Administrative staff

Ms Analize Kruger
Administrative Assistant, School of Languages +27 18 299 1504 Building E9 - 109, Potchefstroom
Ms Christine van Aardt
Administrative Officer +27 16 910 3463 Building 31 - G03, Vanderbijlpark Business College Administration
Dr Gordon Matthew
Research Technologist +27 16 910 3496 Building A13, Office 221, Vanderbijlpark BSc in IT, PhD in Linguistics and Literary Theory, MA in Linguistics and Literary Theory, BA in Language Technology Eye-Tracking, Subtitling and Cognitive Load
Prof Ian Bekker
Professor 018 299 1487 Building E9, Room 225, Potchefstroom PhD Sociophonetics
Mr Jacques McDermid Heyns
Manager of Vanderbiljpark Campus Writing Centre 016 910 3030 Building A14 (Library), Room SL331A, Vanderbijlpark BA Language Technology, MA Applied Positive Psychology Teaching and learning of academic writingDr Karien Redelinghuys
Senior Lecturer 016 910 3508 Building A15 - 102, Vanderbijlpark BA, BA Hons, MA in Language Practice (NWU); PhD Linguistics and Literary Studies, Cotutelle (NWU and Macquarie University) Translation studies, academic literacy, corpus linguistics
Mrs Kobie van Aswegen
Administrative Assistant +27 18 299 1783 Building E9, Office G06, Potchefstroom BA (Communication)
Dr Kristien Andrianatos
Senior Lecturer 018 299 4947 PhD in Education with a focus on curriculum design applied linguistics with a focus on digital artifact development.
Mrs Leischa Lazenby
Senior Administrative Assistant +27 18 299 1551 Building E9-210, Potchefstroom
Mrs. Lizelle Fourie
Administrative Assistant +27 18 299 1503 Building E9-109, Potchefstroom
Dr Malephole Masekake Philomena Sefotho
Senior Lecturer 018 389 2845 Building A3-118, Mahikeng PhD in Applied Linguistics Multi/bilingualism, translingual & , bilingual reading
Dr Mari-Leigh Pienaar
Lecturer +27 16 910 3506 Building A13, Office 213, Vanderbijlpark BA, BA Hons (Language Practice), MA (Afrikaans & Dutch), PhD (Linguistics & Literary Theory) Language use in higher education, practical editing & translation
Ms Marianne Mathee
Lecturer +27 18 389 2113 Building A3, Block B, Office 117, Mahikeng PhD Multimodality; Literacy; Self-directed learning
Dr Maricel Botha
Senior Lecturer +27 18 285 2648 Building F4 – Room 109, Potchefstroom BA (Languages), BHons (Translation and Professional Writing), MA (Translation), D. Litt. et Phil. (Applied Linguistics and Literary Theory). Power and ideology in translation
Dr Maristi Partridge
Senior Lecturer +27 16 910 3461 Building A15-104, Vanderbijlpark BA, BAHons, MA, PhD Linguistics, Corpus Linguistics, World Englishes
Ms Nina Brink
Lecturer +27 18 299 1486 Building E9 - 237, Potchefstroom BA in Communication; BA HONS in Afrikaans and Dutch; MA in Afrikaans and Dutch Afrikaans Descriptive and Applied Linguistics; Child Language Acquisition; Cognitive Linguistics
Mr Thabo Ndaba
Junior Lecturer +27 16 910 3171 Building A15 Office 101, Vanderbijlpark BA Honours in Applied Linguistics and Literature Theory (UJ), MA Applied Linguistics – in progress