Afrikaanse SkryfGoed 6
CTexT’s Afrikaanse SkryfGoed is the only collection of four Afrikaans proofing tools for Microsoft® Office, and can assist with the following:
Improve your spelling: Afrikaans Spelling Checker
As the only so-called second-generation spelling checker for Afrikaans, the Spelling Checker is the most advanced Afrikaans proofing tool. This means that it applies complex processes like morphological analysis to evaluate words instead of merely comparing them to the entries in a word list.
Improve your language usage: Afrikaans Grammar Checker
Unlike a spelling checker, a grammar checker deals with more than just spelling. CTexT®s Afrikaans Grammar Checker is the first Afrikaans proofing tool for Microsoft® Office that evaluates the language used in a text, based upon the rules and conventions of the language.
Improve your choice of words: Afrikaans Thesaurus
Freshen up your writing with synonyms for close to 80 000 words. The Thesaurus makes it easier to look up words and recognises related terms.
Improve your page layout: Afrikaans Hyphenator
This useful tool helps you hyphenate words correctly at the end of a line.
For more information on how to purchase Afrikaanse SkryfGoed 6

Spelling Checkers
for South African languages
The integration of nine spelling checkers and hyphenators for South African languages which consists of: isiNdebele, isiXhosa, isiZulu, Sesotho, Sesotho sa Leboa, Setswana, Siswati, Tshivenḓa and Xitsonga.
These spelling checkers are for use with Microsoft® Office 365, Microsoft® Office 2019 or Microsoft® Office 2016. Installation is easy and telephonic support is available. Extended research by the CTexT® at the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus) ensures that spell checking and hyphenation occur effortlessly within the parameters of the standard written variant of each language.