Afrikaans and Dutch - staff

Prof Adri Breed
Deputy Director: School of Language (PC) +27 18 299 1563 Building E9 - 208, Potchefstroom PhD, MA, BA Hons, B.Th BBk Afrikaans descriptive linguistics (Syntax and semantics)
Prof Gerhard van Huyssteen
Professor of Afrikaans and Dutch Linguistics +27 82 562 4814 Building E9 - 106, Potchefstroom BA; BA Hons; MA (UP); PhD (NWU) Afrikaans Linguistics (Morphology); Cognitive and Construction Grammar; Language Technology
Dr Ilse de Korte
Deputy Director, School of Languages +27 16 910 3472 Building 7 - 212, Vanderbijlpark Hons, MA, PhD (UCT) Afrikaans and Dutch Literature and literary theory
Dr Janien Linde
Lecturer of Afrikaans and Dutch Literature +27 18 299 1491 Building E9 - 241, Potchefstroom BA; BA Hons; MA; PhD (NWU) Afrikaans and Dutch literature; Marlene van Niekerk; Modernity; Performativity; Relationality; Transnationalism
Prof Johanita Kirsten
Associate Professor +27 16 910 3474 Building A11, Office 107, Vanderbijlpark BA; BA Hons; MA; PhD Afrikaans Historical Linguistics, corpus linguistics and Sociolinguistics
Dr Mari-Leigh Pienaar
Lecturer +27 16 910 3506 Building A13, Office 213, Vanderbijlpark BA, BA Hons (Language Practice), MA (Afrikaans & Dutch), PhD (Linguistics & Literary Theory) Language use in higher education, practical editing & translation
Ms Monique Rabe
Lecturer +27 18 2852695 Building E9-240, Potchefstroom MA in Linguistics and Literary Theory (2021; cum laude); BA Honours in Afrikaans and Dutch (2018; cum laude); BA in Language and Literary Studies (2017; cum laude) Afrikaans Linguistics; Cognitive and Construction Grammar
Ms Nina Brink
Lecturer +27 18 299 1486 Building E9 - 237, Potchefstroom BA in Communication; BA HONS in Afrikaans and Dutch; MA in Afrikaans and Dutch Afrikaans Descriptive and Applied Linguistics; Child Language Acquisition; Cognitive Linguistics
Prof Phil van Schalkwyk
Professor of Afrikaans and Dutch Literature +27 18 299 1492 Building E9 - 234, Potchefstroom BA; BA Hons; MA; PhD (NWU) Comparative Literature; Literary Theory; Afrikaans and Dutch Poetry and Prose