Registration International Spring Week


Please take note

  • The full week attendance fee covers presentation/attendance, breakfast, lunch and refreshments, as well as a gala dinner on the Wednesday.  
  • The daily registration fee covers presentation/attendance, breakfast, lunch and refreshments as well as a gala dinner on the Wednesday. 
  • The registration fee excludes travelling, accommodation and dinners.



Registration fee

Registration fee for full Spring Week - 5 days


Registration per day




In the event that the spring week is cancelled due to unforeseen reasons, the Organising Committee takes no responsibility for traveling and accommodation expenses incurred.


Registration form

Please note that space is limited.

Personal Details
Account details for payment by an institution (Institution details)
Invoice address postal
Institution street address
Account details for payment by delegate
Postal address
Street address
Upload requirements
Registration details

Please take note

  • The full week attendance fee covers presentation/attendance, breakfast, lunch and refreshments, as well as a gala dinner on the Wednesday. 
  • The daily registration fee covers presentation/attendance, breakfast, lunch and refreshments as well as a gala dinner on the Wednesday.
  • The registration fee excludes travelling, accommodation and dinners.
Invoice Terms & Conditions

These terms and conditions are subject to the Signed Agreement and does not replace any part of the Agreement. Where a clause conflicts or appears to contradict the Agreement, the Agreement takes precedence.

  1. Nature of product or service rendered by the NWU - international spring week with conference theme: HUMANITIES HORIZONS: Navigating modernity and innovation
  2. The total VAT inclusive cost of the product or service rendered by the NWU as set out in paragraphs 1 payable to the NWU.
  3. Tax Invoices will be issued for the product or service as described above and the invoices is payable within 30 days after invoice date, unless otherwise stipulated.
  4. Interest on overdue amounts will be levied at a rate of 3% above the prime rate, calculated per annum.
  5. All parties to this agreement acknowledge that this agreement is irrevocable and that it constitutes a liquid document.
  6. The parties hereby consent to the jurisdiction of the magistrates’ court notwithstanding the capital amount involved.
  7. The partied agree that this agreement is held to be concluded at the place where the NWU concluded the agreement, notwithstanding the place where the credit receiver signed the agreement or where payment in terms of this agreement was affected or where the services in term of this agreement were rendered.
  8. The parties choose their respective domicilium citandi et executandi the addresses listed herein above.
  9. In the event that the customer refuses or neglects to make payment as set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 herein above, then the NWU will be entitled to claim the full outstanding amount from the customer. The NWU will also be entitled to claim costs on a scale as between attorney and client as set out in Rule 81 of Act 53 of 1979. All amounts collected will first be set off against legal costs, and then against interest, and lastly against the capital amount due.
  10. In the event that the person who signs on behalf of the credit receiver acts in a representative capacity, this person guarantees and warrants that he has the authority to bind the customer on whose behalf he concludes this agreement. Should the customer not fulfil its obligations in terms of this agreement, then the customer as well as the person who signed this agreement on behalf of the credit receiver is liable jointly and severally the one to pay the other to be absolved for the debt owed to the NWU.