Keyboard Skills

Keyboard Skills


Diploma in Music

Students in the Diploma in Music study the attributes of the piano, the correct positioning at the piano, basic playing actions and improvised accompaniment of multicultural songs. This ensures that students are aware of the diversity of styles and compositions learnt throughout the year.

Students are also encouraged to compose their own songs and compositions, and perform them as an ensemble in the much anticipated annual Keyboard Skills Concert, which includes first, second and third year students. Students therefore get the opportunity to play as a soloist or as part of an ensemble.

These modules that cover the span of three years in the Diploma in Music programme, increase in difficulty and challenge the students while equipping them with essential skills to make them outstanding musicians.

For further information about Keyboard Skills in the Diploma in Music programme at the School of Music, please contact Prof Tinus Botha | Ms Jana Mathee.


BA Music & Society

Students in the BA Music & Society programme explore various contexts in which they can function as keyboard players. In doing so, students develop basic keyboard technique, and develop their keyboard playing skills.

We work on basic knowledge and informed understanding of the relationship between the self and the keyboard instrument, the correct positioning at the keyboard instrument, and basic playing actions. While doing this, students develop the ability to communicate effectively in a variety of performing and teaching formats to diverse audiences and for various purposes, specifically in order to function as a keyboard player in real-life musical contexts, especially in ensemble playing.

Throughout the year we work as an ensemble to apply insights into piano keyboard technique and music rudiments in order to, for example, improvise accompaniment to multicultural songs (also while singing), and we design educational games that develop technique and can become a part of teaching events. Students also create games and group compositions in any style together with other students.

This module develops the ability to operate as part of an ensemble and of a teaching team and to make appropriate contributions to successfully complete performances of music, and teaching events related to the playing of keyboard instruments. Students are encouraged to take co-responsibility for learning progress and the realization of the ideals of the group of musicians in this module.

For further information about Keyboard Skills in the BA Music & Society programme at the School of Music, please contact Ms Jana Mathee.