Setswana - staff

Ms Ansu Berg
Lecturer of Setswana (Third language) +27 18 299 1540 Building E9 - G20, Potchefstroom BA; BA Hons; MA (PU for CHE) Morphology and Syntax of Setswana
Dr Eileen Pooe
Senior Lecturer +27 18 389 2347 Base building,B161, Mahikeng MA Literature, Translation and Interpreting
Dr Kgomotso Theledi
Lecturer +27 18 389 2229 ADC Block B, office no.159, Mahikeng PTD, B.A(Hons), MA and PhD Teaching Setswana, translating and transcribing in Setswana
Ms Molly Phakedi
Lecturer of Setswana +27 18 299 1562 Building E9 - G22, Potchefstroom BA; BA (Ed) (UNIBO); BA Hons (PU for CHE) Setswana as Mother Tongue Language
Mr Oageng Tsheole
Junior Lecturer +27 18 389 2196 Adc, B141, Mahikeng BA Honours in Translation and Interpreting Literature, Translation and Interpreting
Mr Onalenna Leburu
Lecturer 0183892226 A3 Building, Block B, Office 114, Mahikeng M.A. in Setswana Linguistics, Translation and Interpreting
Ms Reoikantse Shuping
Junior Lecturer Building A3, Block B. Office 113, Mahikeng Master of Arts in Setswana Teaching Setswana (Linguistics, Translating & Transcribing in Setswana)