

Photo of Dr Yvonne-Marie Brand

Dr Yvonne-Marié Brand
(higher brass)


Photo of Mr Justin Sasman

Mr Justin Sasman
(lower brass)

The Brass division was established within the NWU School of Music in July 2013 when the first full time lecturer was appointed. Since 2015, it has grown into one of the biggest brass divisions at university music schools in the country and a second full time lecturer was subsequently appointed. The first brass students graduated in March 2016.

Although brass players are known for being laid back, one will always be able to hear someone practising his/her brass instrument at the Conservatory late at night or over the weekends. Brass students participate in the very popular Pioneer Brass, the Wind Ensemble as well as the Big Band, all of which perform on a regular basis.

For further information about Brass instrument performance at the School of Music, please contact any of the lecturers: Dr Yvonne-Marié Brand (higher brass) | Mr Justin Sasman (lower brass).