Panel Members

Panel Discussion                           

A panel discussion with expert panel members will stimulate thinking and questions regarding the following theme and subthemes:

Challenges, opportunities and the voice of Humanities in a rapidly changing world

The panel members include:

  • Artificial Intelligence – Mrs Doris Viljoen
  • Conflicts and Violence threatening human rights in Africa – Prof Barend Prinsloo
  • Poverty and Human Rights in Africa – Me Niki Govender
  • Decolonisation – Prof Blessed Ngwenya
  • Democracy vs populism – Prof Piet Croucamp
  • The role of media in conflicts in Africa  - Prof Dumi Moyo

Challenges, opportunities and the voice of Humanities in a rapidly changing world


Prof Dumisani Moyo

Prof Dumisani Moyo

Topic: The role of media in conflicts in Africa

Mrs Doris Viljoen

Mrs Doris Viljoen

Topic: Artificial Intelligence

Prof Barend Prinsloo

Prof Barend Prinsloo

Topic: Conflicts and Violence threatening human rights in Africa

Niki Govender

Niki Govender

Topic: Poverty and Human Rights in Africa

Prof Blessed Ngwenya

Prof Blessed Ngwenya

Topic: Decolonisation

Prof Piet Croucamp

Prof Piet Croucamp

Topic: Democracy vs populism


Panel 2 discussion group


Mr Johan van Heerden

Mr Johan van Heerden

Topic: Financial crimes in general: Fraud investigations in the SA banking industry

Mr Willem Els

Mr Willem Els

Mr Richard Chelin

Mr Richard Chelin

Barend Prinsloo

Prof Barend Prinsloo

Prof Heath Grant

Prof Heath Grant

Prof Piet Croucamp

Mr John Melkon

Prof Pieter du Toit

Prof Pieter du Toit

Adv Adele Barnard

Adv Adele Barnard

Mr Sello Moerane

Mr Sello Moerane

Warrant Officer Wynand Olivier

Warrant Officer Wynand Olivier