The general aim of the qualification is to combine three subject groups, namely languages, social sciences and philosophy, into a broad humanities programme. This combination allows for a wide choice of subjects in the humanities, but all the subjects are still related to one other. In addition to your main subject or major, you must take a language module, a social science module and a philosophy module in your first year (this is applicable in both the first and second semesters). Please note that your second-year module choices are determined by your first-year choices and that your third-year module choices are determined by your second-year module choices (i.e. modules follow from the first year to the second year, and from the second year to the third year). You must, therefore, ensure continuity between semesters and year levels for specific modules.
Core subjects
- Afrikaans and Dutch (PC, VC)
- English (PC, VC)
- French (PC, VC)
- Geography (PC, VC)
- German (PC)
- History (PC, VC)
- History of Art (PC)
- Latin (PC)
- Philosophy (PC, VC)
- Politics (PC, VC)
- Psychology (PC, VC)
- Sesotho (VC)
- Setswana (PC)
- Social Anthropology (PC)
- Sociology (PC, VC)
See the yearbook for more details.
Degree options
Bachelor of Arts in Humanities
- This is a 3 year, full-time course
- Offered on the Potchefstroom (PC) & Vanderbijlpark (VC) Campuses
Admission requirements
APS count of 24 (The APS Calculator can assist in working out your APS score).
Career opportunities
- Linguistics
- Law
- Education
- Journalism
- Political studies
- Psychology
- Personnel management
- Economics
- Environmental studies
- Computer science