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Yuhl N. Headman was born in Cape Town, Kwalanga. He trained at the UCT School of Dance, where he earned his Dance Teachers and Performance Diploma in 2004. He furthered his studies at Wits University, completing a PDGA in Arts, Culture, and Heritage Management in 2015. Yuhl performed with several companies, including The Forgotten Angle Collaborative and Moving into Dance. He toured Europe with Artscape Opera as an assistant choreographer and dancer in Treemonisha and other opera productions.
Yuhl has toured globally with various works, including those he choreographed and directed. He was a performer and dancer in AFCON 2012 and the FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010. He served as an assistant choreographer for Big Brother Africa Revolution in 2009. In 2011, he joined Sibikwa Arts Dance Company as a company manager/administrator and dancer in numerous projects run by Sibikwa Arts Centre, including The Artist in School Programme and Saturday Arts Academy. He has choreographed works with Sibikwa, such as Internal Finding I…AM, Internal Findings Kwentaba, and Ndihambile.
Yuhl has also worked as a front of house manager at Wits Theatre, mentoring programmes manager at Butterfly Arts Project, and senior administrator at IMBEWU Arts Festival. Additionally, he has freelanced as an arts manager, project manager, and programmes manager for various festivals, projects, and NGOs. Yuhl joined the NWU School of Music in 2024 as the concert administrative assistant.