poverty and Human Rights in Africa – Me Niki Govender
  • Decolonisation – Prof Blessed Ngwenya
  • Democracy vs populism – Prof Piet Croucamp
  • The role of media in conflicts in Africa  - Prof Dumi Moyo

Challenges, opportunities and the voice of Humanities in a rapidly changing world


Prof Dumisani Moyo

Prof Dumisani Moyo

Topic: The role of media in conflicts in Africa

Mrs Doris Viljoen

Mrs Doris Viljoen

Topic: Artificial Intelligence

Prof Barend Prinsloo

Prof Barend Prinsloo

Topic: Conflicts and Violence threatening human rights in Africa

Niki Govender

Niki Govender

Topic: Poverty and Human Rights in Africa

Prof Blessed Ngwenya

Prof Blessed Ngwenya

Topic: Decolonisation

Prof Piet Croucamp

Prof Piet Croucamp

Topic: Democracy vs populism